Currently on the Needles

I love starting new projects especially lace weight ones and yesterday was the day to cast one on.  This project was lined up for vacation beach knitting and as always, I never started the knit because I over pack for trips and have little time to sit and focus. Here is the ravelry page.

Are you surprised that my reading is the same?  I'm not at all.  I have minimal time to read but since the house is settling down with busyness, I think I'll be able to sneak in a few hours more during the day.  The book continues to be okay, and so I will continue to read.

I recently moved those shamrock plants to this table because I think the left one was getting too much direct lighting.  So now we'll see if they can recover and be happy.  Also the origami is a five sided tetrahedron, he gave this one to his dad for his office.  There is origami sprinkled everywhere in this house.

joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. I love the origami!! It must take such patience! The knitting is beautiful too!!

  2. "This project was lined up for vacation beach knitting and as always, I never started the knit because I over pack for trips and have little time to sit and focus." This makes me laugh. Are we sure we weren't separated at birth? :)

    I'm looking closely at that origami & trying to figure out how it is constructed. (I'm failing miserably.) So impressive! I can't imagine how much time and patience that must take. xo

  3. Gorgeous pattern Karen- you always find the most lovely patterns to knit. I have no time to read...just too involved with my kiddos and summer.

  4. Isn't overpacking a knitter's genetic nightmare. Sometimes I take more knitting than clothes! Love that origami!

  5. I love the little vignette you have set up. So pretty. I am drooling over that origami. As a math teacher who loves geometry that tetrahedron is so fascinating. I love the different papers it is made of. The pattern you are knitting is so pretty. I am looking forward to seeing it grow.

  6. I love the origami! I always bring my knitting when we travel and rarely knit other than in the car.

  7. Beautiful! And the origami is amazing! Love the knitting as well :-)

  8. You are number 1 today in the Yarn Along link up! Yay! I think I have manged it once lol. I love love LOVE that origami! Fascinating. Looking forward to watching your progress on your new shawl.

  9. Well that looks like an interesting little knit ya got there! My reading is slow too lately. But I'm happy that I am at least getting some time to do it! That five sided tetrahedron is amazing!

  10. That origami is so interesting and really amazing! I have been on the same book for at least three weeks and it's not even that long of a book... so I hear ya! I hope you enjoy your lacy knit!

  11. The origami is pretty cool! My knitting is the same too although I did finish my book. It's just too hard in the summer to do both!

  12. Wow, that origami is inspiring! Enjoy your project, I look forward to watching it progress.
    Marigolds' Loft

  13. Love the origami. It's eye catching and creates a sense of wonder.

  14. That shawl looks like it will be lovely!! And the origami... just fantastic. My brother still leaves treasures like that wherever he goes, makes me smile :)

  15. Karen, I love your vignette pictured here! The Shamrock plants look so the HOME in front and the origami piece is so pretty! All make the perfect back drop for your knitting and book! I will be looking forward to seeing the finished piece!

  16. Love the origami, it was the first thing that caught my eye in that photo. Looking forward to seeing more of your shawl :-)

  17. What cute little plants. I have never seen them before. Cant wait to see the finished shawl!

  18. i really do love that puzzley origami thing! very cool. I want to dissect it! hope your shamrock recovers; I have a bird nest fern in for rehab, too.

  19. love the origami! how pretty your shawl is going to be.

  20. The origami is amazing, such a feast for the eyes. I always take some travel crochet and never do any. Have a great week.

  21. oh summer and all it's busyness can really throw a kink in the reading/knitting plans! but the book -- i just ordered a copy so i'll be following in your reading footsteps :)

  22. I am totally guilty of overpacking the getaway knitting. I love how you pack some lace knitting for "vacation" hehe. The yarn looks light and airy.

  23. The origami is awesome! And a new knit, fun! Looking forward to hearing more about the book as you read along.

  24. Love the shawl pattern and the color yarn you've chosen. The origami is fantastic!

  25. I haven't seen the first two weeks of summer go bye. Busy busy!!!
    I am going to check your knitting project I need a new project for our trip

    1. good luck picking out the perfect knit :) I love packing for trips!

  26. That shawl looks like it's going to be really complex - I love geometric patterns and can't wait to see how it turns out!

  27. I can't think of lace shawl knitting without thinking of you Karen, you go together :)
    And the yarn you are using, oh my, it looks so amazing.

  28. looks lovely!!! :))) happy knitting!

  29. I'm still working on Lady Kina. Your shawl is going to be another beauty; I love the color. My book is THe Long Road to Antietam, and it is long and slow-going, at least for me. It's a book club selection, so I'm hanging in and learning quite a bit of Civil War history.

  30. The origami is amazing. I love the way your shawl is coming along so far.

  31. I love the tetrahedon, that's very cool! That shawl looks like it's going to be very pretty, nice colour too.

  32. WOW, the origami star is amazing! I'm looking forward to watching your shawl grow, you always pick such pretty patterns. My scarf is still on hold (just can't concentrate enough on it right now) but I did start a plain pair of socks. The perfect knit while chatting, riding in the car...

  33. I love casting on too! Have fun.....

  34. My son loves origami and would love to know how to do that! I am itching to start a new project, but I have four in process that I want to finish.

  35. I love your origami theme. And i Love to cast on new …too

  36. hi karen,
    the origami is amazing. your lace shawl looks wonderful,pretty yarn!
    wish you wonderful days,


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