Self Care

I've had a rough beginning of the week, so much so that I've been chasing away anxiety and worries, my imaginary broom sweeping thoughts here and there, under the rug, tucked away but still there.  Each day dawns and I feel a little better, a work in progress.  I believe we will have a cold front this weekend and that just puts a smile on my heart!  Wearing some woolens would make any day a fabulous one.

I'm loving my maples who have decided to do a leaf dump all at once, so so so beautiful!  They are vying for the attention over the mighty oaks.  I love the oaks as well in their brown showy-offness.  It's like loving all your children but in different ways.

What do you do when you need a little self care?  Here's my list:

-be kind to yourself
-soak in the kindness of others, kind thoughts, their loving actions
-get busy!  I've been knitting furiously and making some progress with my knitting
-rely on comfort food, mashed potatoes and baked chicken are on the menu today, yum yum yum
-pet your animal if you have one.  Frodo is the best medicine
-deep breaths, some meditation, a walk outside
-pray (a lot!)
-keeping a gratitude list- focusing on the positive!

May you all have a wonderful weekend :)


  1. Hold my cat and sing to him. He loves rock a bye baby! Knit like a madwoman....
    Have a hot and cozy drink - something to wrap my hands around.
    Look at patterns on Ravelry - it soothes me down
    Take a walk

    Linda in VA

  2. I love this, and have been thinking a lot about these things for myself also. I've realized that timing is everything, and I need to get better at preventing myself from getting overwhelmed before everything catches up with me. Lately, breathing, taking pictures, and quiet are really helping me with tracking myself. That first picture looks like a beautiful place to be. Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. oh dear, so sorry for the hard time! we all have them. When I need self-care... here's my impromptu list: pray of course; light candles, oil lamps, drink tea, read something encouraging, talk to good friends, knit, take pictures, go outside, hug Cleo Cat and ask for prayers. I am going to light a candle in my prayer spot for you right now! ps: those are lovely maples!

  4. I hope you are on the way back!

    When I feel down it's usually because I am overwhelmed with all the stuff I am supposed to do. I often find it hard not to push myself to the very max. Consciously trying to slow down helps. I did the seven weeks mbsr programme by Jon Kabat-Zinn a while ago and now whenever I can feel that I am starting to lose it, I will do a body scan, or if I don't have a lot of time just try to be mindful of the moment. Adding relaxation to my to do list helps as well, I need visual reminders to slow down.

  5. do hope the self care is rewarding you; knitting, a little tea, some candles, some quiet....none of which I'm going to be getting this weekend.....son is coming with his family!!! 13 for meals-----all weekend long!!!!! (I'm NOT ready.)

  6. I am sorry you are having a rough week. {Hugs}. I too am looking forward to colder weather this weekend - most people I know does not share my enthusiasm.

  7. The life circumstances we worry about are hard enough to deal with, and trying to sweep away all the worry and concern makes it even more exhausting. I truly hope that your rough week smooths out, and please soak in the many, many kind thoughts and prayers I'm sending your way.

  8. I think the first thing is to realize that you are having a rough week- and knowing to be gentle with your self...treat yourself like you would treat a friend and not be too hard on yourself for feeling what you are feeling. Yoga helps me always has always will- if I don't feel good emotionally or physically that is my go to. My horse, many times I have had a good cry in their mane...they just know. My dogs- yes petting them lots.
    I hope things will turn around for you soon Karen.
    Hugs from Montucky.

  9. Wishing all of your worries away. Keep going with the self care. It is essential for getting you to the other side of the anxiety. Hugs.

  10. I hope you have a better week. Today (Thursday) wasn't a good day for me. Praying that this weekend will be better for you and me! :)

  11. aww I'm saying a prayer that your troubles will be little ones, as my mom would say and would pray!

  12. Oh my dear Karen, I am so sorry your week hasn't been a great one. Yes, animals are great comfort and praying sometimes by the minute helps too. Treat yourself gently and trust in His Grace.
    I have spent most of the day cleaning and cooking, all the cleaning is now complete and I am on track with the food. The cold front is suppose to dip this far south and while I'm excited I hope I don't freeze, the wedding is outdoors, on the water!
    Take care my friend.

