The Happy List

I find that the more I check off my to do list the more I add to the list.  As you know, we found an apartment for our daughter after a two month search.  A huge weight off of my mind and instead of celebrating, I turn around and start the search for my son's apartment.  This one is challenging because he will be in Boston and that is not near here.  So more juggling of the logistics of seeing places.  Thankfully my husband is the adventurous city traveler and so I will create the checklist and send them on their merry way. Not sure when....

So while I am busy and living a full purposeful life, I am creating a happy list:

-walking after six in the evening with my dog and my family
-coffee in the early morning while I journal
-knitting my blanket
-planning a new knit!
-sesame bagels
-avocados with salt (I am a salt lover and I dread the day the dr says 'no')
-sticking to my walking and my yoga routines
-love the feel of more flexibility and less aches and pains

What would make your happy list?


  1. Love your idea of a Happy List! I've made a lot of lists in my lifetime, but the closest I've come to making a Happy List is my Gratitude Journal. You inspire me with your ideas...and your discipline of staying with exercise, because of the health benefits you are receiving from it. I need to do the same!

    Have a wonderful day...and have fun making that To Do list for your hubby and son for when they head to Boston.

  2. I love the idea of a Happy list, I am going to ponder that one. I am a great lover of a list, but its usually a to do list. Thankfully I am over that stage in my life of looking for accommodation for our daughters they are all settled with families of there own. Have a great day.

  3. Yes and yes to avocados with salt and planning new knits. I just need to finish some knits first before I indulge in new yarn and patterns....

  4. That is a fantastic list! I need to get better at sticking to my routines; I haven't figured out a way to do that, and perhaps making a "happy list" (instead of a "to-do list") is the way to go... xo

  5. oh, such a happy happy-list! and hooray for apartment number one!

    hmmm…my happy list would include things like lemon pancakes, second cups of tea on these slow summer mornings, making time to scribble in my journal, playing with my camera, hanging out with my kiddos, stepping up my exercise routine and sticking to it.

  6. I thought of you yesterday as I sat to eat a piece of watermelon and reached for the salt shaker :)

  7. Hmmm.. a happy list... great idea. Perhaps I should put DEVELOPING a walking and yoga routine on my happy list! I love salt too, and I eat it on my cantaloupe!

  8. Karen, believe it or not, have your son go on Craig's list for Boston apartments. I know my daughter's boyfriend is currently interviewing prospective renters to move into the house he shares with 4 other guys (they are in their mid 20s) and this is how they get their room mates. Now is prime time for Boston rentals as most leases start September 1st due to all the colleges. Both my children went to Boston College so I have learned a lot about the housing from their friend's searches. My daughter will probably be doing this search also in the next year. Good luck.

  9. They will never be able take away my salt. :)
    On my happy list is planning a new shawl project to knit with a bunch of friends.

  10. My happy list would include: just sitting and knitting my pluie cardigan, summer rain storms, walks with Rufus, summer fruits, getting out of the city.

    Your 10 stitch blanket is looking lovely! I love the colors.

  11. Keeping a happy list is such a great idea. I LOVE your blanket.

  12. a happy list is just the best thing everyone should do it! Your blanket very much is a happy blanket. Oh and always always there needs to be what next to make on a happy list.

  13. Mine would include games with my girls, reading to the littlest in the family, quiet rainy Tuesdays, and tuna for lunch...

    Love your list Karen!

  14. I've made my own happy list on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration! I said it last week, and I'll say it again - I love that blanket! Very happy colours.

  15. I love your happy list! I love lists and a sense of completion. Good luck on that apartment hunt #2. Your kids are very lucky that you are helping them with this. My parents just said have at it! Let us know where you end up. ha! Look how I turned out .. hmm ...;)

    If you can, try some smoked sea salt on your avocado toast, delish!

    Your list truly is happy. I'm going to try and insert some happy listing in my day both work and home. Happy Knitting!

  16. What a wonderful happy list. I write a gratitude list every night, which I would consider my happy list. On it last night....early morning quiet time, cups of tea, time in the woods, watching the growth and development in my little man, our home and the little life we have carved out for ourselves.

    I love salt on my avocado too, and since you mentioned watermelon and salt, yup, I like that now too :)

  17. knit blog reading is one on my list for sure!
    I love simple lists and lists in general
    your ten stitch is awesome…
    planning a new knit is also a big part of the fun

  18. Oh! My sister and her fiance live in Boston (and have for a number of years now) - it's a wonderful city and I'm sure your son is going to love it! Let me know if you have any questions about neighborhoods, etc - I have two experts I could ask for you!

    My happy list includes cold, sparkling water, baby smiles, and decaf instant coffee (even if I usually don't get to finish my cup these days - just having one near me makes me happy enough). And knitting, of course. :)

    1. you are so sweet to offer help, we have the area that he wants and as of today he has secured his new apartment, just waiting for the paperwork!! He is excited about the move!

  19. Love your list! What will the new yarn be?

  20. Love that blanket of yours! No wonder you enjoy working on it with all its cheerful colors. Am anxious to see what you with the flying needles will knit next!

  21. i'd definitely put that ivory yarn in the last photo on MY happy list!!! What is it destined to be????

  22. I love this idea! There is so much on my happy list right now: fresh cold fruit, folding tiny baby clothes, feeling kicks and wiggles, savoring these last few weeks just the two of us... :)

  23. Not having to go to work everyday. I could get so much done for my home and family if I didn't have to spend 7 hours a day working for someone else. :)
    crocheting/knitting, gardening, housekeeping, and reading, a little evening stroll, along with puppy training.

  24. Lovely happy list, especially the coffee and knitting bit. My happy list this week would include the quality family time we've squeezed in sorting out Hannah's old school exercise books with her. It included a lot of laughter but also surprise We'd forgotten how good her early writing attempts were and realising that it's no wonder she's taking the course in life that she has.

    1. ps I really love how your blanket's coming along. Hopefully that will be the next one I make.

  25. A happy list, what a great idea to focus more on the positive! My happy list would include the time I got to spend with my mom and all the talks we had. Cooking with her, playing cards in the evening with the family, cooler evening temps so we were actually able to be outside more. We've had great luck with our weather during her stay. :-)

  26. I just love that blanket. My happy list is chips and salsa, my morning yoga, a summer mostly off from work, and exploring new places.


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