Thankfulness and Gratitude

I am thankful for:

-my husband, who is supportive and knows just what to say to soothe me
-my daughter, who has lots to say about books, life and grand plans
-my son, always happy and not a care in the world
-my sister, my best friend
-for my family whom I love deeply
-for car rides, trips and outings far and near
-coffee in the morning, decaf green tea at night
-endless music that is played, hummed and imagined
-sweets (especially chocolate)
-the knitting, oh the knitting!
-the shiny brightness of a brand new morning
-books and stories and imaginations, losing myself in another place
-Frodo and our walks, his funny ways and his love of life
-childhood memories
-traditions- old and new
-my faith
-the kindness of others

Thank you for visiting and commenting, for long time readers and new readers. To all the shy readers who never comment but visit.  You are all appreciated :)

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. What a lovely list, Karen! I'm happy that you've got so many things to be thankful for! I love this blog! Beautiful blanket by the way!

  2. lovely list....lovely blanket! It's growing beautifully....full blanket? lap blanket? unknown as yet size?

  3. I am thankful for your knitting, writing, and reflections ~ thank you!

  4. Great list! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

  5. I absolutely love that afghan you are making. It is lovely! Enjoy the rest of this long weekend. You have a great gratitude list. It always helps to look for the good. Hugs from AZ!

  6. much to be thankful for indeed! and that blanket is coming along beautifully!

  7. Lovely list and beautiful blanket! I am grateful for a day of relaxing after a day of hectic joy!

  8. That blanket is coming along famously!
    A wonderful list, many more blessings to you and your loved ones. xo

  9. A beautiful list Karen. And look at that blanket, slowly but surely :) Hope you enjoy your weekend. xo

  10. Ah yes, lots of good things to be thankful for! Lovely list! The blanket has grown quite a bit since I saw it last, it looks great!

  11. Your blanket is gorgeous... and what a great list to be thankful for !!! Wishing you a happy weekend.

  12. Wow, you've done a lot on your blanket. I am slowly gathering yarn to make one someday.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving!! Many happy wishes! That quilt is lovely!!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving Karen. All good things to be thankful for. My list is similar have a wonderful happy family weekend.

  15. Your blanket has totally inspired me!

  16. Wonderful things to be grateful for!
    Your blanket is looking stunning.

  17. Good morning, Karen,

    My husband walked by when I was viewing your blog. He saw that gorgeous blanket you are working on and said, "Hmmm...someone is quilting" and then I explained to him about the blanket. He LOVED it. :) SO, my friend, if you are going to do a drawing to see who gets it when it is completed, it would be alright to put my hubby's name in the hat, too. :)

    I loved your list of things you are thankful for. I am sorry that I've not been around much to leave comments here, but now the family is safely tucked away back in Maine and our house is SO SO quiet I am finding all kinds of time! :-)

  18. I am thankful that you are there to be thankful for all of these things! xx

  19. What a beautiful list of gratitudes. That blanket is going to be amazing!

  20. A lovely list of gratitudes. I share many of the same blessings.
    How do you get your blanket not to PULL when you pick up stitches? That's always been my problem

  21. Your blanket looks amazing!!


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