Currently on the Needles

Last Wednesday, many of you informed me through commenting that the book I'm reading is good.  Well so far you are right-I'm enjoying the way this book is written and I continue to wonder what will happen next.  I can understand the clique attitude of women that the author portrays clearly, however I'm at a loss in understanding the corporate environment, not my lifestyle.  However, this is a fantastic book, the author is witty and creative.

My knitting....oh I have been so busy these days.  I finished my cardigan and posted about it here.  I've added the third color to my color affection shawl-love the garter stitch and moseying about the rows.  If you haven't knit this shawl you should.  If you've knit it once, you should knit it twice.  I am loving how the shawl is growing in the lace weight yarn :)  My other knitting is the scarf that I started quite a bit ago. The pattern is committed to memory and it's comforting to pick up and knit then put down.

how's your knitting this week?  Any good books to be read?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. I loved knitting color affection, too---and I've done it twice, but gifted both of them. Think it's time to do another---for me???? :)

  2. I haven't knit color affection even once so I guess I need to cast on. I need three colors?

  3. I have not yet knitted the color affection shawl, but it's on my must knit list. Right now I'm just really trying to be good and not buy any new yarn. ;-)

  4. Your sweater came out so pretty. It looks great on you Karen. I can't wait to knit another Color Affection. I think I will end up buying the yarn at the fiber festival next month - as much as I wanted to use stash yarn I don't have the colors I'm looking for.

  5. Wow, look at all that knitting! The color you're using for your shawl is really pretty! Lace weight knitting sounds super overwhelming to me at the moment so my lace shawl is sitting untouched for weeks and I am working on simple toddler/baby garments. I might have to see if I can get that book from the library after seeing all the rave reviews here last week!

  6. Your sweater is beautiful! I've had Color Affection queued for a long time now. One of these days I will get to it! I haven't been doing too much knitting these days. Just a little here and there. I've been reading and writing lots....I have to pick how I want to spend my "down" time and that's what I've been doing with it lately!

  7. I have colour affection queued and the wool all wound up ready to go for too long, I need to get it done this summer! I'm always looking for new books, thanks for the recommendation :)

  8. I so have to knit a color affection. I've liked it ever since I first saw it and it's *everywhere* now and each time I see it I love it more. Your sweater is gorgeous too. :)

  9. I hadn't seen Color Affection before, so I am off to check that out. It looks like your knitting is coming along beautifully.

  10. Your cardigan is so cute....I do wish we could see more of your face in the photos :)
    I would like to give the color affection shawl a try, but not in lace weight. That would take me forever to knit.

  11. Love the way your cardigan turned out.

    I actually acquired a Color Affection shawl from a knitting friend and love mine.

  12. Oh I love that purple scarf! So lovely...

    (And I second Darcel's comment - I wish we saw more of you in your photos. :) ) xo

  13. I've not heard of this book, but might have to check it out for vacation. Although I know what you mean about the corporate lifestyle. Your new projects look exciting!

  14. I haven;t heard of this book either will go book mark it on goodreads - thanks! Your shawl does look beautiful I flicked over to your link - love the way the colours swirl

  15. Your cardi is lovely- as always you pick such beautiful patterns and I really like your color choice. Have fun reading!

  16. carole knits did a ten on tuesday on books this week. Lots to check out. Glad you like the book I sent on tape to a fellow blogger in a swap.
    Dad is Fat is a funny comedian's book I just read

  17. Your cardigan is beautiful. I love the colors of your shawl and your scarf. I am partial to purple. It is always so nice to be able to pick up a knit and not need to look at the pattern constantly.

  18. You have a great sense of color!!!

  19. I think I need to add color affection to my queue... But then again I want to knit something light and lacey for myself... And then there are all the projects already planned and/or on needles... This is how I get into trouble!

  20. I had to start a Color Affection of my own when I saw the first post about yours. I'm just into the third color too.

  21. I always love to see what you have on the needles.Color Affection is one of my favorite shawls--I definitely want to knit one someday. Your scarf is coming along so well--gorgeous color; I love purple. I'm just finishing up War and Peace. Tthen I'm going to read a whole bunch of *short* trashy commercial novels. ; )

  22. What a beautifully rich purple shawl. Gorgeous! I'm reading the newest Amy Tan book.

  23. Pretty scarf. I like the idea of colour affection in lace weight and your colours are perfect.
    I am easily influenced by book covers and think this one would attract my attention good to hear you are enjoying it.

  24. Ok. I'm putting this book in my o read queue!

  25. Boy, you are moving right along on CA and in great colors, too. Mine is languishing and you're inspiring me to get it out. I like your purple scarf also. Glad you're enjoying the book; I did, too,but I don't think she likes living Seattle all that much, or at least Bernadette doesn't. Our book club just finished Light between Oceans. It's great for discussions.

  26. So pretty! I've had a couple of people recommend Where'd You Go to me but I have yet to pick a copy up. It must be good though, as no one has had much negative to say about it!

  27. LOVE your Color Affection choices, Karen. That is going to be so elegantly beautiful!! It IS a great pattern, too. blessings ~ tanna

  28. Oh your Colour Affection is going to be so very beautiful. I love the colours you have chosen. A comforting garter stitch project is always so important.
    Sending love for a wonderful week ahead.

  29. Adding that shawl to my to knit list :) Thanks!

  30. I'll have to add that book to my list!

  31. Loving your shawl. Oh and 3 good avocados, that is something. They are so hard to determine from the outside, what you will be greeted by on the inside! I’ve not done much knitting, but I am reading A Midwive’s Tale by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. It’s based on a diary written by Martha Ballard from the years 1785-1812. I have read it before, but came across it recently while having a book cull and decided it was worth another read. Hope you have a great week ahead. Jacinta


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