Currently on the Needles

I completely forgot to take my photo yesterday, so here is a somewhat bleary photo from early this morning.  My knitting this week has been hopping from my cowl, to my blanket, to this fair isle hat.  The hat is a "make it as I go" kind of knit.  I'm enjoying the color play and love the feel of the yarn in my hands.  Originally when I arrived at the fair isle knitting section I thought " Goodness, this will take a while!"  Now I'm hoping that the fair Isle will last forever.  That is good knitting.

My reading is the same but nearly finished.  I'm reading The Signature of all Things and overall the book is okay.  Sometimes the plot drags on, sometimes I wonder what a detailed section has to do with the overall novel or theme.  I keep reading because the writing is pleasant and I guess I want to see what happens.  I know this is an ambivalent review however I'm being honest.

What are you reading and knitting this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. Love the color scape Karen- isn't fair isle fun? Love the rhythm that each little piece/section has.

  2. Love it Karen you really are doing a great job with the hat.

  3. Your fair isle hat is turning out nicely! Can't wait for you to model it for all of us to see.

  4. Look at the fair isle, just gorgeous. Happy knitting!

  5. Fair isle is really fun. I need to do it more because I think I pull my yarn too tight. You chose great colors. Enjoy!

  6. That's a great hat and I appreciate your honesty about The Signature of All Things. I've considered reading it quite a few times because the subject does sound interesting, but many reviewers have also mentioned the dragging, meandering plot. I hope it turns out to be worth your reading time in the end!

  7. This is stunning! I so need to learn how to do color work!.. via Yarn Along..

  8. Oh color scares me too much! Yours is beautiful though!

  9. your knit is turning out lovely!

  10. Can't wait to knit a fair isle hat! They look awesome! :) You have many things going right now. Honestly I can't wait for the snow to fly so I can have more time to cozy in and knit!

  11. how lovely! what a nice surprise for you, how much you are loving the fair isle! :)))

  12. I'm itching to do some more fair isle, not sure if I've got the confidence to make it up as I go along though! It's knitting up beautifully

  13. I'm knitting a new cowl design this week and planning another one, which I'm very excited about. Your mentions of 'The Signature of all Things' prompted me to get the audio version with this month's Audible credit. I've started listening to audio books as I make - it will be interesting to see how my impressions of it differ from your read of the 'hard' version - will let you know! :)

  14. Absolutely beautiful!!! Love me some stranded knitting, not sure what took me so long to take the plunge, so glad I did. Love your choice of colours, so warm and perfect for this season

  15. I wondered how you were finding the book. (not one of my favs)

  16. Love your fair isle knitting and the colors, sound like a great knit for fall!

  17. Someday I'll branch into fair isle knitting.

  18. Oh, that is good knitting! Like flyingjen, some day, one day for Fair Isle. In the meantime I'm working on socks, cardigans and handwarmers. Not necessarily in that order. I'm in love with knitting but not enough time to do it right now, and thus the heart grows fonder ...

  19. That sounds - and looks - beautiful! Just making it up as you go? That is good knitting for sure!
    Lena x

  20. what great colors in that hat! really love it!

  21. Nice hat with very pretty colors! That tan section has such an interesting stitch along with the pattern. I'm reading Gone Girl. After seeing the movie, I just had to see how it matches up with the book.

  22. I just love your fair isle hat! wow.
    Im knitting TRAP scarves for gifts.
    I m not really reading right now but I did watch Saving MR banks and I loved it

  23. I'm glad you are having such a fun time with your knitting. Knitting a fair Isle hat does sound fun.
    Have you seen the newest Vogue knitting magazine? There is a sweater in there I think you might
    love to knit.

  24. I love the colors of your Fair Isle hat. You are very talented to make this as you go.

  25. What a lovely hat. Those colours work so well together, although I'm in awe that you're making it up as you go! I hope it continues for as long as you are loving it :)

  26. The hat is so pretty. I would love to be able to make up Fair Isle as I go. Maybe someday.
    I've been leary of that book. It is awfully long!


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