Gift Knitting Continues

As you read this post, hum the song "Sleigh Ride" by Johnny Mathis, because that is the song that is repeating in my head since I woke up.  I have no snow (sniff) but the spirit of gift giving is alive in my heart.

The cowl, is the last of it's series...I think. I might make one more but it will be for me and not someone else. I fancy casting on a pair of fingerless mitts for me before a cowl.

I finish my gift knitting and then start another gift, just because I can and I'm having fun with my quick pick me up knitting projects.  These mitts.....Oh they were such a fast knit!  Now I'll be upstairs wrapping and humming.


  1. Beautiful work, as always, Karen. Enjoy that wrapping up all of those beautiful warm gifts!

  2. I love your mitts; that touch of red looks great. I'm also quite jealous of all your finished gift knits and organization!

  3. The cowl is lovely Karen! I think I'm going to have to go stash diving to see if I have the yarn to make one - or two (for the girls) for Christmas. Love the mitts, too!

  4. they are both so lovely...Happy wrapping !!!

  5. Pretty mitts and cowl Karen. I just cast off a pair of Toasty to add to the gift pile and cast on a pair of mitten, which I might just keep ;)

  6. Oh Karen! I love these projects! We have a little snow but mostly very cold temps! BRRRR! would love to stay inside! But, being a farmer and working outside the home that is not reality! :))

  7. They are lovely! I am now humming away and will no doubt be unable to get the tune out of my head now! I don't mind though. xx

  8. how fun! I can't wait to get to my wrapping of gifts! Now if only I could find my coffee grinder to grind spices for Tea!!! :))))

  9. I just love this time of year, with the Christmas songs and carols and gift making and wrapping. You have made some gorgeous gifts.

  10. Beautiful gifts! I too am snowless, but it is the spirit that counts.

  11. Wonderful mitts, wonderful knits. Good for you> Im humming Carols already too

  12. Gorgeous knits Karen. I think I might need one of those cowls :)

  13. I love the color of the cowl. So pretty.


  14. Very mic cowl and mitts! You are making great progress on your Christmas knitting. I wish I could say the same!

  15. You are such a productive knitter, Karen! Love that cowl and the touch of red on the mitts, what a great idea. I am plugging away on 3 Christmas stockings.....

  16. Oh Karen I love both these projects - I'm going to cast on for the fingerless mitts today - but first I think a bit of yarn shopping is in order ;) - thanks for the inspiration.

  17. great projects...and i love the statement....that you do this because you can. and you do it so well!!!!! i'd love to switch over to 'sleigh bells'.....i've had 'have a holly jolly christmas' running through my head----and quite honestly, i'm sort of done with that song for a while!!!!

  18. Wow, you really finished those gifts quickly. I don't think I could do that. I really love the cowl and I have just added those mitts to my Ravelry library.

  19. I love those mitts with the touch of red! I've been toying with the idea of mitts for C's preschool teacher! Bingo!

  20. Nothing quite as happy feeling inducing as making gifts for people! Lovely pieces both :)

  21. I'm so jealous of all your "don" projects... Seems like mine are just taking forever! Great work. Those mitts are just beautiful.


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