Down by the Pond

This in not my pond, the one that I walk by every single day.  This is the town's pond and yesterday my son and I walked the path that winds around fields and trees.  The geese and their little goslings were abundant and so relaxed when we walk by them.  No hissing just a look at us and maybe a herding of their children.

I love how the Canada goose mates for life.  Both mother and father were together with their little goslings.  Family groups.  Big families and little families all together in a goose community.  I was lucky to be there to witness nature at its very best.

We stood there and watched, drinking in the summer like air and lived in the moment.

Thanks for all the kind words on the last post.  I am back to feeling fine, it's amazing what a non bleacher sitting day can do for my joints!  I am lucky that my aches and pains come and go and all I need to do is wait.

Yesterday in the midst of errand running, mulch buying, and grass seed planting (not me, the husband), I had a great lunch out, watched some geese, and lived in the moment.


  1. lovely photos and sounds like a great day! So glad to hear you are feeling better! I started jogging /running again this week and my joints are complaining as well! Today I stuck with yoga and my joints are thanking me!

  2. Looks like it was a lovely moment. Glad you were able to just be in it. :)
    We have a lake/park that is a mile and half from where I live and it's my favorite place to pop over to and just soak it all in, stretch my legs and see the geese.

  3. Glad you are feeling better and got to enjoy the day with your son. Beautiful place you have in walking distance, lucky you. :-)

  4. What a beautiful place to walk! The baby geese are so cute. I'm glad you are feeling better. I need to start yoga again. My joints have been complaining lately and yoga always seems to help.

  5. Karen, your walk sounds very peaceful. Those little goslings will grown so quickly!

  6. You have a beautiful place to walk everyday. It looks calming and peaceful, as well as, a great way to start your day.

  7. Oh my gosh that is precious. You got some wonderful shots Karen. I love that they mate for life!

  8. Cut little goslings. We were with my sister and husband at the weekend and went for a drink by the river. We get the Canadian geese here too. My brother in law loves the white geese but just love these lovely ones. Even bette now I know that they mate for life.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  9. What a beautiful place to be able to walk! Love the sweet photos. Glad you're feeling better.

  10. I enjoyed reading about your time of living in the moment as you watched the geese. We have a family down on a neighbor's pond, about a mile from us. And the last several mornings I've been hearing the geese "talking" back on the beaver pond behind our house. :) They are amazing to watch!

  11. I'm so happy you are better Karen.
    I love how geese mate for life too :)

  12. What a lovely walk around the pond Karen. I love seeing the geese and their families. We are keeping an eye on a few around the ponds here, mama is still sitting on eggs, but soon little goslings will be arriving.

    Glad you are feeling better.

  13. Lovely goose family! What fun. Good to hear your joints are feeling better, it's no fun when they are not.

  14. Beautiful Karen! I love animals that mate for life too, it's amazing- this world of beings we live alongside.

    Having fun catching up on your blog. Glad you are feeling better!


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