Early in the Day

I wake around 5 a.m.  without an alarm mostly because it's my me time, the time I spend alone, with everyone sleeping away.  My gram would rise early in the morning, and I would sleep lightly and listen to her stirrings.  She was a morning person as well.  She blamed it on working in a factory all her life but I think she liked that quiet part of the day with a cup of hot coffee in her hands.  She would do her prayers and now that I'm older that's when the praying is the best.

My mom was NOT a morning person.  As soon as I was tall enough to reach the cereal and the milk, I was on my own in the mornings.  While in high school, I would wake her as I left for the bus in the morning around seven.  On the weekends, there was an unwritten law to not speak to her until she put her glasses on.  She would sit and sip her coffee in a trance.

My aunt, you know-the favorite one, she is a morning person. When I stay at her house we chat and spend time together before the start of the day.  She wakes cheerfully gleefully and yes, we share coffee together.

As a young mother, I was parenting my best before dinner time, after that my nerves frayed and patience was thin.  Lucky for me, I married a night owl-he loves to stay up until past midnight.  I believe that's his alone 'me' time.  In the mornings, I've learned to not chatter away-but sometimes I do, especially if I've had one cup of coffee too many.

So many mornings each day I see and each one is beautiful.  Today the birds sang to me-the sun rose for me-and I was happy to once again welcome the start of brand new day.

which one are you?


  1. Before babies I was a night owl, staying up until 2 or 3 and then sleeping until noon!!!, something I now find hard to believe. Now I am usually up by 4 or 5, or 2 or 3 sometimes, ready to start my day. Hey, you should call me and we can chat over our cup of tea, my guys are not morning people either and I think the dog is tired of my morning chatter.

  2. A night owl all the way. If it's an early night for me, I'm in bed before 3.

  3. SMile my husband and I are the lark and owl too. I love to get up at 4am BEST part of the day for sure. Love Leanne

  4. A morning person here, too....but something that shocked me.....our daughter was so NOT a morning person growing up. We used to refer to her as our little grizzly bear in the morning. Now that she's a mom---and sees how wonderful that 'me' time is in the morning, she's always up way before me now. She'll call sometimes at 6:30---and she's already been to the grocery, has a couple loads of laundry done, and is relaxing into her second cup of coffee! (Puts my mornings to shame!!!)

  5. I'm an early riser as well. During the week I get up at 5 so I can have some "me time" before everybody else gets up and we have to go to work and school. On the weekends I get up early to walk with friends or because the dogs whine to be let out. it doesn't really bother me much though, I enjoy the quiet mornings to myself.

  6. In the summer I'm a morning person and love to sit in the garden, just me and the bees and drink my tea and enjoy the silence. Sometimes it's a real effort to get off that step and go into my writing shed. But in the winter it's so dark and cold in Scotland that I truly resent having to get up. I'd much rather be tucked in with my hot water bottle and the radio. x

  7. I'm a early morning riser too. I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. to be at school by 6:30 a.m. to teach A hour, but even on the weekends or days off, I rarely sleep in past 5:30 or 6 a.m.. I totally agree with you - best part of the day - usually I am along with my thoughts and God. Thanks for your thoughts and do have a good one.

  8. I'm a morning person, usually up between 5 & 5:30am and I don't like to be rushed in the morning. That is my prayer time, time to have a quiet breakfast and cup of coffee. It is the best part of my day.

  9. Definitely a night ow…..who who who isn't

  10. I'm a morning person. I love the quiet stillness. Bedtime is often before 9 pm. My mother was more of a night owl and I too can see her drinking her coffee to "function".

  11. I was a morning person til the little man came along. He was a morning snuggler and wakes, even to this day, about 15 minutes after I get up. I swear he has radar :) So now I am a bit of a night owl, but I am working to get my mornings back, I do miss them so. I have discovered if I get up before 6am, he will sleep a good 30 to 40 minutes without me :) Let's hope he doesn't figure out my plan.

  12. Loved this post! When I was young I was a morning person, then after my children were born I became more of a night owl, but now I am getting back to being a "lark" again. I don't get up as early as you, but I am still up before my children, and that gives me a chance to pray and write in my journal.

    My husband is super-human. He hardly sleeps at all--I'm not kidding. Four to five hours is all he needs to function, whereas I require a solid eight.

  13. Great post :) I use to be an night owl.
    After 4 kids I'm a early riser now!

  14. This is such a beautiful post, Karen. I have long aspired to be a morning person, and I will get my chance in a few months! I don't often get up early, but when I do there's so much magic to be found. I don't really stay up too late either, so I suppose I am some kind of hybrid. Late morning and after dinner are some of my favorite times of day. But I am looking forward to seeing some sunrises while I rock our baby:)

  15. Wonderful! I am a morning person also. Actually as I write this I have been up since 4:45 with a morning feeding of the wee babe. I love getting up early to just do little morning tasks and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while watching the world wake up. Usually ( even though I am super quiet) I hear the pitter-patter of small feet coming down the stairs not long after I wake up. My girls are both morning people. They like to nap in the afternoon so I don't mind. My husband is not a morning person actually come to think of it he is not a night owl either. I used to get grumpy when he would be asleep longer than me but now I realize some people just need more sleep.

  16. I am definitely a morning person as well. I get up for work at 5 am and this has established a natural wake time for me as I am often up this early on weekends. I love getting up early on a Saturday, make a pot of tea, curl up with my knitting in the sunroom and watch the sunrise. So peaceful!

  17. It depends what is in store for the day. I love to be up in the wee hours. My dad left for work at 6am and I would listen to his stirrings the same way. There is a sweet spot in the mornings, in the winter at least, where you are up and it is obviously morning but you still need to turn on a light. That is the most precious time of day to me. BUT, if I have to get up and go to work!? I could sleep until 9am every day without stirring and the very act of moving seems such a chore!

  18. I am a morning person. Sleeping in for me now is 7 and that is a luxury. The difficulty is that since our babysitter quit, my parents are watching the kiddo more so my husband and I did some schedule changes. I am working more nights now which I dislike immensely. On those nights I don't go to bed before 1.


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