
-We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing-
                                                                                                                    Satchel Paige

Five or so years ago, I wrote out some goals during the end of December for resolutions.  I focused on three areas:  spirituality, creativity and health.  My spirituality goal easily evolved into praying in the mornings and establishing a daily practice.  Creativity is evident with all the knitting I produce but I wanted to get back to writing in a journal and making that a daily habit.  With the help of expanding my morning alone time and creating an environment to sit and ponder, I am happy with my daily journal entries, participating in writing prompts.

My health goal was the last aspect of my daily life that I procrastinated on.  I do not like to move unless I am getting more yarn for a knitting project.  I thrive sitting inside and cocooning myself away from the world, lost in knitting or reading.

In March, I challenged myself to move-to do anything, or something and to rejoice in that tiny decision.  Movement is what a body needs to feel it's very best-to walk, bend, flex and stretch helps each joint and limb be happy.  As a child, I moved continuously, playing outside and running around and somehow in adulthood I slowly stopped and started a static existence.  I started small, walking daily and challenging myself to do yoga in the mornings, again stretching that precious alone time incorporating a health goal.  Yoga in the mornings is now a ritual that I embrace and love. The benefits are endless and I wonder why I waited so long to start taking better care of myself.

Today I will be walking and taking in the sights and sounds of my woods and country roads, celebrating the daily rituals of my life.

How about you?

Joining writealm daily prompts



  1. Karen, you inspire me to come out of my own cocoon more and get moving. It isn't as difficult as it once was now that my health has improved. I am beginning to love moving about and seeing those small goals I set for myself each day accomplished! But there is so much more I need growth in. I need to extend my morning quiet time and incorporate a few things, as you have done here. At this time, I am focusing on my time...noting how I spend it. Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Well done you, looking after yourself on every level is important. Keep focused and keep up the good work.

  3. I loved reading this!! Those are the three areas I decided to focus on this year too. It had kind of fallen to the wayside though a few months ago. At the beginning of July I decided to re-focus. I am now getting up at least an hour before everyone else and getting in a good solid prayer & writing time. Those two things help center my days wonderfully. It is amazing the benefits I am seeing from that time already. I had been so very proud of my yoga habit....I was feeling good, moving more, and my pains were slowing going away. But when the humidity hit I stopped. And am already backsliding into my non-moving state. Hence the pain is returning and I don't feel as good. Must get back into it!!

  4. Such great goals! I am so glad that you are finding success with walking and yoga. It is a great addition to a well-lived life.

  5. I wrote almost the same list four years ago this month Karen and for the most part have been enjoying each day. The older I get the faster the days seem to be flying by and I really don't want to waste this life I've been blessed with.
    Enjoy a beautiful weekend Karen and happy knitting!

  6. Given the choice I will sit and read or knit and not move at all. But I have to admit that I feel sluggish when I do that. I'm not a mover by nature - so going for a walk is an effort but I try to do it. I need to make a conscious effort to do it more often. Thanks for inspiring me!

  7. I love that quote, and this post. Im glad that you are reaching your goals and feeling the benefits of them. I plan to walk more and spend lots more time out of doors once we move. I do miss time in nature and it seems to get pushed to the side whenever I get busy and then like you I hibernate doing all the indoor things that seem to take my attention from everything else.
    Your day sounds good. I hope that your weekend will be equally so.

  8. I move so that I can keep up with my kids and able to be sporty granny when the grandkids come along. I ride my horses almost every day and I do T25- it gives me energy, lifts my mood and it just makes me feel good. Enjoy your walk in nature - nothing is better to lift your spirits than that!
    Have a great weekend.

  9. i love cocooning and i love moving but the cocooning definitely comes easier. once i actually get moving, i'm good, it's the getting moving bit ;-)

  10. I love the quote :) I am working on my own habit building too, very much along the same lines. It's nearly impossible to carve out morning time for quiet prayer but I'm hoping I'll find something that works. (And then the school year will start and routines will shift and I'll be back to the drawing board but that's just how that goes.)

  11. Your post is a good reminder to all of us that movement is rewarded by a healthier, stronger body. Beautifully said, Karen.

  12. I've never really liked to exercise, preferring to sit and read or knit instead. It all changed about two years ago and now I too wonder why it took me so long. I took a break these last three weeks to really spend time with my mom, but I am looking forward to getting back to exercising. Makes me feel so much stronger and better!

  13. Way to go Karen! I moved today, an early morning run before it got too hot. It was lovely! Happy weekend.

  14. THose woods are lovely dark and deep with miles to go…..before i hit 10,000 steps

  15. some of my most creative knitting adventures have come about because I was too lazy to get up and get....... double points/a needle/a cable needle/scissors/ name it. fortunately, the grands are around enough to keep me from becoming a total slug.....and fred does his fair share, too! :) happy weekending, Karen......maybe you can take a jaunt around the woods for me (it's too dang hot and humid to leave the a/c this weekend!)

  16. so good, karen. it's beautiful the way you've been creating movement in all areas of your life…the physical and literal, but movement within the spiritual and creative realms as well.

  17. we ride our bikes a lot in the summer and since it is too hot to walk the dogs (unless I get up at 3 to do so) that will wait until fall.

  18. Sometimes I feel like I would be quite happy cocooned in my house with endless books and yarn...but I've found that the reading and knitting is actually MORE fun when I've exercised and gotten outside first. and YOGA! Yoga has nearly changed my life. :)

  19. Yoga is my fall back exercise. I love it so much more than even walking. There is strength and grace in yoga. Good for you for setting a goal and moving towards it.

  20. Nice inspirational post, Karen! I've been trying to lift weights regularly to help with bone density, stretching also.

  21. Karen, you and I are so much a like. A few Decembers back I made the same resolutions: to become more disciplined in prayer, creativity, and exercise. I nailed the first two. But, year-round exercise continues to be a struggle. I don't like treadmills or machines, and as you know, winter in the northeast is long and snowy. When the snow piles up I tend to stay inside. My doctor keeps telling me yoga is the thing. I'll have to give it a try. Do you use a video or something as a guide?

    Karen, I would love to meet you sometime when you are up in Boston! I could have you and your family over to my house for lunch or supper (if you don't mind my messy zoo). We live about 14 miles outside the City. Or I would be happy to meet you somewhere.

    1. I use the yoga studio app on my ipad for my yoga routine, alone, in my living room! I'll be emailing you when I know particulars about the trip(s) when he moves and when we visit him! I would love to see you, if possible!

  22. I think this is amazing and so inspiring--I love seeing the pictures from your walks! I too tend toward sitting--I like to read and work on art projects, and those are both stationary activities! But it has been really meaningful to get out and walk during my pregnancy, and I am looking forward to keeping it up in the months to come, with a stroller and a little companion:)

  23. Me too! I don't know why it is so hard for me. I am definitely not ACTIVE. I got out of the evening walk habit when it got so hot lately. That and I'm just plain tired. I like morning walks better but you have reminded me that yoga is easy to do before bed.

    Thanks for the reminder!


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