
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

This was a not travel stay at home weekend and was much needed.  I:

-ate out at my one of my favorite places for dinner with my husband
-squeezed in two walks nearly every day getting a little sad knowing the time change next week will end the after dinner walks
-prepared more yarn into balls for my last holiday knitting
-gathered with friends and shared a meal, enjoying our friendship
-savored a meal made by my husband, curry, rice, dal and a surprise vegetarian samosa!
-I enjoyed my meal but the dishes.....oh my goodness....
-evenings were knitting away on my gift projects
-spying the red fox in our neighborhood once more-no camera shot.....yet!

How was your weekend?


  1. Sounds like a cosy weekend. Mine wasn't terribly exciting either but it was good. Inspired by your Weekends post, I wrote about my happy moments last week...

  2. It seems like you did quite a bit of my favourite thing ever...eating, this weekend. I did my fare share of eating too and caught up with lots of reading, watched my nephews acting debut and was treated to a lovely little tree. So even though the garden is looking a bit like a builders yard at the moment I have some nice pots at the front of the house to play with.

  3. Lots of good things! How lucky your hubby is such a wiz in the kitchen! Our weekend seemed to fly by and I can't believe it's Monday already. Friday evening I went out for a bit with a friend while the girls were at the last high school football game. Saturday we went to a friends house to watch football and just enjoy each other's company. Yesterday we just piddled around the house, got a few things done but also squeezed in a movie and some knitting. All in all a very good weekend.

  4. Sounds like a great weekend! I would be interested in knowing what is your favorite restaurant up in your area since I travel up that way a few times a year.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend. I too spent it with friends and family so it was wonderful celebrating my Dads 80th birthday again.

  6. I think vacations at home are the best.
    My mouth dropped open when I saw your photo; Karen, your yarn is so pretty and I know you will create something amazing with it.
    We use to have a fox, but I haven't seen him in years. I never did get a photo of him :(
    Have a great, great week,

  7. Your weekend sounds perfect! I agree husbands tend to make big messes in the kitchen. And although my husband will cook, I sometimes wonder if the trade off is worth it :)))))


  8. staycations are the best !!! wishing you a great start to your week

  9. I stayed in recovering from head cold, but am thankful! it's so lovely to eat at a restaurant with one's husband! one of the reasons I am thankful! :)

  10. Isn't that too bad with the dishes...I hate that after making a fabby meal and enjoying it...the dishes. Sounds like a relaxing weekend- hope you can get a shot of the fox!

  11. we worked around the homestead. I finished a crochet project and started another. Your weekend sounds wonderful!
    I will be happy when it is dark early and I can cozy down with a project and not think of all the things that need to be done. :)

  12. Sounds like a very nice weekend. Staying home and relaxing is the best! Enjoy your week.

  13. I was caught completely by surprise by the clocks this weekend, it's so strange that most of the clocks seem to know before I do! A stay at home weekend for us to... http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/weekending_27.html

  14. Your weekend sounds relaxing and how delightful to have your husband surprise you with delicious food.
    I had a wonderful weekend, but didn't write about this week.

  15. sounds like a wonderful weekend, Looking forward to you snapping a photo of your fox

  16. oh Karen I wish you had captured the fox on your camera!!
    Weekend: last minute dinner out with friends and their preteen daughter. Last minute trip with their daughter to Haunted Forest on gloriously warm night.
    Started new knit top!
    Family party at sis in laws house for Oktoberfest

  17. I very nice weekend to be sure! I love the color of the yarn. Will look forward to a picture of that fox! Enjoy your week.

  18. Agreed, weekends ARE for memory making...bought two journals this weekend!

  19. Yummy food and lovely yarn. What could make a better weekend!

    Our Weekend: http://throughourgardengate.blogspot.com/2014/10/weekending.html

  20. Sounds like a lovely and cozy weekend. That yarn is gorgeous. What you knitting?

    1. another grey loop cowl with my modifications! The Christmas knitting continues :)

  21. Love it when you get a weekend to slow things down. I too had curry, I made japanese curry/stew for Sunday night dinner over jasmine rice to be eaten with the comfort of a Giants world series game win. I knit too. hehe.

  22. Oh I would love to see that fox!! Your dog is adorable, by the way.


  23. I had a great weekend! Guess what? I completed the ACT test (sigh of relief). So happy to get it over with.

    It looks like you had a fun weekend! Going out to dinner is always a treat. :)

  24. great weekend! I'm jealous!!!!
    i ended up with a whole kitchen full of dishes from dinner club.....thankfully only have to do that once a year. i always sort of need a weekend after entertaining 20.....but i get to do it all again next weekend when son and family (7 of them) sweep in for a quick visit + daughter and her family + us....13 for most meals. YIKES!!!

  25. What a lovely weekend! Hope Mr. Fox slows down long enough for you to get a picture. :-)

  26. Sounds like a great weekend! I would love to see a picture of that fox. Keep on trying!

  27. Oooh, a fox! How exciting!

    My weekend was all about Fall, Family, and Fun: http://inblueink.blogspot.com/2014/10/weekending-fall-family-fun.html


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