Fresh and New

Over the weekend, I finished my table runner and when I tucked in that last bit of yarn, I knew that this runner would grace my loved coffee table in the family room.  Oh this table has seen so much life!  I've talked about this table and how when the kids are home you can barely see the surface.

This is the table that has numerous nicks due to a baby son hammering away along the edges with his toys many years ago. This table has seen cities built with pokemon figures, lego men, and my little ponies made by two children and lots of imagination.  I just can't part with this table-too many memories.  So I have accessorized it!  I love how this runner looks.  No soaking and blocking this time, just plain old steam iron.

Ravelry notes are here


  1. It's incredible how many memories and stories an old table can tell. No wonder you can't part with it. What a cozy table runner and just finished in time for Easter. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  2. That looks great!

  3. I adore pieces of furniture that have stories to tell!! The runner turned out beautiful!

  4. My kitchen table is the same way Karen, I understand.
    Love the runner, it is the perfect accessory.

  5. Your table is full of wonderful memories, which are much more important that keeping it in pristine condition. The table runner looks great!

  6. Oh it came out beautiful!!! I love old furniture for that very has memories built right in! Our kitchen table is that way. It is the same table I sat at when I was growing up. So many great memories of family dinners, supper every night with my parents, sisters and grandfather; for years it was where my mom and I would strew out whatever craft project we were working on etc. And now it is a part of my kitchen where new memories with my little family are being made around it.

  7. Lovely. Very organic and not too fussy... I love it! And yes, you cannot part with a table so full of the stories of your life. :-)

  8. I love the way it looks! And I love the dents in the table:) We just got our crib a month ago, and I dented it while we were putting it together. I was sad for a moment, but then I realized that soon our son will be banging his toys on it, so I'm just getting a little head start:)

  9. I love the table runner, Karen. That is so pretty. And the color is my very fave. We need a table runner too, as we have a very long table. You should see our "aged" table. It's full of stories and I LOVE it!

  10. I love that table runner. I too like to put runners on my coffee table. Sometimes I use old dresser scarves that I inherited. It is great to have furniture with history. So many memories to make you smile.

  11. smile I bet the table can tell many a story. I bet at the time your son hammering would not of made you pleased.. but now years latter it brings a smile to your heart. I have a kitchen cupboard that our son wrote his name backwards on ( hes dyslexic) and he swore black and blue that he didn't write it.. I on;t let anyone remove the writing and it give me a chuckle but at the time I was mighty mad that he wrote on it and could say he didn't. I do love your table runner!

  12. That runner is lovely, Karen, and so is your table. Such wonderful memories it holds...xo

  13. Oh, it's perfect! And I have one of those tables in the making ~ the little guys LIVE at that table for every drawing, painting, building, snack!)....and it's all perfectly wonderful. Don't change a thing (but do enjoy those moments when it's free of books and clutter...mine never is!) xoxo

  14. It looks lovely. I too find it hard to part with any furniture. Every piece has it's own story full of memories.

  15. Such a simple knit and yet it is stunning

  16. I love this! You're inspiring me; I think I have a bunch of yarn that is just sitting somewhere, but that could be used to knit a table runner.... :)

  17. A pretty sweater for a well-loved table--what a wonderful idea! It's really beautiful.

  18. What a lovely knit for your table. It looks perfect on your well loved table!

  19. Love it. It is a very pretty color too. I love tables with a history because so much happens at them during daily life that they become the centerpiece to family life.

  20. It is beautiful and I love the colour. Every time the little man adds a little "memory" to our dinner table and my hubby cringes, I remind him that one day we will look at those marks and remember fondly our times around the dinner table.

  21. my living room table tells tales, too.....most prominently an end chewed by Freddy's predecessor. My daughter had it at her house for awhile, and it served as a performance stage her boys as well as the requisite battlefield and farmyard for the toys. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  22. Great table runner! And it is the perfect accessory to a memorable table!

  23. Nicely done! We have lots of furniture with stories, too.


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