Outside Views

Over the weekend, I spent some time alone outside with the big camera looking at my small world through the lens.  I love how we walk about in ordinary time and see beauty but when there is a camera involved the outside views are fine tuned, focused and exact.  In capturing these photos, I stopped time for a second and saved a bit of loveliness from the day.

Our liatris has been blooming magnificently even though some rabbits keep trying to trim the new shoots down to the ground.  I've seen many butterflies and even honey bees!

Outside walking in the garden I forgot about the heat and humidity and soaked in what summer is all about.  Summer is blooming, buzzing, flitting around me, I stop, look and  listen to the season's best offerings.

I hope you are enjoying your outside views this week!


  1. I've been outside a lot the last few days and I'm wondering where this cold front everyone on the Weather Channel is talking about because it's not here! Oh my the heat and humidity are here in full force!

    1. It's here! LOL! Only 64 degrees today and I LOVE it, Tracey!

  2. You've done such a wonderful job capturing what summer is in this post, Karen! We've had rain almost non stop since late afternoon on Sunday. Earlier that day though I took a walk (without the camera...shame on me) around the yard and saw much the same as you with the liatris...both butterflies and bees. My husband took the camera out with him last evening after supper and took some beautiful pictures that would depict summer quite well. ;) He's a man with purpose! Have a wonderful day, Karen.

  3. I enjoyed the outdoors a lot this past weekend. This week will have to wait - we are having 3 straight days of rain. But it's OK because we really need it. I love the shot of the butterfly! And I agree with Tracey - where IS that cold thing that's supposed to be happening?

  4. Only outdoors for me from sun up till sun down, Beautiful flower garden you have and great capture of the butterfly. Enjoy your view!

  5. It's amazing how calming the green is and fascinating to watch all the little winged creatures and blossoms. I love the last cabbage white butterfly shot.

  6. Gorgeous photos friend! I am looking forward to spending some time with the "big" camera today which is actually Brad's Nikon for work and worth a lot of money. I out it on automatic and make sure to always put the lens cap back on. ; )

  7. Great pictures - a lovely summer day.

  8. Beautiful surroundings! It's amazing how a camera changes our perspective, right?

  9. Beautiful summer post, we have more rain than sun so I am just dreaming about summer.

  10. i find i get in a meditative state when taking photos outside -such bliss. I don;t think I've grown liatris will search for some - very pretty

  11. This. Yes. This is what my daily walks have been doing for me. Getting me out. Showing me how big my little world actually is. Lovely, friend.

  12. Such beautiful pictures! I love spending time outside - especially when it's not quite as humid and hot as it normally is this time of year.

  13. What great photos! Especially that one of the butterfly coming in for a landing--stunning shot! There is nothing like being outdoors in nature. ♥

  14. You know how much I enjoy being outside, and this week with the cooler temperatures has been great!

  15. Such pretty views. It's nice to see summer from "in here".

  16. I too have been posting outside flowers and lovelies….
    so pretty this time of year. color everywhere

  17. Lovely photos, Karen. Your liatris is WAY ahead of ours though! Glad you take time to "smell the roses!"

  18. Just beautiful! I so rarely use my actual camera these days, which is a shame because my phone doesn't do very well with close-up shots. I love seeing the intricate detail of everything around me, an endless source of pleasure and wonder:)


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