Sweater Progess

I completed the body of the Kelp sweater over the weekend.  I originally went straight to an icord bind off but it just didn't look pleasing.  I decided to rip out the icord bind off adding three garter stitch ribs before an icord bind off.  I think it looks much better.  I'm hoping blocking will tame the edging from curling.  

I started the first sleeve and my oh my the progress that can be made in mere minutes on a sleeve compared to the body of the sweater.  So speedy so fast so much gratification :)  When I arrive at the cuff I think I'll do the same as the body edging.  This sweater has been fun to design and knit, using Ann Budd's book.

If you are feeling adventurous in branching out and trying your hand at designing, all the math is complete in this book.  You just do a swatch, take some measurements and choose.  Easy peasy :)

I recommend for the best fit, measure a beloved sweater in your closet.  If you love the fit of that garment, you can knit that specific size and be just as thrilled with a hand knit of your own creation.


  1. If we lived next door to each other I would totally raid your closet for that sweater, it's so pretty! :)

  2. It looks beautiful! I really like the lacy edge you decided to add, very pretty!

  3. Lovely! I wish I were as good a knitter as one who could design that! I'm neither good nor confident! I'll have to work on that!

  4. Purty, Karen.

  5. That sweater is flying off your needles! It looks great so far.

  6. It looks great and I'm guessing we will see finished photos very soon!!

  7. Very nice, Karen. Great choice for the edge, too. It's a cardi, right? Love the touch of lace. Will it button?

    1. Yes it will have button bands with buttons with a crew neck shaping. I'm still mulling the details while knitting though :)

  8. Love your sweater, Karen. The bottom edging looks very tidy.

  9. I have always loved that warm colour. So neat and lovely lace work. Your cardi will look great

  10. Karen, that color is gorgeous! I am excited to see the finished project!

  11. Love the cardi Karen ... looking awesome!

  12. The sweater is turning out very nicely. The color is subtle and very pretty like the start of spring:)

  13. Your sweater looks great!

  14. I fall in love with that colour a little more each time I see it :) Beautiful!

  15. Your sweater is turning out beautifully. I have that Ann Budd book but haven't used it yet. Seeing your sweater design come to life is very motivating!

  16. It's so perfect and cute. Coming along nicely!

  17. I love the edging! And thank you for the recommendation! I think I am still too much of a novice to try, but I am bookmarking it for the future!

  18. I love the color! Isn't it fun to use Ann Budd's book to design a sweater? I did that for the first time last year.

  19. the color, the edging, the detail patterning----all just perfect! :)

  20. Oh my, I really do love the warmth in the colour you've chosen! It looks as though you're making great progress and is already a beautiful creation.

  21. I am so much in a golden/yellow mood at the moment. I think it's something to do with spring being in the air...I love this.

  22. I do love your choice to redo the edging, Karen. Beautiful!


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