
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

Chocolate chip cookies are in the house :)

Friday was a nice evening where we went out for dinner at a favorite restaurant for pizza.  I finished some continuing education work online in the afternoon that took longer than I thought, as it always does, and I enjoyed the celebratory feeling at the meal.  Another task crossed off the list.

Saturday was a lazy day.  I walked twice and thoroughly enjoyed the mild weather.  If only summer could stay in the low eighties, maybe then I wouldn't grumble about my least favorite season.  I didn't cook dinner because of the leftovers from Friday's dinner out.  I watched some Dr. Who and knit furiously on my socks.  I have a personal goal of finishing them in a few days.  Imaginary pressure is on :)

Later today after church, I'll be doing some laundry and making my menu list for the week ahead.  Today will be grilled chicken, baked potatoes and a tossed salad.  Simple and easy. Oh, and I'll eat more cookies, I cut them small so I can have more.

How was your weekend?


  1. I want cookies!!! I haven't made them since the summer hit. I wish we had AC! Your weekend sounds very peaceful. I began a new pair of socks yesterday. I'll post pictures this week....they are Christmas ones! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who puts imaginary pressure on my knitting! :-)
    Here's our weekend: http://ihappyree.blogspot.com/2014/07/weekending_27.html

  2. Chocolate chip cookies are my Mike's favorite. I wish the cool front had made it this far south, it's hot here and only suppose to get hotter. I was out early this morning checking to make sure all the animals had extra water. Aren't leftovers great? I didn't cook last night either and am not sure I will tonight.

  3. We finally celebrated Nadia's birthday on Friday. She had great fun with her friends, a good night for all. I went walking with friends yesterday morning, got some chores done around the house and enjoyed some pool time in the afternoon. Today hubby and I are going to participate in a poker run for charity. The proceeds of the ride will help get a service dog for a 4 year old with spina bifida and several other health problems. Hopefully lots of money will be raised!

  4. Looks like a lovely quiet weekend, a little similar to mine...lovely and quiet.

  5. We had a very sunny weekend with lots of food! I think I ate enough for the whole of next week!
    I do the imaginary pressure thing a lot too - good luck with your socks! :)


  6. It's been a perfect weekend here, sunny but not too hot or too cold. We had fun with the grand kids yesterday and cooked hamburgers on the grill. Sang at church this morning with summer choir and are enjoying a lazy afternoon with some more time outdoors. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  7. Sounds like a pretty darn good weekend. I will be right over for some cookies :)

  8. We had a pretty good weekend here too but for us it was a berry crisp instead of cookies :)

  9. Your weekend sounds like the perfect mix of work, rest and play. Here I've been busy with all sorts of things, including catching up with everyone's blogs after my break from knitsofacto. The cookies look scrumptious, did you save me one?

  10. yum! cookies! Sounds like a very relaxing weekend!http://summerplayshouse.com/2014/07/28/weekending-76/

  11. I've been feeling bad about wishing the weather was cooler, good to know I'm not the only one ;0) http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/weekending_28.html

  12. Our weather is hot and dry, but it didn't stop me from working too hard in the garden, walking too far in the heat, and enjoying every last minute of my four days off. I like the sound of your more relaxed days, Karen.

  13. We got a cool front as well. It's nice to turn off the AC and open all the windows. I agree, summer could just stay in the 80's!

  14. I just love the feeling of crossing items off a list. I have loved the summer so far - we have not seen 90 degrees yet and that makes me super happy. Leftovers for dinner are great!


  15. PRetty good. had to work on Saturday but it wasn't too crazy. :)
    I still marvel at all the people awake at midnight when I amon my way home and so ready for bed!!
    I'd love a cookie thanks.
    TOday: work . New cast on…in biggy yarn

  16. another pretty wonderful weekend in your neck of the woods!!! i'm rather looking forward to a week at home to putz at home-maker-ly things!!!! and chocolate chip cookies are high on the list (the butter is out to soften as I write!!)

  17. grilled chicken, baked potatoes, and salad is the perfect meal in my opinion. we venture out to mass on saturday afternoons -- much easier for us and then we have a lovely and long day to fill with nothing on sunday ;-)

    my weekend: http://www.thehabitofbeing.com/journal/?p=8737

  18. Sounds like a lovely weekend. :-)

  19. Sounds a lovely weekend ....I'll have the grilled chicken with a tossed salad !

    All the best Jan

  20. I'm a little late jumping on... crazy week it seems. I'm so happy you had a nice week-end. And feeling fulfilled an accomplished is just two of the greatest feelings!

    Hope your week is as lovely.



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