
This past weekend was full.  Saturday I was busy getting together a dinner for my daughter and her boyfriend.  Desert making, salad tossing and yes chicken grilling outside!  Truly a sign of the weather changing.  We still have snow on the ground but it's melting quickly.

Also there was:

-walking every single day with the sun shining
-taking a photo of a mama deer early in the morning who was quite stubborn and refused to run
-watching the mama deer stomp her front hoof to scare me off
-church going
-lots and lots of knitting
-more All Creatures Great and Small viewing
-meeting friends for knitting-laughing, supporting one another, a good time
-writing lists for the week, so much to do!!

how was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Your weekend sounds like a truly lovely and relaxing weekend. It's truly spring here.

  2. So glad your daughter can come home for spring break! Sounds like a great weekend. I love your picture! Hope you accomplish a lot during your busy week. Have a good one!

  3. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend with family and friends. I like the picture of the mama deer, they are interesting creatures especially when living besides humans so closely.

  4. Look at that, your snow is almost gone. I know you are sad to see it go, but I am soooo ready for some nice spring weather. Enjoy your time with your daughter!

  5. Hooray for spring right? I would rather it was still winter, but there is no stopping the turning of seasons.
    Enjoy your time with your daughter and I will with Emerson.

  6. That stomping is intimidating to me!
    The weekend was too busy. Worked a day shift saturday after a colonoscopy friday and then went out sat night…volunteered Sunday. This is what I was missing when I worked weekends!

  7. Oh, my! What a wonderful picture. Spring is definitely on its way if we are grilling and eating salads again. HA!

  8. sounds like a great weekend! glad your weather is nice enough to get outside and grill :)

  9. Yay for Spring coming! Nice pic of the deer, too.

  10. Hooray for the melting snow! Mine is slowly melting though it did snow a bit more this morning. That mother dear is precious. Did you stomp your foot back! :-)

  11. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!! And yay for spring coming!!! I am ready! I've been having lots of late winter depression type moods. I'm ready for fresh air and lots of time outside!

  12. Sounds like a great weekend. Our snow is mostly melted away. Most of my weekend focused on spinning.

  13. Yay for kids being back home! Didn't the sunshine feel great? Love the mama deer. They are pretty brave sometimes I must say.

  14. Oh that sounds like a fantastic weekend! Unfortunately I barely managed any knitting. There's always this week, I hope!

  15. How lovely. Grilling outside, I can't wait for that kind of weather :) Hope you had a nice dinner with your daughter and her boyfriend.

  16. We had a brief warm up, but snow is expected again later this week. Hopefully a light coat of white will cover the yard, it looks so bad this time of the year.

  17. we need to get back into our after dinner routine with Freddy (now that his nemesis is gone!) and there is some light left!!! i'm ready for the ice to be gone! (thought I'd never say that)

  18. We have had many deer roaming our property lately; one time, a few years ago, a doe birthed her fawn down below our chicken run which made my top ten of all time coolest things I've ever seen (the fawn, not the birthing... ha!). It is sunny here today, so a walking we will go. :)


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