
The weekend was saying goodbye to my son who returned to his campus.  A long drive just the two of us chitchatting the hours away.  Once again my house is clean, the laundry is all finished and there is a quiet that descended that comes when the children leave.  Frodo loved having a full house and so did I but we are both kind of tired.

There was Dr. Who watching (gasp! It gets better with each and every episode).  I've walked daily enjoying the spring like temps on Saturday, and completely ignored the winter like temps of yesterday.  Today will be the chilly same.  That's okay, I'm patient, I can wait.....

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. I have got to check out this Dr. Who show you have been talking about, it must be good.

    On Thursday night I had 3 out of 5 of my babies home, along with their partners, by the time they left I was exhausted and that was for just one night! I know you loved having your babies home, but it is so easy to fall into a quiet routine and then when they come home it goes out the window, I get it!

  2. We had a good weekend! Got to go for a bike ride (motorcycle, not the other kind) with friends and had a blast. We're on spring break this week, so I'm looking forward to a nice week at home. :-)

  3. I don't know why I thought you were farther south than you are...I've been wondering about your talk of cold temperatures and thinking how bad can it possibly be? Ha!

    It's been cold here, too; 18 degrees yesterday morning. I went for a 6-mile run when I woke up because I figured it wasn't going to get much warmer as the day went on so I might as well get it over with. I think it's supposed to get warmer later on this week... xo

  4. spring is inching its way to you....snowdrops? my hellebores finally decided to come out of hibernation...so good to see some flowers amidst all the brown in the garden!

  5. Spring has arrived in Scotland! Got the tomatoes planted this weekend and some miniature sunflowers. It's freezing but sunny and I'll settle for that. (And now I'm going to say no more, because this is Scotland. I am tempting fate. If I keep talking we'll have a metre of snow by Friday ;-) x

  6. It is wonderful having them home, isn't it? And exhausting :) Such a trade off!

    My oldest daugher LOVES Dr. Who and is quiet impatient that I am only in season 4. I'm hooked on the 4400 Series right now. Perfect watching for knitting and crochet.

    Love those snowdrops peaking through the dry leaves! xoxo

  7. Ok, I think you're ahead of me in Dr. Who. Can I say, I'm sad to see Martha gone and replaced by Donna? Gah. Though in the last few episodes there was a glimpse of Rose and in the preview for the upcoming, Rose and Donna conversing. Hmmmm...

  8. You have snowdrops! Mine either never came up or they did so without my seeing them. I think the former. Yours are amazing!

  9. Look at that beautiful green ad white amongst that brown!

  10. Hooray for snow drops! I remember Dr. Who from when I was a kid, but it sounds like you are watching a new series? Is it on BBC America? I'll have to check it out. It's nice that you got to spend a long drive with your son. I love driving with my children; it always leads to great conversation. Enjoy your peaceful house. ♥

    1. We are watching it off netflix and it's the newer episodes. I believe bbc America also airs the show.

  11. Beautiful spring fleurs Karen, you are way ahead of us....Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  12. Hmmm, I have yet to hop on the Dr. Who train, but I hear many people discussing it. This weekend we played catch-up around the house (closer, but still not there) and grumbled about the plunging temps. It was, however, a good time to watch some movies. Dallas Buyer's Club and Best Man Holiday, because we needed something lighter after the first selection. No snowdrops here yet, but I remain hopeful.

  13. Oh I love seeing those little signs of spring popping up everywhere. I can't believe it got so darn cold again. Snow for us Wednesday although not as much as originally predicted.

  14. We had a lovely, warm weekend and they're predicting snow tomorrow. Our daffodils are starting to bud. They'll be so confused. :-)

  15. Hurrah for snowdrops! Isn't it amazing how quickly you adjust to the quiet routine?

  16. I guess that one of these days I'll have to start watching Dr Who too! I may be the only one that's not!

  17. I can only hope the snowdrops will appear in my yard soon, although with all the snow I am returning too, it might be awhile.

  18. Glad you had a fun time with the kiddos home! I have heard lots about Dr. Who, but haven't taken the plunge yet :)


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