Sunlight, Walks, and Windows

I've been enjoying the sun light that streams through the kitchen window during the day.  When the sun is shining, of course.  The week has been a bit cloudy and bleak but around noon or so the sun likes to say 'hello'.  I've been taking advantage of the afternoon sunshine with daily walks with Frodo.  After this winter season of hibernating, I feel good getting outside, breathing some fresh air and moving my body. The yoga practice in the morning helps me immensely as well.  Why is something that is so good for you so hard to initiate?  I wonder....

I haven't seen a rabbit yet in the yard but I know the day is coming.  For now, Frodo has been barking at the deer who like to stare right back at him and wonder what his problem is.  Poor Frodo so misunderstood. The ceramic rabbit in the photo is actually a salt shaker, unfortunately I broke the pepper shaker and now it's widowed.

The Christmas cactus on the left has been trimmed since this photo.  The shoots were getting long and wild.  I sacrificed some blossoms but since I've placed these plants near a window they never stop blooming so I think all is well.

Have a great weekend!


  1. We've had several beautiful, warm days but then early this morning rain moved in. Luckily only rain, as they had predicted severe thunderstorms. Always has me a bit worried, it is tornado season now after all... Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. We have been soaking up the sunshine and beautiful spring days around here with daily walks too, most days there are two walks :) It feels so good to be outside and not be cold.

    Have the most wonderful weekend.

  3. I would love to send you a few of the rabbits that are hanging around here, they keep eating all my kale!
    Have a great weekend.

  4. lovely images of the beautiful light that has been peeking through. :)

  5. I've been able to get out for some walks lately too. I've so missed doing that! I feel cranky when I don't get my walk!

    I used to have a Christmas cactus that I kept in my living room. It was usually on the dark side in there as we tend to sit in the family room and keep the lights off in the living room. That thing bloomed all year long for years and years!

    Linda in VA

  6. Is that a little Blessed Mother on your sill? She's lovely

  7. Poor bunny! Love your jade plant. Mine is struggling and I just can't get it to grow well. Thankfully, it's not dead, so that's something, right? We haven't seen any bunnies in the yard yet either. But I'm ok with that since the way we typically notice them is that one of our cats leaves one at the door for us. :(

    A happy weekend to you, Karen. :)

  8. someone told me a hummingbird has already been sited…so, of course, i had to drag out my feeder. so sign yet----that's spring for me. the hummers!!! (that and the weeds, which of course, are already out in full force!)


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