
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend started with dinner at a friend's house.  Grilled chicken, corn, pineapple slices served with a spinach pasta salad.  I brought some brownies.  Definitely a very good start to the weekend.

Yesterday was a morning of garage sales where I bought absolutely nothing and everyone else did (even the daughter who isn't here scored some Anne McCaffery books that I spied in a tucked away box).  I had a quick lunch at home then spent the whole afternoon sitting on the patio knitting and listening to podcasts.  The weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold--just right.

Today is church and laundry, menu planning and grocery list making, more knitting and podcast listening, and hopefully some reading.

How was your weekend?


  1. Your weekends always sound so lovely, Karen. Ours are so hectic, but I suppose that's just how it is when you have young children. xo

  2. I made brownies on Friday for a picnic, but they were all gone too quickly! Need to make some more I guess :)
    Here is our weekend: http://stitchandpurl.wordpress.com/2014/06/22/weekending-120/

  3. I'm HOME.....and laundry is ALMOST done....and I plan to have an entire week sort of like your weekend!!!! Can't wait!!!!!

  4. Your posts make me so hungry!
    My boys picked up three hatchets at a yard sale this weekend for $1 each. They are over the moon!
    I am weekending here: http://senseofstory.com/weekendingtwentyfour/

  5. I agree with Meghann your weekends sound so lovely Karen- you really know how to make them both relaxing and creative.
    Painting, cherries and swimming - summer has arrived- yipeeee!

  6. Sounds like a lovely weekend!!! I love reading about the different foods you eat :-)
    Here's ours! http://ihappyree.blogspot.com/2014/06/weekending_22.html

  7. I think I need to head north so I can sit outside and knit along side you. Unless you are at the beach it's just too hot here to be called enjoyable.
    I'll post my weekending post tonight or in the morning. :)

  8. What a wonderful weekend. Can't beat starting the weekend with friends and good food.

    Have a lovely week Karen. I will link up in the morning :)

  9. Sounds like you had another lovely weekend.
    Here is our weekend: http://quiltingpenguin.blogspot.com/2014/06/weekend_22.html

  10. I finally got my post finished....

  11. What a great weekend, Karen! I'm usually the thrifty shopper that doesn't find anything around here...


  12. Sounds like a nice weekend to me, too. We saw Porgy and Bess on Fri. night, didn't do too much yesterday, went to see the GK today, and worked in the yard when we came home.

  13. garage sales and brownies and pod casts! Sounds lovely!!

  14. Garage sales where you managed to resist! Well done you ;0) Ours was spent at our first camping trip of the season, a brilliant weekend. http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/weekending-summer-camp.html

  15. Linking up :) http://www.motheringwithmindfulness.com/2014/06/celebrating-summer-solstice.html

  16. The blog looks so lovely and fresh. I love the header photo. That sounds like the best Saturday afternoon ever.

    This was some of our weekend:http://cookingupastorminateacup.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/the-summer-solstice.html

  17. I did so much garage sale-ing for so many years that these days I just keep taking trips to the thrift store to drop off bags of junk. I do miss it though, Next time I do it maybe I can be a little more stringent with my purchases.
    Sorry I didn't join this week, I posted on Saturday and didn't even look to see if yours was up yet.

  18. I need to HAVE a garage sale and stay away from them! My house has way too much stuff. I do love the feeling of a good find though. Sounds like a great weekend was had - and your brownies must have been delicious!


  19. do you know what i would give for temps that allowed me to sit out and knit? gah, so blasted humid today and i'm hoping it will just rain and move on so we can go blueberry picking tomorrow with a bit less humidity ;-)

  20. Isn't it nice when the weekends weather cooperates with our plans. Dinner with friends and a quiet afternoon sounds like heaven.

  21. Sounds like a lovely weekend with all that knitting time. :-)

  22. Aww quiet weekends are great.
    I worked on Sunday…so Im pooped today. Saturday was stormy and lazy for me!

  23. Sounds like a lovely and relaxing weekend!

    A bit late to the party but here it is: http://throughourgardengate.blogspot.com/2014/06/summer-fun-days.html

  24. This sounds like fun, fun, fun! We had the greatest weekend--baby shower and dear friends in town!

  25. Knitting on the patio sounds lovely, I wonder why I never knit in the garden? I might have to add that to my week :)
    Our weekend was a mixture of the good and the bad: http://musingsandbemusings.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/back-in-time.html

  26. Fantastic weekends all around! I love the ones with good laughs, knitting, food. I managed a little of all of it this weekend and a few pages of reading too :)


  27. Sounds like a lovely weekend.
    I'm a bit late, but I thought I would still share...http://frontfortyfarm.blogspot.com/2014/06/summer-solstice.html


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