Currently on my needles

I've been furiously knitting the scrap blanket that I started last week. I'll start off by declaring that this is quite the addictive knitting project. I love picking out the next color and seeing how it looks to the adjacent color. So far so good. My son asked what I was knitting, then announced that he would like the blanket when it's done. A few days later my husband walked by and asked if it was his blanket. Um....I'm sorry but the blanket is mine :)

Guess what?? I'm still, yes still, reading David Copperfield. I find it quite humorous and will chuckle at his descriptions of his first time being drunk and in love (not together).  

Joining Ginny and frontier dreams


  1. Karen, I love the blanket you are working on! I find it interesting that both the men in your household have requested it...makes me wonder what it is about the blanket that attracts them. The colors or perhaps the randomness of it? I know...I'm way too curious for my own good some days. lol

    I'm enjoying hearing your comments on David Copperfield. It has been years and years ago since I read it. Perhaps I need to check it out again. :)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friend! Knit on! :)

  2. The blanket looks like such a fun project and I love that it is yours :)

  3. Isn't it wonderful that people love your work so much?

  4. You've inspired me with your blanket...I have so many un-used skeins of yarn in my basket, I think I may start a similar project.

  5. I love the look of "your" blanket!! Since both your hubby and your son want one, doesn't that mean you have to buy more yarn, knit more things so you can have more leftover yarn for more blankets? ;-) Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

  6. That is just so lovely! I love that you are using all your leftovers instead of throwing them away! :-) I'm a "use-all-waste-none" kind of girl!

    Have a lovely day...

  7. The blanket looks great Karen! At least you know you can knit them each something nice for Christmas and it won't cost you anything to buy the yarn!

  8. You really do need to keep the blanket for yourself. It looks like fun knitting!!

  9. How funny that the blanket is coveted by both of them! It is beautiful and looks fun!

  10. Oh I just love it!! When I finish these baby blankets I think I may cast on!!!

  11. i put this blanket on my to-do list a couple years ago….i LOVE yours!!! such great colors you have to work with!!! looking great.

  12. oh how cute!!! and clearly a blanket of worth as it is already been asked for twice! love the colours!

  13. I think it's hilarious that both of them want the blanket. It's yours! :)

  14. It's lovely that you have everyone claiming *your* blanket! It means they all appreciate your crafting! The colors are looking great- I love scrap projects!

  15. David Copperfield is a big commitment! I read it shortly before my husband and I started dating because he told me it was his favorite book. :) Love the blanket!

  16. Fun project! It looks like an interesting knit. Sounds like you've got a sure winner for a couple more as well?

  17. That is going to be a very cute blanket! I love the patchwork. Chuckling at your son and husband, both requesting the blanket.

  18. Great blanket! So glad you are saving it for yourself!

  19. How funny that both your son and your husband want the blanket... Cannot wait to see how it turns out. Glad you are enjoying it. :)

  20. Hi Ginny! New to your blog, but I was drawn to the photos (from walks) you posted just recently, and what a rockin bright blanket for YOU! YAY! the boys in your life can wait their turn. ;)

  21. Wow, beautiful colors in your blanket! I love Copperfield as well. His writing style is wonderfully humorous at times, and then poignantly sad at others.

  22. That is a beautiful blanket! Since I have visited here (and a few other places) I feel my life taking a different turn. Although I love to read, several of you ladies have inspired me to pick up something else! Maybe knitting needles...I want to learn it so bad but I get so frustrated trying to decifer those instructions! and holding it all together.
    Glad you are enjoying Dickens!

  23. Hello!

    Your blanket looks lovely. I think it's great that your men are fighting over it but understand why you'd keep it for yourself.

  24. Of course they both want your blanket, it's so pretty. I had a scrap blanket I was working on, but should have stored it better than just in a basket....moths found it!

  25. Love how the colors in your blanket look together. Easy to understand why it's so popular. Glad you're going to keep it for yourself. :-)

  26. OOh a patchwork knitting blanket - LOVE it - but I also LOVE colour.

  27. It's gorgeous I can see why others might want it!

  28. I love it. I don't have enough sock yarn around to do a blanket, but maybe someday!

  29. I love the blanket! Brilliant!

  30. The blanket is gorgeous - I am glad it is yours!

  31. That's gorgeous. YOu have me thinking………..this could be trouble

  32. Lots of lovely things to catch up with over here. I love the colourful blanket, no wonder everyone wants one too.

  33. Haha, too funny that they both want YOUR blanket :) It looks just lovely Karen.

  34. I love the randomness of scrappy blankets. And yours is coming together nicely.

  35. What a fun project! Guess you'll need to keep a watchful eye on this one so it's not 'borrowed'.
    Enjoy the reading, my current book is nothing like that epic but it is taking just as long!

  36. so much love for your blanket! it's great karen!

  37. I just love that picture and think it looks totally frame-worthy! Laughing at everyone wanting the blanket, but I'm glad you are keeping it for yourself!

  38. What a great blanket. So colorful - I don't blame your husband for wanting it for his own! I actually worked a bit on my crochet afghan during our recent road trip, so I am feeling very creative this week. Enjoy the upcoming weekend.

  39. The picture of your coffee and knitting look SO inviting. swoon. I have a feeling you will need to keep that blanket on your lap when you are finished so it is not blanketnapped! Who knows, maybe if you still love the pattern/project as much at the end someone else will get one too :)

  40. I can see why they're fighting over it. Yeah, that pattern is pretty addictive once you get a rhythm going. I'm still plugging away at my rainbow one.


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