Changes, Beginnings and Stages

The time change was welcomed by me joyously, after dinner walks have been resumed and sorely missed through this cold winter.  Earlier this week, the temperatures teased and taunted with warm breezes and heavy coat-free living.  Oh how those mild days were short lived.  The cold has returned, yesterday was so brutal after a glimpse of what is to come.  However, in my heart I know the seasons are changing and I'm ready to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring.  Are you?

My house of three is now a house of four, there is more clutter and mess adorning my coffee table and the foyer-the landing places of all belongings.  For the next three days, the whole family is together-it's nice to slip back into the old routine and fullness of life.  I do enjoy the overlap of two spring breaks, I enjoy the one on one time with each child and having everyone together.

I never imagined how it would be to have adult children, but it's a lovely stage of parenthood.  I see adults and conversations are mature but there are hints of their childhood youth.  A smile, a joke and I can see their beginnings.  I wonder if my parents looked at me that way-and my grandmother to her children? And so life goes on.

We are at the cusp of new beginnings once again in our family.  With the new beginnings, I will be letting go a little bit more with each child.  Embracing a house of two more often than not.  I see more weekend trips visiting new places and old.  I am excited for their new beginnings and remember when I embarked on my future all those years ago.

Have a great weekend my friends :)


  1. I was not thrilled with the time change. I wish the time would stay one way or the other, it will take me six months to get back on schedule.

    I have to say that I love having adult children. I really like the people my babies grew into and they are fun to be around. I do wish I saw them all more often, but they have lives to live so I take what I can get and soak them all in when they are here. Enjoy your weekend Karen with the whole family together.
    PS- love your socks, I finished mine too. :)

  2. It's great that the timing worked out so well. Enjoy the whole family bit and the exciting changes ahead. I love when our children become friends as well as our son or daughter. It's the best thing.
    Have fun.

  3. As much as I love the longer days, I do not like the time change. It seems to take us weeks to adjust to it every time... :-( We are getting a glimpse of what it will be like to have adult children. Our oldest turns 16 in two weeks and our youngest will be 14 soon. More and more they do their own thing, which shows us what our future will look like. Exciting times for all. :-)

  4. I love the extra light at night as well and if the temps ever get above freezing I will be resuming my walks/jogs as well......I am just entering this season of older kids leaving the nest and it is such a big adjustment! More for me then them!! But we raise them up to send them off right? So I guess it is unavoidable! Your socks look great!! Enjoy the time with your babies!!

  5. Enjoy! I love the time I get to spend with my family now that my brother and I are adults. And I'm pretty sure as crazy as it is with three little kids that my parents (especially my mom) love when they get to have us all around. (Not to wish away the time I have now) I'm looking forward to the same thing with my own kids.

  6. I have adjusted to the time change but this cold snap is not agreeing with me. I never thought I would like this "adult child" phase as much as I do. While my daughter is younger than yours it's nice to have adult conversations with her and her friends. And it's different for me and hubby. Much more time to do whatever we want!

  7. I so know what you mean about parenting young adults. My children have become people I'm pleased to know and so happy to spend time with. But I'm not adapting well to being middle aged, somewhere inside I guess I'm still 21! Do we ever really grow up I wonder, or do we just keep adding layers, year by year, to the adults we became?

  8. I love your springy socks and it sounds like you have the perfect Spring Break configuration with both together and one on one time. I'm gradually adjusting to our adult children phase bit by bit. The big beginning happened last summer when Older Son moved 1700 miles away, but he loves it and I love visiting. Younger Son will be graduating from college next year so I know there are more big changes in the future. Enjoy them all!

  9. Be excited for your new beginnings too! What do you want to be when you grow up? x

  10. A really lovely post and perspective on parenting older children and being a parent to adult children. I often wonder what the future holds for us as we embark on parenting but it is nice to hear that life only gets sweeter with time. Happy Weekend.

  11. You have the BEST attitude about being a parent of adults! I have to love watching my own grown 's adventures! so exciting for them.
    I love your finished knit at the top of the the colors of spring

  12. This is a wonderful stage of life and parenthood. We can enjoy the fruit of our labor! I love just sitting and talking with my kids. Nowhere near as many arguments! :-)

  13. I enjoy the extra daylight too and am waiting for a little consistency in the spring weather. Soon, I hope. Love those socks!

  14. We are enjoying the extra evening light, after dinner walks are being fully enjoyed! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with adult children, it sounds so wonderful. Happy weekend Karen.

  15. so good to see your children successfully moving into responsible adulthood....what we brought them into this world to do!!!! (It's always good, though, to have them breeze through the house every now and then!!!!) Do enjoy this weekend...rather unspringlike here!!!

  16. I am ready for spring!
    having adult children seems to far away for me... but I know that it will go by in the blink of an eye. So good to know that you are enjoying it!

  17. Love your socks! I've been enjoying the sun coming up earlier here, perfect for coffee and knitting on the patio before work.

  18. sweet thoughts on grown children karen, i feel much the same. and LOVE LOVE LOVE the time change. i work and now when i get off its STILL LIGHT!! hip hip hooray!!

  19. I love how you move forward always with such positivity. Some people get so depressed when their kids leave home, but it's a natural stage. I hope that I parent well enough to be sending 2 happy healthy someday kids (adults) out there who like to come home and visit.

  20. This sounds so lovely! My mom and my aunt were just here last week, and it is such a pleasure to be an adult child, just as I am sure it is to be a parent of an adult child:) We too are very gleeful about daylight savings time! I hope the warm weather comes to stay soon!

  21. Thanks for this lovely, positive post. My experience with adult children has been a mixture of happiness and heartbreak - but the future holds much promise and God is always good. I do have seven (counting the one coming this summer) grandchildren and they are a joy in my life, and I do thank God for all four of my children. They are smart, healthy, strong and responsible so what more could I ask for? Have a great Sunday!

  22. Luckily I've got a few years to go before I have to experience the letting go to college and life stage. Glad you've got some time with them right now.

  23. Great socks! So springy looking. I, too, am enjoying the longer days. Winter is very dark here.

  24. Reading this makes me excited for the next stage of life here -- we are soon to be empty nesters. The kid wants to go to college far away, but I keep picturing her near enough to come home once a month, so we can have times just as you've described.


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