
This weekend found me:

-decorating for spring and Easter which made my days cheerful
-walking every day, enjoying the outside even though it was cold
-spying snowdrops sprouting on the side of the road we travel
-having dinner with friends and viewing a theater production
-eating salads for lunch
-enjoying both kids home for the weekend with their breaks overlapping
-saying goodbye to my daughter
-facing laundry, oh the laundry-so much!!
-enjoying a happier dog with the snow melted, I'm thinking he hates winter
-helping my daughter to sign up for the bar exam, not as easy as you would think....
-avoiding my son's cold and so far so good!  (I hope that doesn't jinx me)
-knitting and relaxing

how was your weekend?

joining Amanda


  1. looking springy there...cute little candle holder! stay healthy!!! I hate those spring colds..... :(

  2. The Bar Exam, how exciting, and maybe a little scary too.
    It's fun to decorate for the season, something I need to get to this week. We are having rain again today which makes me just want to snuggle down.
    Have a great St. Patrick's Day.

  3. We had a busy weekend here. Driving kids to and fro, working in the yard, cleaning house... It was a good kind of busy though and made us feel like we accomplished a few things. Seeing a bit of your spring decorations makes me want to get mine out, haven't even thought about it until you reminded me. Thank you. :-)

  4. that sounds like a very nice weekend (despite of the laundry, haha)!
    i just realized i've missed a few of your posts, it's been a bit busy around here. so i'll have to catch up with what has been going on.
    stay healthy–load up on those vitamins!!

  5. What a wonderful weekend. Good luck to your daughter on the bar exam. I can't even imagine the studying for that. It was so good to feel the sun on my face Saturday. I actually got a little sunburned.

  6. sounds like a lovely weekend! we also started putting up spring decorations! i hope you don't catch your son's cold!! have a good week, Karen!

  7. Spring decorations - next up on my to do list. What type of law does your daughter want to do? I work for legal aid - not as a lawyer - but know lots of public interest lawyers.

  8. Walking and healthy eating - good for you! Congrats on having a daughter who is taking the bar exam. Excellent. Glad to hear you could get outside a bit. Happy St. Pat's Day to you!

  9. oh the laundry...it can wait a bit longer, right?

  10. I escaped Fireman's last cold and Son's!!! You can do it!!!! I say my naps help my immunity!~

  11. Sounds like a great weekend! I can't decorate for Easter until tomorrow. We're all about St. Patricks Day in this house!

  12. Snowdrops...how lovely. Hopefully mine are peeking out when I get back :)

  13. the laundry... it never ends, eh? Even when the kids are older..??

  14. I felt like I was busy all weekend but my list doesn't look as productive as yours! I don't think I've ever seen snowdrops in person. So pretty!


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