
The weekend was wonderful but not exactly as planned.  I was lucky to see both kids last Easter weekend and on Tuesday our son called to report his computer screen on his laptop stopped.  So plans were adjusted and rearranged for all of us and he came home.

He now has a new computer that works and over the summer we will repair the computer screen-my husband is talented in resurrecting computers from the dead.  He has replaced many keyboards and screens.

So my plans of attending a street fair were cancelled for spending time with my husband and son.  I soaked in the sunshine and even knit on the swing-so refreshing!  They had steak and I had salmon on the grill with roasted vegetables and a salad.  We chatted, walked the dog, and yes, spent many hours talking tech stuff.

The weekend was full and good!

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Always a bonus when you get an unscheduled visit from family.

  2. Oh, I love a surprise change in plans once in a while. Keeps you on your toes. :)
    And that yarn is gorgeous! xo

  3. At least you were able to have some more family time right?
    I was thinking of you last week while sitting on the beach and can't wait for you to get here!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend despite (or because of?) the change in plans. I love that lovely purple yarn in the sun!

  5. Sounds like a nice way for the weekend plans to change (except for the computer screen. But at least it got a son visit!) I love the top picture! The bottom one is great too but the top one is gorgeous!!

  6. So glad you had a great weekend despite the change in plans. I am envious that you got to sit outside and knit. Your back yard looks so inviting!

  7. What wonderful weather! So glad your husband will be able to resurrect the computer...we've done a few of those in our time too!

  8. It sounds like you enjoyed your weekend despite the change in plans. It is always good to have timed to spend with family.

  9. gladly, my weekend was NOT spent talking 'tech stuff'...blech :)
    ...although it did involve much project planning, casting on & knitting

    your dinner sounded delicious!!!

  10. Our Saturday was wonderful. Lots of time spent outdoors, friends stopping by - it was great. Rain and thunderstorms moved in on Sunday and right now we're under a tornado watch. Not looking good for our area right now, keep us in your thoughts!

  11. sounds like a rather enjoyable weekend despite the change in plans. nothing like grilling out to let you know spring has truly arrived!

  12. YOur purple knitting is already looking amazing!!
    Had to work this weekend, so glad to be off today

  13. A visit with our children is always welcome. Sounds like a great weekend.

  14. Sounds like a pretty good weekend, even though it wasn't what you had planned. Enjoy your week.

  15. Sometimes the alternative plans work out better. Sounds like that is what happened to you. Can't beat spending time with family.

  16. Isn't it good when even though some plans don't go the way you want turn around lead to something even better. I still remember when my computer crashed in college and my dad went bought me a new one and drove it to me in the same day. ( thankfully, I was only 2 hours from home.) We ended up going out to lunch and spending the afternoon together enjoying my college town. good memories!

  17. Oh I DO wish your hubby could work on my computer which has so many issues these days.
    : )


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