Daily Practice

Early this morning after journaling and prayers, I once again returned to a simple beginner yoga practice.  I moved through one pose after another feeling the release of tension and enjoying how the stretches made me feel.  Why then do I skip this essential piece of my health puzzle?  For a while I was practicing every morning and now I'm once a week!

In the quiet darkness of my morning as I bent forward stretching stretching stretching as far as I could, I vowed once again to make this morning ritual a daily practice.  I'm writing yoga on my to do list each day.  I don't skip knitting, or eating, reading or walking. I don't skip brushing my teeth, taking a shower or cleaning the house.  See it's simple.  I know that in two weeks this yoga practice will once again be part of my daily morning routine.  I want that and I need that.

Have you noticed how fall is completely here?  Yesterday on our walk, Frodo and I noticed the chill in the air that was more like winter than fall.  The deer are enjoying a daily nap in the afternoon right outside the fence.  Frodo is losing his mind over that.  He barks and barks, leaps and runs, completely possessed.  The three deer just look at his crazy behavior.  Of course, when I go outside they sit pretty, when I run in to quickly grab the camera, they saunter off into the woods.  Don't worry, now the camera is on the counter at the ready!

Do you have a wish for a daily practice that is good for you but difficult to keep?  I'd love to know!


  1. Good for you Karen, creating a good habit like yoga will is something I should do too. I don't have a problem getting outside and walking or riding my bike, but pulling out the yoga mat is something I quit doing on a regular bases a long time ago.
    Fall arrived here this morning!!! While there isn't any snow in my forecast at least it's now cold enough for a sweater and hat.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Fall is behind us, we have snow!!! Although I am sure it won't last too long, at least not yet. Love the sound of your morning routine, it sounds almost like mine, except a few mornings a week I run instead of yoga :) Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Yoga! I was in the habit of doing it every day this summer with my sister (well not with her, but we'd check in with each other to make sure the other had done it. That was great motivation. Then she got pregnant & couldn't do it anymore. Guess who else hasn't done it either?) I am noticing a different too. In my mood, in my physical feeling, even in my eating habits. I need to pick it back up!

  4. I'm looking for the motivation to try yoga. The older I get, the more I know I need to stretch. I don't want to make this a big deal and spend a lot, so I think I'll take my motivation from you, put it on my list, and just do it!

  5. I would love to do some yoga...a morning ritual of stretching and centering would be just divine !!!

  6. I am in need of this type of daily routine. I am going to add it to my list as well. :)

  7. I would like to stretch at the end of the day, not necessarily do yoga, but I never remember until I'm tucked into bed.

  8. lighting my candles for prayer (including my oil ones) every morning; prayers...

  9. \I am need of some exercise, I walk on a daily basis but I need to do something a little more strenuous. Hope you can get back into your routine and include yoga.

  10. Every morning! I have to go out and let our big dog out and walk her for a while. Why I don't take advanatage of this and make myself "REALLY" get some exercise? OH, I know, it's very cold out there right now... I know I would benefit from it. But I just can't make myself stay out there any longer than necessary (for Jada to go the "bathroom") :)

  11. I really wish I knew how to do yoga. It sounds like it is a wonderful discipline. I work out (light weights, etc.) at the gym three mornings a week and walk daily, but I think your yoga sounds wonderful.

  12. good on you! i need to get back to my practice now that the baby is here and things are somewhat settled down.

  13. Yes, my friend, I do...and more than one...but the main two are yoga (for the same reason you do it...those stretches do release a lot of tension) and my walking exercise tape. Thank you for mentioning writing them on a to do list...that is what I am going to start doing so they will become an essential part of my routine. Thank you for the encouragement, Karen.

  14. so many.....i should join you with the home-yoga; i had been going to a pilates/yoga studio, but it became too aggressive for my joints and I ended up feeling worse than not going at all...i think that defeats the purpose, don't you?!? gentle bends, maybe (that's actually a class in town)....and the proverbial....
    get out of the cooking rut and be more creative

  15. Your yoga sounds very interesting. Do you do special excercises for daily practice or do you just practice some yoga every day?
    I used to write in my journal daily for years and I did mindfulness excercises daily for a few months, but I fell out of practice with both of them.

  16. Getting my steps every day is still a big hurdle for me.
    Prayer and knitting come easy. MOVING doesnt. ;)

  17. Fall is definitely here, actually these last few days felt like winter! It never made it out of the 30's today... brrr
    Walking isn't a daily routine for me, but used to be 3 - 4 times a week. Right now I'm lucky if I go once... I need to get back into the habit of going after work! Have a great weekend Karen!!

  18. I'm having this struggle with meditation. I've always had trouble with consistency, but I know it would do me a great deal of good. I've started setting a 10 minute timer each day, and that is helping. Perhaps I will try some yoga too, you make is sound so nice. Have a good weekend.

  19. Hi Karen, during the summer I was doing yoga everyday, I was feeling healthier and stronger. But I've stopped, I need to go back. Thanks for the lovely post! Elizabeth

  20. I have done yoga (you know, by myself, on a yoga mat, with a yoga dvd in front of the tv ;-) ) So I don't know if I have done everything right but I did love the calming effect. Maybe I should start again because I'm having some sleeping problems and that might help. I think you should do it again since it had this beneficial effect on you before.

  21. I used to go for a walk every day, but rarely go now, I wish that I did that more! Good luck with your yoga, I hope that you keep enjoying it. xx

  22. There are too many things that should be part of my daily practise Karen but at the moment life is so fast that I'm just going with the flow. I know that we will soon have much calmer days...maybe in the new year and hopefully there will be time to do so.

    Yesterday it actually felt like Christmas...I think I've skipped autumn. I was ironing in the bedroom and I suddenly had that lovely homely seasonal Christmas feel...it was lovely.
    Happy weekend Karen.

  23. I can tell a big difference in my level of tension at the end of the day, depending on whether I did yoga or not....thank you for the reminder.

  24. It puzzles me why it is so hard to do things that make me feel good, why I have to constantly remind myself so not to fall into bad habits. It´s a struggle and I´m struggling.

  25. I do just a few minutes of yoga each morning (5-10). And the days when I don't find the time in the morning, I just don't feel as good. I am not sure why I let myself skip it some days, but I do. I would like to make my practice a bit longer, but then I am afraid it won't happen as often.

  26. How lovely! I would really like to fit some exercise in my schedule in the next few months. Right now it's just bouncing the baby! I do love the days when I can light a candle and read, but right now my daily practice is coffee! :)


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