
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
in the comment section with a link to your blog.

My weekend continued to improve minute by minute.  Thank you all for your kind words on Friday,they uplifted me and I truly enjoyed reading how each of you manage stress when the days are challenging.

So, here is my weekend:

-picking up Chinese food for a dinner at home after running some errands with my husband
-loving that the Chinese food fed us two days, I love to not cook!
-having our last walk after dinner yesterday
-wearing a hat, mitts and cowl on the walk and was still cold (love it)
-the gusty winds have deleaved most of the trees
-spying deer in the woods looking back at me
-drinking loads of decaf green tea in my favorite mug
-knitting on the sock blanket, enjoying it's warmth as it grows on my lap
-chats with the kids, my son had SNOW-so so lucky!
-finding pockets of peace as I continue to ease up on the mental anxiety
-talking to a good friend who moved out of state, thankful for cell phones that connect us

How was your weekend?  I'd love to know :)


  1. I am so happy to hear you had a good weekend Karen. We had snow too, just a dusting, but those snowflakes fell all day long. So pretty. I love my decaf green tea :)

    I will be back to link up tomorrow. Have the most wonderful week Karen. xo

  2. Yay for chines food and no cooking....and hats!
    I am glad things are on the up swing for you Karen...here's to a lovely week ahead

  3. to chinese food and cowls and walks and deer and knitting and snow and children and friends...
    i think you covered all bases this weekend ;)

    also, glad your anxiety is easing xxx

  4. Glad you weekend turned out to be a good one! Ours was rainy but peaceful; we had fun singing in choir today, and a good sermon to boot.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend, so peaceful. Ours was a bit crazy, I think I need to recover a bit. Too much excitement for the little ones and it never seems long enough. Glad you are feeling better, I really appreciate your openness. Have a good week.

    Here is a link to some pictures, I was too tired to write much...

  6. I am so glad that you are finding pockets of peace as you move through this time of mental anxiety, Karen. I have thought of you often and prayed for you. :)

    It sounds as if you had a lovely weekend...focusing on the positive. Thank you for the example. :)

    We had a laid back kind of weekend. Here's the link...http://jesusweadorethee.blogspot.com/2014/11/weekending.html

  7. P.S. I have NO idea why that last sentence was printed out the way it is! ;)

    1. neither do I! I am not computer savvy at all.

  8. We had snow only two hours away! Gosh it's turned cold here. I'm glad you are doing better my dear friend, I've been praying for you.
    We had the wedding! Next it's your turn :)

  9. sounds like a lovely weekend!
    Mine was good too. I finished an extra job for school that really bothered me, I went to dinner at a friend's, I enjoyed the warm weather that we had after two foggy starts, I enjoyed the cold temperatures in the evenings, I wore a lot of handknitted stuff and knit two pairs of mitts over the weekend and I spent time with my kids.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Glad you had a wonderful weekend. I had visitors so a great times with my Grandaughters.

  11. It sounds like you had a self care weekend, so important and so frustrating that we all find it so hard to do. I hope you find many more peaceful pockets this week. Ours was all about our Halloween celebrations... http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/weekending-happy-halloween.html

  12. Here's a peek at our weekend :) http://www.motheringwithmindfulness.com/2014/11/our-weekend.html

    Have a great week Karen. xo

  13. I'm so very glad you had a soothing weekend. Yes, knitting furiously generally helps although I do find that my knitting reflects my state of mind. When I'm agitated I tend to make more mistakes. Fortunately knitting has really, really helped me learn to remain calm when having to rip back or frog. It is, afterall, only knitting!


  14. the kids will be leaving this morning....an extra 7 in our house (!!!!) with 4 more extras visiting made for a very very chaotic, wonderful time!!!! but......our house finally got down to about 64 degrees, time to turn on the heat....and guess what? yep. time to call the heating contractor!!! thank goodness for our gas logs. we're holding at a rather steady 66 at the moment, which is just fine for me and my woolies!

    1. I hope they fix it fast! Before another heat wave shows up :)

  15. Sounds like a perfect weekend! Mine was quiet but productive. Happy that it chilly enough here in Phoeinx for me to wear my hand knit socks, and today may call for a sweater ��

  16. I am glad you are doing better and had a nice weekend. Ours started with a Halloween party on Friday, but the rest was spent at home relaxing. We had our first freeze this weekend, but that didn't stop my friend from coming over and us walking for two hours early Sunday morning. We were bundled up and it was glorious!
    Have a good week!!

  17. I'm glad you had a lovely weekend! Mine was great too, I enjoyed a sunny Sunday walk in the woods, visit some family and I have been knitting on my november socks. Have a great week, Karen!

  18. Well done you at trying to find peace to ease your mind's anxiety. Sounds like you did a good job. May you continue to find comfort and peace in all the beauty around you. XO!

  19. You took matters into your own hands and found ways to ease your stress and relax. Even if busy, my weekends are different than working during the week and that change is enough to give me a better mindset.

  20. Yes we did indeed have snow - your son got more than we did up there though. My Chinese food from dinner last night will be my lunch today. That's why it's one of my favorites. I'm glad you are finding some peace in your days.

  21. Your picture still shows some green hanging around! Our leaves are almost all blown off the trees here in Missouri.
    sounds like a great weekend. I enjoyed the early darkness yesterday by getting on the couch and practicing knitting in the round. NOT with the double points though...this scares me a little. :) Hope you have a great week.

  22. no snow yet for us! went to a lovely wedding on Sunday afternoon, liturgy in AM; Sat we got things done around the house and went to evening vespers... it was good...

  23. I'm glad you had a good weekend. It turned very cool here too and the winds emptied many of the trees. I enjoyed baby knitting this weekend. :-)

  24. I love your weekend wrap ups. I'm so glad you had a good one :-).

  25. such a cozy perfect sounding weekend. It sounds like it is just what you needed. We had a fun weekend and I wish I could have sneaked in a few more hours just to make it last a little longer.


  26. Your weekend sounds so nice. I managed to get away with some wonderful women. It was just magical.

  27. Awww Your weekend sounds great.
    We had a big birthday for Zach! We went to an elopement party on Saturday! I started a pair of slippers ...very simple. In biggy wool that will keep these toes warm~!

  28. Love the sound of your weekend :) Mine was a weekend of contrasts - a bright, sunny and quite warm day on Saturday and a lovely walk in the woods and surrounding fields (the latter to avoid the first shoot of the season that was taking place in the woods). Then, on Sunday, grey and rainy all day so spent lots of time knitting and crocheting by turns, and roasting a chicken for dinner. xx

  29. So glad the stress and anxiety is easing for you. Sending continued peace and gentleness. Mmmm, the feeling of a new knit warming you as you work on it... so wonderful! Not the best weekend here, but looking forward to better days soon. :-)


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