Maleficent Socks Complete

Over the weekend while moving our daughter from the old apartment to the new apartment, I finished my socks.  You know, the maleficent socks.

Are you a matchy matchy sock knitter?  I am.  I take pride in how close the matching is and this pair I think I'm within a row of identical socks.  This is without counting rows, just using locking stitch marker clips and a measuring tape.

I'm keeping this pair for me and I've tucked them away in my woolen sock drawer.  Waiting for those crisp fall days that will be here in three months.


  1. They are perfect!! Great job matching those stripes!

  2. You are a master at sock knitting Karen. Wow, those stripes are perfect. In my younger years I wanted everything to match, now it doesn't bother me as much.

  3. They look perfect! I'm not a matchy sock knitter, but I do admire those with that patience. Well done!

  4. The socks are beautiful! I love the colors! :)

  5. Perfection, they are a real delight. The colour combination is beautiful.

  6. Wow! Those are perfect. I'm making striped socks now, and not even trying to match them. I am impressed with your pair! And I love the colors.

  7. How perfect! Great job... One day! One day I will learn to really knit...
    Just beautiful.

  8. They're beautiful! I love a wonderfully matched striped pair. :)

  9. Aren't homemade socks the best? I always have a couple prs. going on my needles...would have thought I gave DIL the moon when I just surprised her with a pr. of pink ones!

  10. They look like happy socks. That's the vibe I'm getting anyway. They also look like the kind of socks that just might persuade me to knit some myself, maybe ;)

  11. Wow, Karen, they are perfect! I really need to try socks, I keep saying I will, and as of yet, have not. Can I join you for a cup of tea one day, and you can tell me the secrets to sock knitting :)

  12. Love me some matchy matchy!! Although the hand spun ones I just finished are knit 2 at a time from both ends of the skein.....also fun and a little bit daring!! In the end it's a pair of warm wooly's for your toes so its all good!!

  13. Gorgeous. Matched to perfection

  14. Hi Sweets! I just tried to comment but I don't know if it worked.
    As I was are a pro knitter. Some people have it, and some don't. And you DO!

  15. perfect!!!! LOVE these!!!
    I've lately liked the matchy-matchy challenge....although I also love making the odd-ball bits and pieces socks that don't match anywhere....once you have 2 done, you can just keep adding onesies to the mix!!! I guess I just like knitting socks!! :)

  16. I know you're counting down the days until you can wear them!

  17. Karen, I always enjoy reading your posts and have just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. You can check out the details here: Cheers! Grace

  18. I love them! The colors are vibrant and warm and hopefully will not make you feel maleficient when you wear them ; ) I'm kind of a nut about matching my stripes so I'm with you on that one. Can't wait to see what's next on your needles!

  19. Love those socks! The colors are terrific.


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