Stress Free days

Each day begins in quiet and slow purposeful movements and somewhere during the day the speed hastens and I wonder where has the day gone?  More importantly, I question "what have I achieved today".  This week has revealed to me the many pockets of time that I waste.

So I turned off notifications on my phone, I was checking and rechecking the notifications then clicking the links and then time was siphoned away from me.  Just turning off the notifications gave me some peace.

You know I love the internet and wouldn't live without it, but too much of anything isn't healthy.  I've commented before on my unplugged weekends and my time away from the computer leads to joy and  happiness.  These days that have past have been stressful and busy and capturing the peace and quiet that my essence requires was important. Living a life intently gives me the happiness that I crave.  I don't want one specific hobby defining my entire day.

Last night as I readied for bed I thought "what have I achieved today" and I was happy with my answers.  I read some of my book, I was mindful of my meals as I ate them, I knit on all three projects and enjoyed an overall relaxed day.  My day was not stressful or hurried and that was the result I was seeking.

May you all have a relaxing stress free weekend!!


  1. If only you truly knew what an inspiration you are to me, Karen! Thank you for sharing this today...a day when I needed to hear it most. Gentle hugs.

  2. You just wrote about the same exact things I wrote in my journal this morning! This week was blah. And I think a big part of that is 1) I slept in late too many mornings and didn't get my quiet, prayer, reading, writing time in before the baby was up 2) I've been spending way too much time on-line again (and this after just writing about it on my blog a few weeks ago!) it's time to re-commit to unplugged weekends and finding the balance again during the week! I hope you have a wonderful weekend :-)

  3. Stress free is working for me here too Karen. Enjoy a great weekend.

  4. Thanks for the reminder- I will try too to be more mindful of my days- starting now I will slow down and see where it will takes me. Have a most enjoyable weekend.

  5. I too find I can get swallowed up by social media. I was spinning last night and kept stopping to check on stuff and talk to people online. I finally said "enough". May you have a stress free, fun, relaxing weekend!

  6. sounds like your 'chi' was in perfect harmony!!! hoping it follows you all weekend long!!! (wish you were here---i'm off to the library booksale in a few minutes!!!!)

  7. It sounds like you had a lovely stress free day and your images reflect that calm. I hope that the weekend will continue in the same vein.
    Have a good one.

  8. When Internet becomes too demanding, I know it's time to step back. Sounds like you're finding a balance. I hope you're able to enjoy a relaxing weekend!

  9. Turning of the notifications on your phone sounds like a really good idea. Up until September of last year I only had a "dumb" phone and I've come to realize I used to spend a lot more time "connected" now than I did then. Maybe I need to turn mine of... Have a wonderful, stress free weekend!

  10. ahh a perfect day! - I have computer at a set time in the morning for blogs, facebook & email. Its a little routine I enjoy.

  11. un plugging is a perfect way to settle me down

  12. I feel the same way. We've already cut out TV, but internet remains a constant pull away from what matters most. I don't have a cell phone, but my laptop is always open. I've found that muting the volume is enough to not hear the notifications. But still, if I don't close it, I'm drawn to the refresh button.

    Wishing you a very stress free week-end as well! xo

  13. good on you! hoping your weekend is stress free and productive, too!

  14. What a great post! Recently I have been pondering about un plugging from the internet too. :)

  15. I love my unplugged time, I make a habit of on a regular basis. Hoping your weekend is a stress free and productive one. Enjoy!

  16. Great post. Think of positive things achieved even if it's only a small one makes such good sense.

    Have a good weekend

    All the best Jan

  17. Nothing feels better than rethinking your day and knowing it was a good one. Well done you!

  18. I think unplugging from technology and taking the time to appreciate things is very soothing

  19. I deleted Twitter from my phone for precisely that reason! I can't read blogs on my phone, or twitter, or anything much besides email at this point. So when the computer is off, I am, too.

    Every evening before bed I jot down a few lines about the day. This is how I make sure I am paying attention to what I've accomplished. And then I often write a "hope to do" list for the next day, and this isn't just drudgery tasks, although I do put down chores. It includes things like working on specific projects, doing certain things with or for the kids (such as requests they've made that they need my help for), and spending time taking care of myself and watching a show or otherwise spending time with my husband. ALL of these things are important and so they all get my attention. :-)

  20. I have the same exact salad spinner and love it. :) Enjoying fresh salads every day as well as time unplugged. Refreshing!

  21. With my new smart phone I've noticed my desire to constantly check it, but also recognize how unhealthy the habit could become. I don't want to be "that person" who can never lift their head or say hello. Quiet, unconnected time is essential to good living. Thanks for the reminder, Karen.


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