The Essentials

I've been waking up at 4:30 a.m. each morning because of the time change that I haven't quite adjusted to as of yet.  I've been taking advantage of my early risings with journaling and a bit of knitting.  For over a year, my go to color for notebooks has been red, I see no change in sight.

Yesterday was rainy, drippy and all over wet.  Frodo and I walked about the yard missing the crunch of the oak leaves.  The scent of fall was in the air - earthy and sweet.  Funny how I look forward to fall, leaves dropping and then I wait for some snowflakes.

This week has been good to me.  I've slowed down and focused on the essentials for contentment and peace.  I started a few new projects to knit, rewrote my Christmas list and to do lists.  A big pile of books are waiting for me to start reading as soon as I finish my current read.  Daily walks (unless there is rain), a bit of yoga and some vegetable eating overload.

I thought I'd share some links that I loved this week:

-under an english sky is revamping her grocery buying habits, you know I find this fascinating.
-mothering with mindfulness wrote a lovely letter to her son celebrating the essence of motherhood.
-Amanda has started a series about writing as work, part one and part two.  The posts are interesting and I appreciate her thoughts.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. I am having the hardest time getting adjusted to the time change, although this is the one I really do like.
    Red is my go to color for notebooks too, another thing we have in common Karen.
    I will be working on my Christmas lists this weekend, it won't be long!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. i'm slowly getting the morning time change adjusted (getting up at 6 with light?!?)....but I'm still ready for bed (or at least cozying in bed with a book) by 9 or so......need to push that back just a bit----there is knitting to do!!!

  3. I really dislike the time change, I feel off for a couple of weeks before adjusting to it. The worst for me is how quickly it gets dark in the afternoon. On the plus side, the girls no longer have volleyball or swim, so at least I get to stay home more in the evenings now. Love your stack of red journals and the matching knitting project!

  4. I am one of the fortunate few who have had no trouble with the time change. It only took a couple of days for me to adjust. I am an early riser which may have something to do with it. Thank you for sharing the calmness of your days and the beauty around you.

  5. This is the first year that I can remember being so organized for Christmas, the wedding seems to have sent me into overdrive. Have a great weekend.

  6. This time change is really affecting most of us! I love how you are getting organized for Christmas. I have good intentions but that's about as far as I got!

  7. I'm not finding the mornings too bad with the time change, but oh, the darkness so early in the evening! I'm ready to go home at 3pm, and just want to go to bed when I get home. Having a blog is so useful in that regard - I can look back and see that this happens every November, which stops me worrying too much.

    It sounds like you've got a good, comforting plan all in place. Just what you need to get back in balance at such a dreary time of year.

  8. it takes me weeks to adjust to the time change... i'm usually hungry for lunch by 10:30 now....and thank you for sharing the links !!!

  9. The time change is a sleep killer. I wish they would stop inflicting it on us. The problem is figuring out who "they" are. We have soggy leaves here too. Slowing down, contentment, peace - all good things. :-)

  10. Your stack of notebooks made me smile. I've been a 'lister' for a long time.

  11. I also love red! it's good to slow down and remember what is needed!

  12. love all of your essential things…my table looks quite the same in the mornings :) so glad you're finding some peace and rhythm, hopefully rest is coming your way!

  13. I love all of the little books and journals, they are my favorite things too. Making lists when things are calm is the absolute best. Have a good weekend.

  14. Well I guess you could say there is more time for knitting...waking up early? We are having a tough time too- specially with the dark mornings. Glad to hear you are having a good week.
    ...knit on and get your sleep on...heh.

  15. That table of essentials looks almost like my table of essentials, the only thing missing is a cup of tea :) Wishing you the most wonderful weekend Karen. Big thanks for the shout out. xo

  16. I am so glad that you had a good week this week, my friend! I haven't settled on a certain color for my journals, but I have found one particular style that I like. I hope you have a lovely weekend, Karen!

  17. I love how you say this weeks been good to me!
    ME too. I finished a book: The Day I turned was just fun.
    I knit slippers and a hat .
    Got to see Wonderdog improve at the shelter !

  18. Oh my goodness, I haven't even started my Christmas list. I have started some Christmas gifts though so I guess I am on my way. I don't seem to have trouble with the time change. Then again, I am almost always an early riser.

  19. My hubby is having trouble with the time change too. I'm not ready for winter yet, still getting to grips with autumn! xx

  20. Glad you have found a way to enjoy your early morning hours! It sounds lovely... if only I could wake up before my kids!!


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