Salads, Habits and Health

And then suddenly the weather turned to spring, it has felt wonderful!  Each day I've walked once or twice with Frodo enjoying the mild temperatures, feeling free with just a jacket and yesterday without at jacket!  I am thrilled with the sunlight and breezes that have graced this week.

Three weeks ago I decided to get "healthy".  My definition is quite fluid on what healthy is.  When I was younger, the definition would have been to be skinnier, in a smaller size oh and whatever the trend would have been in the fashion magazines.  When I was 25 years old, I'd longingly look at photos of my 17 year old self wishing for that body shape and size.  Same as when I was 33 years old looking back to the past and measuring my physical present.  Why as women we are never happy with the here and now?  I wonder.

So three weeks ago, my definition of healthy changed to internally healthy.  I wanted to eat fruits and vegetables, gain more flexibility and strength in my body.  Focusing on what I can do instead of what I cannot do.  Celebrating my little achievements in big ways.  I think my biggest challenge was not in the wanting but in the executing.

One day I woke up and said, today is the day to start.  I've been walking once or twice daily, incorporating a little yoga each and every morning.  Oh and the salads for lunch-a big improvement.  I feel wonderful and now that 25 days have passed me by, I believe that I have created a habit.  A good habit for me.

My goals are simple, live a healthy life and being physically active.  I also wonder why I waited so long to do a simple 15-30 minute yoga routine (beginners!!) ?  I feel so much better.

Have you created a healthy habit?  If so, what?


  1. It really is a shame that we live so far apart Karen. I think you and I would make great neighbors, we could walk together, have a salad for lunch together, then knit the afternoons away!

  2. Growing up, we always ate pretty healthy. There was no junk food, we ate lots of salads, vegetables and fruits. While other kids drank sodas, we drank homemade juices. (At the time I didn't appreciate that very much.) The downside was, we weren't very active. I mean we played outside, rode bikes, but weren't really encouraged to exercise. Up until two years ago, I never exercised on a regular basis. Now that I do that, I can't imagine going without. Walking with friends is one of my favorites, as well as a strength and conditioning class I attend twice a week.

  3. We've been trying to include more fruits and veggies in our meals and eat out less. The dog makes sure there are good morning walks with the husband. I don't walk fast or far enough for her, so I'm on my own.

  4. I love your thoughts on living and being healthy!! It is extremely encouraging- especially with the spring weather.

  5. don't know if it was ridiculous amount of oatmeal I've been eating----or the vegan month I spent....but those cholesterol numbers came down 24 points! something was working.

  6. Good for you! I changed my eating habits about a year ago - and eat 'healthy' about 95% of the time. And I just signed up for my first yoga class - 6 weeks of beginner yoga. I am hoping it helps with my osteoarthritis.

  7. Oh look at that sweet deer! Suddenly it's spring here, too, and I'm loving it. I like your approach to improving your health, Karen. I need to make some positive changes, so this post is good encouragement for me. : )

  8. Good for you! I've started doing yoga again, drinking more water and meditating. My hubby and I both have up our fruit and vegetable intake as well. For me the best thing I have done is spending less time on the computer and watching TV, and more time doing creative things. Love the deer shot :)

  9. I love it! You make it sound so possible, if I don't overwhelm myself with all the right things. I'm trying to eat a healthy breakfast of yogurt and granola or just half a banana at least 3 x a week, and not just ... coffee. I'm trying to eat more fish protein during the week and less of everything else. My saving grace? Don't laugh, zumba + kale. Thanks for reminding me that it does feel good to make the good changes!

  10. Yes, I am keeping diet and exercise in mind, too. I am trying to run at least a mile every day, usually in the morning before homeschool starts...I'm also trying to eat a lot less wheat and the past few years I've noticed my stomach is uncomfortable after eating it. Good for you for your resolutions!

  11. sounds wonderful! I have actually been trying to get back into a healthier routine as well..... juicing again and running again as well. I need to make it a habit, because as of now, exercising is still something I have to talk myself into every day!!

  12. I"ve given up coffee creamer…on day 5, still doing well

  13. are you doing yoga at home?? Do you have a dvd or something on your computer??? I'd like to give it a try..need to get the kinks out. I've always been a walker, never a runner, but I signed up for the COLOR RUN this August. It's sink or swim now!!

    1. Hi Karen Sue! I am using a yoga studio app on my ipad. I highly recommend this app because the beginners series is truly a beginners series :) Good for you to be doing a color run!

  14. Coming out of a long winter really does call for some changes in habit, doesn't it? I've been trying to forgo sugar the last few weeks. And eating more whole, fresh foods overall. I'm still working on the excercise end, though. I am hoping to walk at the end of the day today.Thanks for the inspiration :)

  15. I was wondering about the yoga too.

    I'm afraid that a few of my healthy habits have gone awry recently but I'm still starting the day with a detoxing turmeric tea.

  16. I have begun walking home from work more often than I have done before. I love how I can "unwind" my work day on my way home.

    I still look at photos from 10 and 20 years ago and wonder why I couldn't be happy with the way I looked. While I also are discontent with how I look now (ha-ha). The irony of life. I am sure thar when I turn 60 I will look at my 40-year old body and think I was beautiful...

  17. I try to do something active every day. I walk when the weather is nice or use the elliptical when it's not. I started drinking green smoothies at the end of 2013. I'd like to try yoga, but it's hard to find the time to go to a class (plus the intimidation factor of going alone, not having a yoga mat, etc.).

  18. Good for you! I need to join this program... as I age, I find that small deviations in diet and routine can affect me in big ways. Right now I'm working on drinking more water.


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