Birthday Goals

I've had a quiet sort of week and it's the kind you sink into and savor.  There have been walks and talks, some reading and knitting, preparations for Thanksgiving and I'm happy to report I am on target for what I wanted to achieve.

I celebrated another birthday this week and my new tradition is to celebrate for at least a week or two.  I've had a cupcake every single day with lots of icing and sprinkles, completely unhealthy but oh so tasty!  My husband and I went out to lunch on Monday as a mini celebration.  I received email, birthday cards, phone calls and enjoyed being remembered.

What I'd like to achieve before my next birthday list:

-use hand cream at least four times a day (my hands are dry!)
-go to local events twice a month - sort of a staycation kind of thing
-eat ten fruits and vegetables a day, more vegetables than fruits though
-start a habit of printing out "the best of" digital photos of our family
-worry less (ha ha ha, that's a good one!)
-try a new recipe once a week
-do good for others often
-write snail mail since I love to receive snail mail
-write more
-celebrate ordinary days
-live in the NOW
-knit at least two sweaters for me
-drink one cup of tea a day from the collection of teas in my cupboard that isn't my favorite and I don't know why. (green decaf is my favorite!)
-try new to me restaurants--my husband will love this one :)

Any goals you've set up for yourself lately?? Please share, I'd love to read them.

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Happy Birthday; I love that you've had a cupcake every day! I like your goal list so much I may be borrowing from it, especially the hand cream and tea. I just got some new tea and had trouble finding room for it next to the 11 other boxes in the cupboard. Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  2. Happy, happy Birthday Karen!! I love the idea of celebrating for a week or two and I adore your list!! Really great ideas!

  3. Happy birthday Karen! I just love your list. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. xo

  4. Belated happy birthday Karen...i like the idea of celebrating for a week or two !!!

  5. Happy belated birthday!! I love the week long celebration, why not?
    I have been trying to live more in the now as well. Sometimes it is hard as I am such a planner. That will never end, but I do need to stop and take it all in sometimes....

  6. That's a lovely list! Happy birthday too. :) I love snail mail too. I think we all do as it is not so common place anymore.

  7. Happy Birthday! That's a great list, friend!

  8. Happiest of birthday's Karen. I love how you celebrated your week, any day with a cupcake is good, but with sprinkles it's even better.

  9. A very happy birthday to you! I love your list -- a good base for a good year.

  10. Awww...Karen....Happy Birthday! I love that my "list making friend" sets goals from birthday to birthday! That is one list I hadn't thought of! But I certainly love it! Have a wonderful weekend...and celebrate on!

  11. Happy Birthday! How wonderful you celebrate for a couple of weeks. I try to do the same! Your list is wonderful, with a great mix of goals. Next year I'm going to have a cupcake a day for a week!

  12. Happy birthday Karen! So glad you have had such a nice week. Neat thing to make a list to achieve before your next birthday. hmmm... will have to consider that one. :)

  13. Happiest of continued Birthday celebrations.
    I like your knitting sweater for self goals!!! You are a great knitter. Cant wait to see what you knit up.
    I started running with my walking. Not sure how long it will last....My goal: 6 months and reevaluate

    Knit some more coasters for Holiday gift giving.

    Host a dinner party or lunch party once a month.

    Savor every bite

  14. Oh happy birthday week - good for you making it last.

  15. Happy birthday! Your list sounds like a good one. I look forward to hearing about some of them in future posts.

  16. Happy Birthday! I love the idea of eating a cupcake every day! I might do that next month for a week - and even put a candle in them each time to blow out and make a wish! I never get a birthday cake!! Worry less - I am trying that too - but so far, it isn't working. The one thing I've been trying to do more often - random acts of kindness....

    Linda in VA

  17. happy birthday! God grant you many years!

  18. The happiest of birthdays to you! I think your goals for this upcoming year are fantastic!

  19. Happy birthday and I love your goals!

  20. Happy Birthday Karen, You made me laugh with your cake every day, way to go! Like your attitude. Many happy returns, I'm all for prolonged birhtdays

  21. Happy Birthday! Hope it was wonderful.

  22. Wishing you a Happy Birthday! Your goals are wonderful!

  23. Happy belated birthday Karen! Sounds like you are on the best path for celebrating you. Enjoy your birthday month. :)

  24. I love the opening sentence of this post! It sounds like you've had a wonderful birthday week, and I think your list is great. Well, except for the tea drinking item. I think life is too short to drink anything but your very favourite tea. :-)

  25. Happy birthday! I like your list, those sound like great goals. :)

  26. Happy Birthday!! I hope that you have a great year ahead and achieve all of your goals. xx

  27. happy birthday...good things you are celebrating all week, 'cause I'm obviously a bit late!!!! (I like those celebrations that keep on happenin'!)......and I also love the 'yearly' goals coming at birthday time instead of the proverbial new year resolution! I think I may also start that....which means I have an extra 6 months to get all the stuff done that I 'resolved' to do this year...and didn't!!!!


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