What I Like about Him

We are celebrating 27 years of marriage this week.  (YAY)

So I'm listing what I like about him:

-he laughs at my jokes even if they aren't that funny
-whatever I'm worried about he says it will be okay
-we talk at the same time about the same stuff
-we both have fitness trackers and compare how many steps we have (I'm nearly always behind)
-he will ferret out unknown to me yarn shops for day trips and lunches, nearly every time there is also a used vinyl record shop as well for him

-he likes most of my crazy ideas
-he knows the difference between knitting and crocheting
-we love long aimless car rides
-I am directionally challenged and he knows where we are where ever we are
-he makes the best pizza crust from scratch and delicious curry dinners
-I still cannot read his writing but come close to the message when needed
-he can calculate in his head, I'm a finger counting girl so it comes in handy after 10.

Have a lovely weekend :)


  1. Congrats! Love your list!

  2. Awww...Karen...Happy Anniversary to you and your sweet man! Twenty seven years of marriage...through the thick and through the thin...through seeing kids grow up, and moving them out...of being left with each other...and life is sweet! Hugs to you my friend!

  3. how lovely, I love that your list is simple and appreciative.. You both sound normal and happy. Congratulations on a beautiful effort!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! What a sweet list. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  5. best wishes for a very very happy celebration of love!!! (love the list....hee hee, bet you knew---i'm a finger-counting, directionally impaired girl, too....married to a calculator map-man!)

  6. That is a great list!!! Happy 27th anniversary Karen! Wishing you many, many more happy years together.

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary, such a wonderful list. Have a great day and weekend.

  8. Happy anniversary! I love your list and was so surprised at how much in common you guys have with Mike and me. It's too bad we live so far apart, we would all have fun together.
    Enjoy the long weekend my dear friend.

  9. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! It sounds like he's definitely worth keeping around for quite a few more years. I'm especially touched by his record/yarn shop parity!

  10. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Wonderful list!

  11. that's so lovely!! many more years!!! Sounds like you have a very special husband! :)

  12. HOw lovely! Today is my parents 61st anniversary! Wishing you as many

  13. What a lovely post. Happy anniversary to you both x

  14. Sounds like a wonderful marriage! Happy Anniversary, my friend!

  15. HE sounds awesome!! How wonderful Karen! I wish you a very happy anniversary and many more to come!

  16. Congratulations!!! Happy Anniversary.

  17. Congratulations! I love your anniversary posts. You fit together like salt and pepper. Peanut butter and jelly. And sugar and cream.....well, you get it ;) Have a wonderful weekend, my friend! xoxox

  18. Happy Anniversary!!!!!! It sounds as though you have a great marriage and I wish you many more happy years together. xx

  19. Congratulations! Happy anniversary!

  20. Congratulations! What a sweet list!

  21. ...pinched my heart a bit.
    What a lovely post Karen.
    Happy anniversary.

  22. Happy Anniversary to you and your mister! Love the list xx

  23. A very Happy Anniversary to you both!

  24. What a sweet list. Wishing you many more years together!

  25. happy anniversary to you two!!!
    and i lovelovelove your list. such sweet and simple and endearing bits.

  26. Happy anniversary! Great list. When I married Julian (a mathematician) I thought it would be SO helpful for calculating sales. But what I didn't bargain for is that he is also a professor, so when I ask what 40% of $39.99 is he will say, "Now, 40% is almost 50% and what is half of $40?" and so on! Isn't it great that we can be so different and so well suited?

  27. oh this is lovely, lovely. happy anniversary! really enjoyed reading the list. wonderful to find such a great partner!

  28. I knew your list was about your husband, but when I saw the photo of your dog, I began imagining that was the list of what you like about Frodo.... hehee...


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