Let's List the Happys

I'm having technical difficulties today, sigh.  This is the runner up photo instead of a photo that I'd love to share but because of whatever reason, you just cannot see it today :)

What makes me happy:

-the sun has been shining more often than not this week
-the snow is so melted and condensed I can walk on it without sinking
-the birds are singing joyfully today not knowing cold
-I still have one bar of "good" chocolate left
-finally I'm casting of the body of the sweater, it's been a long time coming
-getting mail and sending mail
-my haircut
-friendships forged through the blogging community
-the rabbit hole of ravelry :)
-stretching grilled chicken into three separate meals-(read that as not cooking!)
-discovering that chicken salad is fabulous with sweet red peppers as well as celery
-dried apricots
-crossing items off of my to do list

Have a lovely weekend :)


  1. I made a chicken last three meals too and my Mike was able to eat chicken salad for lunch two days in a row, he loved it.
    I am so thankful for the friendships made from this on- line world, it makes the world so much smaller and my world so much larger!
    I have been thinking about your haircut all week and really want to make an appointment at the salon.
    I hope your weekend is a great on Karen and happy knitting.

  2. Another vote here for cooking chicken once and eating several meals from it. I'm veggie, but the chicken I cooked yesterday means several meals for my husband that I don't have to cook :)

  3. Sunshine would be at the top of my happy list too. Enjoy your weekend, Karen!

  4. Great things to be thankful for. My list includes a little warmth!

  5. Such a nice list! I am grateful for having "met" so many wonderful, like minded people through this blogging world, too. Lots to be thankful for! Have a great weekend!

  6. I love your happy list! Most of our snow is gone but I'm hearing a dirty rumor that more is to come on Monday. Not sure if that will make my happy list. Have a great weekend Karen!

  7. Sunshine is at the top of my list, just wish it would bring a little warmth with it too. Great list Karen. Have the most wonderful weekend.

  8. i love chicken salad. love. with almonds. with grapes (red). yum!

  9. You too! We are finally getting some major rain here! Good weekend weather for hibernating and crafting!

  10. what a sweet list, my dear!
    have a great weekend Karen.


  11. Yes, me too love the friendships thru blogging!
    Haircuts- tres important. Love dried apricots.

    Ice cream
    warm cozy bed- when it is storming outside
    a good book that does not wan to be put down

    happy weekend Karen

  12. got a haircut today, too!!! :) and figuring out my vintage problem and starting a new food adventure…..happy happy happy!!! have a great weekend, karen!

  13. Have a fun weekend; it's sunny here, too!

  14. I love your list of happys. It reminds me to focus on them. I think I'll focus on my knitting this weekend. I'll try to break some bread and maybe take my son to the movies. I promise to exercise and get my heart rate going for 60 minutes on Sunday. Your chicken salad love reminds me of my Pesto orzo salad happiness. One box of orzo, some pesto sauce from the fridge section in the market, some chopped veggies, makes a week of happiness either with some protein :sauteed/grilled prawns, chicken or even on it's own. :)

  15. love your list karen, i hope the sun keeps shining for you :)

  16. Sounds like a good week. Thanks for inspiring us all focus on what is going right! Have a good weekend.

  17. Lovely list Karen, I managed to stretch a chicken too this weekend. I roasted one on saturday instead on sunday as ahmad was tutoring in london. I made chicken and mushroom pot pies on sunday. One for our supper and one to freeze. There is still some left over for salad or sandwiches. It's amazing how good it feels to make it last so long. Amazing too how good a hair cut can make you feel.
    I wonder if you still have the bar of 'good chocolate.'

  18. What a great list of happies. :-) My favorite chicken salad includes chopped celery, red onion, red bell pepper, greek yogurt, lemon and salt and pepper. Fast, easy, tasty. Sprinkle on some chopped nuts if you feel like it. And I've been on an apricot jag too. Maybe it's the time of year...


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