
Well will you look at that.....it has snowed once again.  Unpredicted by the experts!  Rain forecast quickly turned into a sleet forecast followed by snow, accumulating snow.  All happening in a span of an afternoon and evening.

My weekend was quiet and relaxing.  We ate through the week's left overs so I did not cook one meal-always a plus when you are just a couple.

There was:

-reading-books and online articles
-no walks because of the rainy (ahem and snowy) weather
-knitting with friends and catching up
-finishing two journals and cracking open new ones-heavenly!!
-daydreaming of projects to be.....still mulling over the possibilities

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Snow!!!! My rain from Friday night must be your snow. Can I admit to being a wee bit envious?

    I have a long list of projects for knitting, the home and the garden that I want to complete, but I have a feeling if I can just complete half that will be an accomplishment.

  2. Wow, and it was like spring here yesterday. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I love cracking open a new journal.

  3. Great pictures...you have had enough snow now - it's time for some spring! Hope it finds your way to you soon. I always love a weekend when I get time to read and journal. Have a great week!

  4. snow??!! Yikes! I had a fire in the fireplace one day, but thankfully no snow (which usually means ice in our neck of the woods)---i think that part of winter is over here. We actually now have daffodils blooming! (of course, this means---YARDWORK. I think that's why I love winter so much!!!!)

  5. We had a lot of rain on Saturday, but luckily it did not turn into snow. It was a very windy and chilly day, and after being in the yard for several hours I was chilled to the bone. Yesterday was much better and the time outside was very enjoyable.

  6. snow? again? wow. what a winter for you!!

  7. It looks like you had a wonderfully creative and peaceful weekend!

  8. Woq more snow...spring has definitely arrived here this weekend. Yours has been a long winter but plenty of good knitting weather...sounds lovely. I suppose I should go and dig the garden now.

  9. Sounds perfectly lovely! and you cracked open new journals?! LOVE! I am close...a few more pages. Then I will share in that joy of fresh paper and the first jottings! Have a wonderful week :) paula

  10. sounds like the perfect weather to snuggle up and write in your journal! yay for new journals :)

  11. We had hail, sleet, snow, rain, snow.... all in the span of hours! Today the sun is shining and it is blue. A bit windy.....
    I love new journals, pads of paper, pens.... ahhhh...

    Linda in VA

  12. We had torrential rain, then sleet, then hail and then great big snowflakes. Woke up to a layer of slush - but sunny skies and warmer temps!

  13. I'm reading too weekend was sisterly

  14. Just rain here, but the sun's out now, thanks goodness, which should help the search efforts up north. Our weekend was good; got our grandparent "fix" and then sang in a choir concert yesterday afternoon that was quite well attended.

  15. Karen, more snow! Oh no! Hoping that sunny days will visit you soon!

  16. More snow! It's the winter that just won't quit! Glad you enjoyed the weekend, though:) Ours was lovely, mostly spent working on projects at home, though we did go out for dinner. Trying to make the most of the opportunity!


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