Buttons, Shamrocks, and Yoga

Today is going to be a button search day.  The sweater is off the needles, ends have been buried and now to find THE buttons for the cardigan.  Hopefully photos next week!! I finished the buttons bands during some rather intensive Dr Who viewing.  I'll be sad when I'm caught up to the current season but so far I have two more to go so my mourning is for the future (just like Dr. Who!).  

The day after St. Patrick's day, the grocery store clearanced out all the unwanted shamrock plants for 99 cents......Yes please!  Looking at this orphan makes for a beautiful day.

I've been diligently walking every day with Frodo.  Trying to change my sedentary life to a lightly active life.  So far this week, I've succeeded.  Also, early in the morning I've squeezed in some yoga time.  Who knew sitting and knitting could lead to rigid muscles.  However, each day I chant to myself, you can do this, this is good for you.  I must say that I still feel young in my mind but my body doesn't match.

I am grateful for being able to walk and stretch and greet each new day.  And that is what it is all about.
Spring time is my time to refocus, renew and embrace better eating habits, enjoying the outside after a hibernation period and feeling hopeful.

Have a lovely weekend :)


  1. Love this cheery post! :) I will be knitting the button band on my sweater in a few days, while watching Dr. Who as well.

  2. You are in for a fun day I think, I love looking for just the right buttons, to me they are little works of art.

    I wish I knew you wanted shamrocks, I would have dug some up and sent them your way, they have taken over the side of my yard. Now I remember why we named the road Cloverdale!

    I haven't been too good at getting my exercise, I use the excuse it's raining and the roads are muddy, but truth be told I really just want to stay inside and knit. I am not digging this aging thing at all.

    Have a great first weekend of spring Karen.

  3. I had a clearance shamrock for the longest time - I think the boys ended up pulling it up, bit by bit, by the roots. :( I was hoping to get another this year but haven't been in a store yet this week to see if there are any left.
    I love yoga but am so tired by the time my helpers are asleep that I tend to just laze on the couch. Maybe I'll see if Littler wants to do some robot yoga this morning and I'll join him.

  4. I love button shopping. I have a collection of vintage buttons, some from my grandmother and others found at the antique malls. Can't wait to see what you find.

  5. Karen, I haven't thought to look for a shamrock plant at the store. I will keep my eyes open. I love buttons! :-)

  6. That looks like it is going to be a gorgeous sweater. Hope you find just the right buttons.

  7. Oh no, you will have to mourn the departure of Matt Smith's doctor ... I haven't gotten over that yet.

    Good luck on your button hunt! :)

  8. Love the touch of color on your sweater! How'd you do it? My shamrock is very old; each winter it lives in the garage until spring. Have fun on your button hunt!

  9. Never mind the cover art, the colour of your lovely cardigan screams 'Spring'. Good luck with the button hunt ... it can be so hard finding just the right ones, can't it.

  10. I need to stretch .. .. I really do . especially my neck. You are inspiring me.
    Love the oxalis

  11. Beautiful cardi! I'm right there with you on stretching rigid muscles and moving more. My post-surgical arm stiffens right up if I skip my exercises -- good reason to get going again. I'm dreaming of the day I can start yoga and lift both my hands way up to the sky. :-) Enjoy those long walks.

  12. Yay! I hope you find the perfect buttons for your beautiful cardigan--I know you will! Ditto to walking, stretching, and renewing a more active lifestyle with the new season. I loved the photos in this post...the knitted basket of knitted eggs and that lush, green, shamrock fill me with a springtime feeling. : )

  13. The sweater looks great, I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of buttons you'll pick for it. Hope your weekend is fabulous!

  14. Oh your sweater is looking awesome!

  15. I love the Shamrock plant. So fun. The sweater looks really great. Good for you for walking and doing yoga. Have a great weekend.

  16. Enjoy the button hunting! Happy weekend.

  17. aw, sounds so familiar karen, finding the balance between exercise and sitting and knitting! have fun finding the just right buttons!

  18. hope you tracked down those buttons. the sweater is looking great!!!!

  19. Glad you are finding some balance.
    I have to remind myself to move, stretch, walk, run- I've gotten better about it this year.
    Sewing, knitting, typing, riding in the car...all of it! Bad! : )

  20. We always go to the clearance flower/plant bin at our market. It's right next to the pharmacy so I'm there a lot. It's nice to have flowers on the table during the winter.

    I should watch Dr. Who since I'm knitting the scarf. I've never seen an episode. If I had, I might not have committed to make a 12 foot long scarf!

  21. The Shamrock plant was such a happy treat! =) As soon as things settle down with the remodel and we finally get moved in and settled (dreaming here), I am going to start walking and doing some yoga, too. I saw a sign that said, "Sitting: the new smoking." Really hit home. I thought (pre-move) I am a three-packer with my knitting! Anyway, my hat's off to you for a successful week of moving (in a good way). ;) Keep up the good work. I love that sweater and can't wait to see the buttons you choose. blessings ~ tanna

  22. love the shamrock


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