  13. thinking good thoughts for you, Karen ~ hoping your week gets better :)

  14. Sending over a hug and hoping you will be feeling better and stronger soon. Take some time out and have a good weekend.

  15. Oh Karen! I'm sending you a HUGE hug right now. I do hope that you will be feeling better soon and that all your worries are laid to rest. {{another hug}}

  16. Sending you a huge hug Karen. So sorry it has been a rough week. I think being kind to yourself is the most important, and then for me, time in nature is my balm. Doesn't matter how rough a day has been, I can go to the woods and come out with a different perspective on life. I also have to say my gratitude buddy, who I email every night, helps me stay focused on the good things in each day, even if the day has been less than stellar.

    I hope you have a calm, relaxing weekend, and that you are feeling more yourself again soon. xo

  17. I've had a couple of weeks like this too. I've been praying a lot and just getting through each day. Some of the craziness is starting to subside but I have enjoyed my walks with my dog Jada, watching the trees show off their beautiful display. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Karen dear, I am praying that you have a wonderful weekend and that your anxiety lessens hour by hour. I think we've had similar weeks this week. I'm finding it hard, as well. I will be praying for you. Hugs.

  19. the autumnal colours are beautiful and would lift anyone's spirits. I love your list of comfort spirit lifting activities the only thing I would add is go for a pedicure (particularly now that our weather is warmer)

  20. Karen, I am sorry you had a rough start into this week. :-( I hope you were able to take good care of yourself, your list sounds like a very good start! Hopefully you will have a beautiful weekend!! Hugs.

  21. I hope things are going better for you. You are very wise to do some self care when things aren't going smoothly. Your list is very similar to my self care list. I hope you have a terrific weekend - one that makes up for the rough start to the week!

  22. Sorry you had a rough week & hope thing start looking up for you soon! During rough times my self care includes a walk with my dog, a steaming mug of tea and a good book, my knitting and perusing what's new on Ravelry. Wishing you well!

  23. I knit without guilt, eat comfort foods, try get outside and breathe some fresh air. It happens to the best of us at one time or another. May the upcoming weekend bring you some peace Karen <3

  24. I hope you have a peaceful weekend, enjoying the cool weather and lovely colors. When I need to push anxieties aside, I treat myself to sweet tea and fresh flowers, find something good about each day, and knit -- always knitting. :-)

  25. It's so important to be kind to ourselves, isn't it? I love how you see the beauty in the world around you. When I am having a difficult time I definitely find comfort in nature, in settling in with a good book, a cup of Chocolate-Mint black tea at my side and an afghan covering my lap. Comfort food is essential! I hope that come the weekend you will be feeling up to par again!

  26. I'm sorry to hear you are having some anxiety. I completely understand, struggling from anxiety myself. I've been drinking a lot of chamomile tea and trying to breathe and smile. Turning to friends for support is also very helpful for me. Sending love and peace! Xoxo summer

  27. I totally understand what you mean. So glad you are taking care of yourself. Thanks for the ideas of how to handle stress, anxiety and worry. I struggle with anxiety and depression sometimes too. Hope your weekend brings peace and answered prayers.

  28. Thanks for dropping by to visit me. I really appreciated this post tonight. Anxiety has been a problem for me for the last few months. I pray God will bring us both, as well as the others who've commented, His shalom peace, nothing missing, nothing broken, just complete peace.

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  29. Take good care of you. Watch a silly movie like Groundhog day. Take a nap if it will refresh you. Walk with a friend or pet. Visit an animal shelter and help out

  30. I hope that next week will be easier for you and will require less conscious self care for you. You have a great approach to it though. It is very important to look after you when you are looking after others, so keep on taking care won't you. Thinking of you and hoping for better times ahead. xx

  31. i hope the weekend has lessened your worries and troubles !!! i love your maples, that first photo is beautiful !

  32. Just posted about self care
    There's something about October that just brings with it worry?! I love your list. Gratitude and being out in nature are big for me.

    Read your weekend post and glad you are feeling better. Just found your blog and am grateful for it!

  33. Thank you for reminding me. Your list is great. I also go out for a walk - wind and rain and nature are the best. And I cuddle my baby to get lots of smiles and giggles out of her. And I bake a cake and sit knitting with a friend ;-)
    Lena x


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