Tangles, Ceremonies, and Phases

A few days ago I started to wind up this lovely wool, bamboo nylon blend from Pagewood Farm.  As I was winding the yarn and wishing I owned a swift, the coolness of the bamboo and nylon between my fingers was lovely.  I seem to have tangles every single time I wind, and I feel that the universe wants me to buy a swift.  We'll see... I can be stubborn.  Once I'm done my memory erases the tangle and the frustration from my mind.

I haven't decided yet what I'll be casting on but I have a few ideas, I know that this yarn will be a shawl.  Stay tuned for more details when I settle on a pattern.

We had two days of rain and clouds so my walking came to a halt.  I enjoyed some time in my studio, untangling yarn (ha) and playing around with paper and washi tape.  Each time I am in my space, I'm grateful I moved up there and enjoy the calm peaceful hours.  How lucky am I!

Graduation ceremonies are looming in the near future for both of my kids.  First one will be my son's ceremony next weekend, then moving him back home for the summer before he heads off to graduate school in Boston.  I believe I'll be visiting a fun city more often and I'll slowly adjust to another parenting phase (gracefully, I hope).

My daughter graduates the following weekend from law school.  She will continue to stay at her apartment to study for the Bar Exam over the summer.  She has a job lined up in the late summer that is only one hour's drive away!  I have dreams of visiting her for lunch or shopping, I think this will be a fun year for me.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!!


  1. I have a swift Karen and still encounter tangles in my yarn, argh!

    I am glad I took one of the empty rooms and made a studio too. It's nice to sit in there surrounded by all the things that fuel my creativity. I love all your pretty tapes.

    How exciting for both your children, the world at their feet. I know you are so proud of them.

  2. I can see how tangles are quickly forgotten, especially in this month of major milestones! Congratulations to your son and daughter, and also to you and your husband. I'm glad your kids will be relatively close as they set off on these exciting next phases of their lives.

  3. Beautiful yarn! Congratulations to your kids! And Boston!! You have to go through Rhode Island to get there! (Actually you don't I don't think. I'm not really sure but there may be another way to get there rather then 95!!)

  4. I'm dreaming of having my own studio/craft space one day. Right now all my supplies are stashed all over the house in different nooks and crannies. One day... ;-) How exciting for both of your kiddos! Good luck to both of them!

  5. Lovely yarn for a shawl. I have plenty of tangles with my swift too. Congratulations to all on the graduations and opportunities ahead. Love, love, love washi tape. :-)

  6. so many life changes….and all for the good!!!
    I just saw a lovely little shawl with a leaf border (Pinterest---the bane of my existence!!!) out of that exact color. it was lovely!

  7. Congratulations to you and your kids! What great new adventures.

  8. I have a whole room to myself and sometimes take over other spaces as well. Congratulations on your son and daughters graduation, exciting times ahead. The yarn is beautiful.

  9. Buy the swift. It's a wonderful thing to have on hand and saves a lot of frustration.

  10. What a great space you have to play in!!! I bought a swift last year.....it's an amish one not an umbrella one and I love it...makes life a little less tangly!! Can't wait to see what you decide to knit with that great yarn!

  11. Karen, I have just spent time reading back over your many beautiful posts over the months I've been away. Your knitting and your love for it makes me smile! The finished products are beautiful. I like the color and design of the gloves...that purple scarf is to die for...and I enjoyed seeing the finished table runner on your coffee table! Your weekends with family sound wonderful! I trust that this upcoming weekend will be a peaceful one for you!

  12. Swift - https://www.etsy.com/nz/transaction/198766847?ref=fb2_tnx_title

    Ball winder - http://www.knitpicks.com/accessories/Royal_Ball_Winder__D80667.html

    Hi My daughter has just been having a little spend up - a blog friend Joyce http://octoberfarm.blogspot.co.nz/ is letting Abbey post everything to her and then she will package it and post to NZ - many items can;t be posted to NZ Thought you might like to see since I now know what a swift is and saw you were thinking of getting gone. Love Leanne

  13. Beautiful yarn, as always. I would love to go yarn shopping with you :) Congratulations to both of your kids, looks like next year is shaping up to be one fun year for you. Have a lovely weekend Karen.

  14. I agree with Tracey; a swift may not solve the yarn tangles. Sometimes Ijust think the yarn pixies are in there raising havoc! Sounds like your kids are doing really well!

  15. Your memory erases the frustration of the tangles from your mind . . . gosh, that sounds like childbirth! I can't wait to see what you bring forth from that beautiful yarn. ; )

    Congratulations to your son and daughter! It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful summer. ♥

  16. I borrowed a friends swift and yarn winder to wind all of my Dr. Who yarn. I had "help" with it of course, so ended up with a mess a some point, but it was easier to wind all of that yarn.

  17. Exciting times for your family! Your smile is evident through your words. :) I have two graduates this year, also! Our oldest son will graduate from veterinary school while our Jessica's husband will graduate from Oxford which thrills me since they'll all be moving back to town, at least for a while. This is an interesting stage of parenting, but I've loved them all and am sure you will, too! Karen, congrats to you! :)

    PS: I get my studio back when son #2 and his family move out this summer -- not sure if it's a good trade 'cause I will miss the baby!

  18. What beautiful yarn.. I can't wait to see what pattern you choose!

  19. Big congratulations for you and your adult children. Those are mighty milestones.
    I love your yarn and I see a shawl in it too

  20. The yarn is gorgeous, I can see why the tangles would be a be a memory. I do have a swift and still have tangles, but it is a tad quicker.
    Congratulations to you and your kids on the upcoming graduations. That is big!


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