
I've been writing here on this blog for almost four years. I write for myself mostly but I also want to share with others my knitting, my entry into the empty nest lifestyle gracefully, the nature that surrounds me and savoring the every day moments. I think I would have loved the internet when my children were small while I was a stay at home mom, but it wasn't invented just yet.  I've made so many friends here on this blog, some I've known for years and some just a few weeks. I read all sorts of blog posts and have gained valuable information of beekeeping, chickens, small business start ups, and childrearing. I've traveled around the world while staying home and for this homebody that is just perfect for me. Each day I visit with you and catch one more glimpse of your lives as you do mine.

This past week I've been in hilton head with my family for a vacation (yup).  A few months back I messaged Tracey from clover to see if we could possibly meet up in real life.  When she said 'yes' I was so very happy!!  Meeting her in real life wasn't meeting a stranger but catching up with a long time friend.  I recognized her quickly and once we sat down for lunch the talking was endless.  

She is a warm spirit and such a sweet person-exactly like on her blog :) thank you Tracey for making my vacation and for the lovely necklace, you are talented and creative. I know our paths will cross again in the future. 

I'll be heading home with many photos to share of my trip. 


  1. How lovely that you were able to meet up with Tracey. I just recently found her through your blog, Karen! I'm glad you are able to be away for a bit with your family for a vacation! Relax and enjoy!

  2. A vacation, how lovely. And then to meet up with Tracey, perfection. Sounds like you guys enjoyed your visit. Can't wait to hear and see more of your vacation. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Karen, it made my week to meet you and I am already looking forward to our next visit together. Yes, it really felt like we had known each other for years and I consider you a dear friend.
    I love the photo you posted and would love for you to email it to me, I don't have this one :)
    I hope you have a safe trip home and it's not too hard on you.

  4. How wonderful! I'm jealous!! I hope you are having a fantastic vacation!!

  5. I recently met a blogger friend at a sewing retreat, and it was great. She was just like her blog! HA!

  6. I've just come over from Tracey's blog. I thought that I recognised those two lovely faces. It's lovely to see you two kindred spirits together. What a lovely connection you've made. I hope that you have many many more meetings.
    Have an amazing weekend.

  7. sorry for all the "lovelys" I must widen my vocabulary and find a few more positive adjectives...But you know what I mean.

  8. Isn't that the best? The friendships made online are no less real just because we haven't met the people in person--yet!

  9. How wonderful to meet up with a kindred spirit. Have a great weekend.

  10. How wonderful! I have always thought it would be lovely to meet up with a blog friend in the "real" world. Hope you are enjoying your vacation!!

  11. awww, love seeing the two of you together!

  12. Karen, I think that's awesome that you got to meet in real life! I bet you two had lots to talk about. :-) Have a fantastic weekend!

  13. I'm so happy for you two!!! That is great that you got to meet up with each other. That picture of the two of you just made my day. Enjoy your trip Karen!

  14. There are so many wonderful ladies I would love to meet in real life! And I always enjoy my visits to your place! I am picking up those needles and I am going to learn! Thank you for the inspiration! Hope you enjoyed your vacation and can't wait to see those pictures.

  15. What fun to be able to meet up with a long-distance friend! I hope you enjoyed your trip and have a great weekend.

  16. Internet meet ups are the best! Glad you got along so well!

  17. I follow both your blog and Tracey's. So sweet to see the two of you enjoying some time together. Thanks for sharing!

  18. I'm excited that two of my favorite virtual friends got to meet each other

    what a small, big world :)

  19. I think bloggers only understand what well blogging is like.I love meeting people all around the world and their different look on the ld. I do think blogging makes the world a smaller and closer place.How lovely that you got to meet a real live blogger and have lunch-

  20. I added her to my blog roll list to read. I loved the beaded bag gift you made. I've met 3 knit blog friends since my blog started 10 years ago. They are each wonderful and it was fabulous to meet

  21. how great! It is so nice to have the blogging space when you are a stay at home mom. I feel like I have a connection to others and I don't feel so lonely. A community of wonderful women who live all over the world.

  22. Isn't it wonderful to meet a blog friend in person? Some people laugh, but there are true friendships to be made. I've met two of my long-time BFs in person now, and another good friend I met in a chat room. I love the necklace your friend brought you. It will look so pretty with your knits.

  23. what a fun meeting you must have had! I just read about it on Tracey's blog and now here are more lovely photos on yours. I mentioned to her as well that just last fall I got to meet up with a blogger friend for the first time and it was so much fun. Nichole from LiveFree was here in Western NC with her family and we got to spend a fair amount of time together over a few days. Such an interesting thing to meet for the first time someone you feel you already know so well.

  24. Isn't blogging just the best thing when it spills over into life! My empty nest phase is almost upon me - 1 of 4 still at home - and I am making so many connections through my blog with women at a similar life stage :)

  25. I. AM. SOOOOOO. JEALOUS!!!!! (You know, I was sort of with you in spirit, though, right???) great pictures!

  26. i agree...blogging opens up doors and enables you to meet new people lovely to actually to meet in real life and continue the friendship

  27. This is so beautifully written:) So glad that you got to "meet"! I met one of my best best best friends through blogging, and I love the connections I have been able to make:) Looking forward to seeing pictures of your trip!

  28. So sweet. :) Whenever I hear how weird it is to have made "blog friends," I always reply that blogging is like having penpals. So happy for you and Tracey to have had the opportunity to meet up!

  29. You lucky duck! I'm so glad that two of my favorite people got a chance to meet face-to-face. ♥


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