Knitting Motivation and Time Limits

I chuckle to myself that the first photo is always the best photo when I go through the series of shots.  Above is my dad's pond.  I wish I could capture the quiet and peace that goes along with the still waters.

The rest of the photos are at my sister's house.  I am recovered from the sweets and treats that goes along with Easter.  The sugar detox takes a few days, oh how I remember in my twenties eating anything and not a pound was gained.  Where are those days??

Yesterday I was thinking about how I motivate myself with my various knitting projects and completing them in a "timely" manner.  I'm sure we all have one that is just difficult to knit through.  When that happens, I think WHY.  Why is it difficult? Why am I not thrilled with the project?

I am currently working on a lace weight scarf and the wool is an alpaca silk blend.  I'm finding it quite tiresome.  If I ask myself the questions my answers would be--the yarn is slippery and fidgety so I have to concentrate on not loosing stitches.  That is why my heart sighs when I pick it up.

My next question and serious one is "do I want to frog it?  rip it all out?"  The answer is no.  I love the way it looks and I know the knitting will be worth it in the end. I motivate myself by working on it for fifteen minutes to a half hour....and then I can put it down.  Most of the time, I find my rhythm and keep going past the time limit.

my sister's work space!
So my question is how do you motivate yourself to get those projects done, the ones that are in a basket deep down and somewhat forgotten?  Do you rip it out?  Do you feel refreshed after a break?  Please share!

And here is my challenging knit:


  1. I can't knit with alpaca, so there's that!
    Love your flower photos--so springlike and pretty.

  2. I agree with you about the first photograph always being the best karen. I often take tens of them and then go back the original shot. Your father's place is amazing. It looks like you had a wonderful Easter Holiday.

    I feel your dilemma with your knitting project. I don't like having too many projects on the go at once and hate leaving something unfinished. The same goes for reading books. But if I've put something down and after a few attempts still don't have the incentive to finish, I will unravel and begin again. It's really refreshing to have a fresh start. I usually wonder why I hadn't done so long before.
    Your challenging knit does look beautiful though and you have done so much. I hope that you soon decide what to do.
    Whatever you decide, have an amazing weekend.

  3. Holy cow! I keep finding the first photo thing to be true too!!! Why is that, do you think?

  4. I know those feelings deep in my heart Karen, maybe it's just something every knitter goes through at one time or another? Your scarf is going to be stunning when it's done, I love the color. I have a blanket I am working on that has a mistake that is driving me nuts, and I know I will be sitting down to pull out five rows, but when one row takes an hour to complete it's a little disheartening.
    Have a beautiful weekend.
    PS- I miss being able to eat anything I want too. I swear I wake up to a new body each morning.

  5. When I have projects that I'm just slogging to get through I try to do them while I'm watching my knitting podcasts. They usually get me motivated to keep going so I can cast on another project!

  6. I have the same issue with books. There are times I slog on through whether I'm really enjoying it or not rather than give up. However, that said, I'm about to give up on one that I just can't get into. The ones that sweep me away though....hard to put those down!

  7. You have a plan and you'll make it through your difficult project, but if a project doesn't sing for me I know it is not the right one for me. I only have one or two things on the needle, which means there is nothing in the bottom of my basket. Good luck and keep knitting!

  8. What stunning photos. The key to a successful finished project is to keep taking a break and going back to it. All will come good in the end.

  9. Setting aside a set amount of time for a tiresome or slow project does seem to work well for me also! I think its the easiest way to not give up on a project.

  10. I've had a few projects in all the years I've been knitting that were nearly the death of me. The only thing that kept me going at those times was looking at pictures of the finished objects. Kept telling myself "it will be worth it" more times than I care to remember. ;-)

  11. I try not to have any of those projects :) I just plow through and get them done. Love your knit Karen, it is beautiful!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Nice flowers!
    Your father's pond looks so beautiful and peaceful!

  13. I am like you-- I make myself work on the project I don't like for a few rows and then working on another project afterwards feels like a reward

  14. I know the feeling well - I'm slogging through two at the moment. Both projects are lovely but I'm struggling. (Maybe because they've both been in progress for what seems like forever.) I think that scarves are a challenge because of their length and repetition - it feels like you've never making any progress.

  15. When I have something like this happening - and I dread picking it up and working on it - but I really want to finish it - I set a timer for a certain amount of time. I sit down and start knitting (or stitching) away.... when the timer dings - I put it aside and do this same thing again the next day and the next - and before I know it - the project is done!

    Linda in VA

  16. I have projects like that where I know I'll love the end result but actually knitting it just isn't doing it--either it's boring or complicated or the yarn is hard to work with. Its best for me to do small doses here and there. Right now I'm working on a lace weight top and am not used to such light, delicate yarn so i just do a few rows at a time. Wishing you all the best in finishing up your scarf. I bet it will be lovely in the end. :)

  17. Funny my first shot is usually , almost always, the best too! I wonder why?
    Usually I frog if the project is very old. Very occasionally I continue the old pattern…
    I just get bored and know if its a chore I won't finish it. My knitting is to be FUN!

  18. the knit is really quite beautiful....i know this may sound silly, but sometimes when I get in a frustrating rut, i'll change needles (i know, i know....different gauge, etc!!!), but what I totally hate knitting on addis, I'll love knitting with wood. crazy, huh?

  19. I really love your flower pictures. Have a good week.

  20. Yep, me too, the first shot is usually the one I like the best! So it's not just me? :)
    My two-cents worth thoughts on knitting: life is too short to knit away at a project that makes your heart sigh, unless someone in your life REALLY wants that finished scarf/sweater/whatever. If it's not making your heart sing, find a project that does. :)


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