Crazy Busy

As you know most days here at home there is just the two of us and we live a quiet slow life.  These past few days with both children home, well, it's been crazy busy.  And we haven't done anything super exciting.  We take walks, chat, enjoy each other's company.  I feel like I'm falling behind in chores but when I check my list, I'm on target.

I wanted to document some of my photos here and they really have nothing in common.  The kids were playing a duet together on the piano-I managed to grab the camera and capture that.  While we were in State College for my daughter's graduation, I snapped a photo of this delightful pig and piglets. This is the kind of farm animal I could care for and love :)

I love my dogwood trees immensely and each day I look at them and get a little sad because there is one day less to look at them.  It's crazy but for a strange reason I am loving their blooms and beauty!

This morning as I picked up the newspaper, the fog, the trees and the light were all in alignment for a forever moment.  So again, I snapped and captured the scene.

During this visiting time with the kids, I wonder how I did get everything done when they were little, and was able to sneak in some knitting time, reading time and alone time.  Each visit I slip back into cooking meals daily, keeping up with laundry and dishes (oh the dishes!).  I have two versions of myself and while I am one or the other I'm happy and in the moment.


  1. It's amazing what moms can get done! I love the picture of the two of them playing the piano...especially the pearls with the batman shirt! My dogwood tree is in bloom too and I am loving it. I've taken quite a few pictures that I'm planning in posting tomorrow. And the picture that you took this morning is stunning. I love it! I hope you have a good day!

  2. In the moment is how I live my days too Karen. I remember when my babies were little and just wanting to take a myself, but then I would look into a little face and love would pour out.
    So happy you have busy days and your family all together.

  3. Hi Karen,
    I am new around here and just wanted to say I enjoyed this post. The pictures add so much and I love to "hear" you love for your family and the stages of life we go through in this calm serene way. Our "usual" days aren't always crazy but I do have two teens, a college student and a farm. I know that it won't always be this way and I too will get to look back and wonder. :)

    1. Welcome! Nice to meet you and I'm glad you commented, now I'm off to visit you :)

  4. Mom's have superpowers, that's how things get done. ;-) This is such a sweet post and I am happy you get to spend this time with your kids. Enjoy it!!

  5. Its amazing how Mums juggle everything and keep on top of everything. You have obviously done a great job.

  6. I am looking forward to those slower days, when it's just my husband and me...right now my girls are 9, 10 and 13 and they dominate my life! But I know it's only for a short time. I have to make time for knitting, reading, being alone now...later it won't be so hard to find time for it.

  7. I'm in a similar parenting stage - one son has moved far away for his Ph.D., and our youngest son will be a college senior next year, so he's back home for the summer. It's much easier for me to get used to the cooking, laundry, and very little mess that my husband and I produce than the seemingly endless grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, and stuff associated with my son and his friends! I still like the mess because I know that it will be just two of us far too soon.

    1. That is why I am tempering the complaining and enjoying the moments as they are, soon too soon it will be quiet and clean all the time!

  8. Although, I am new to your blog I love your busyness... I so enjoy when my children although grown and with families of their own come home for overnite but like you I wonder how I ever did it all plus have my own business.. Grateful for the slower days now.. Your pics are lovely... God bless..

    1. Nice to meet you! I love when the kids are here and I love when they go back to their apartments :) Silly but I think they think the same!

  9. I love that photo of your kids playing a duet at the piano--and that your daughter is wearing a string of little pearls with her Batman t-shirt. ♥♥♥

    It's the hodge-podge of moving from chores to chats to games of cards to walks with the dog to knitting to running the vacuum and preparing meals that makes family life so great--there really is never a dull moment. Each moment is nothing special, but together they make-up a spectacular, colorful crazy-quilt.

  10. It must be lovely to have everyone home again but yes the extra washing and cleaning I am sure one forgets how much work they can make - but nice work I am sure.

  11. All of you Mom's out there boggle my mind! I don't know how you do all that you do! I admire you immensely....

    Linda in VA

  12. so good to be in the moment and enjoy it for all it's worth! Enjoy!!!

  13. Enjoy your babies while they are home. I find I haven't gotten much knitting or reading done lately either because I have been with my daughter a lot and I am just fine with that. Dogwood trees are just so pretty. I wish they flowers lasted longer.

  14. I am at the stage of life you are wondering about. (How you got everything done.)
    And...unless you are superwoman, you didn't.
    Enjoy your time with them!

    1. so true Cory! I probably didn't....but my memory has created a fantasy of all being in order ;)

  15. Love that first pic. Enjoy the busy, soon it will quiet down and you will miss them. xo

  16. I never understood how you mom do it all and continue with each passing year. In my opinion you are all Superheroes!
    Your Dogwood tree is beautiful!

  17. I am so in love with that dogwood tree! Gorgeous.

  18. Karen, I totally understand there being two versions of you. When it is just the two of us life is slow and easy here at home. When the kids come home with their families for a visit I love falling back into that routine of meals at set times and a load of towels in the laundry every day, etc. When they go home I find myself needing to rest up? When I had to two small children under foot and think of all that I accomplished and never ran out of energy it makes me chuckle that I have to rest up now. :)

    Your photos are beautiful, as always. The dogwoods have been especially beautiful this year, I think. Especially the white ones. Maybe it is the hard winter we endured that makes their delicate blossoms so beautiful now. I also enjoyed seeing a pic of your two playing a piano duet! Love that!

  19. so nice the way you can bounce between the two versions of yourself…tending to who and what needs tending…and remain happy!

  20. Appreciating the best of both worlds, I like that. I hope I'll be able to think like that when the day comes my little ones become not so little.

  21. It seems though (to me at least) that the fact that your pictures have "nothing in common" makes then connected somehow. They are LIFE. I'm glad you got to enjoy your children. :-)


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