
Can you believe that my Christmas cactus has bloomed once again?  Makes me think I might have a green thumb.  I wonder what I am doing so my other house plants would be as happy at this one.

Onto the weekend!

Friday found me walking the dog in sunshine on my out the door then through sleet making my way back home.  We were wet and tired but found the outing fun.  Poor Frodo, he is a drenched mop that close to the ground.  Friday night was pizza with our daughter and her fiance joining later on.  We shared homemade pumpkin pie for dessert, so so delicious.

Saturday was a slow start, relaxing and knitting.  After lunch, we headed out to a bookstore where I browsed magazines.  I steered clear of novels for now, I have so many that need to be read.  We ate dinner out and then headed home.  Since the time change, evenings feel so dark and late.  I'll think "it's time to go to bed" only to realize it's seven o'clock.  However, I'm happy to report that I finally slept in until 5:30 a.m. today after an entire week of waking at 4:30.

So far today I've been to church, did some laundry, dishes and house tidying.  I met with my friends for some knitting and chatting.  Menu planning is in progress and more knitting is waiting patiently while I finish this post.

How was your weekend?


  1. Your weekend sounds lovely, Karen...well, all except that wet walk...but glad you had fun! My Christmas cactus is blooming profusely! Someone else told me recently that theirs was as well. I am glad to hear that your body is adjusting to the time change. It does take that internal clock a bit to catch up, doesn't it? I know exactly how you feel. While I didn't meet with friends for crocheting, I did spend the afternoon enjoying the project I've been working on. I am happy to report that it was completed today! Now on to finishing the next one...hopefully by next weekend I'll be able to share that it is completed as well. :-)

    You can read about my weekend here...http://www.jesusweadorethee.blogspot.com/2014/11/weekending_9.html

  2. What beautiful and bright Christmas cactus blooms! I also admire your resistance in the bookstore. If I have too many books the piles just make me feel guilty, much like too many WIPs. Happy knitting!

  3. Your Christmas cactus is so beautiful, mine is still flowerless.
    Have you all started making wedding plans? It is an exhausting, but oh so wonderful time.
    No books? You are a strong woman! :)

    1. they are slowly making some plans, I'm sure the closer we get to next summer the crazier it will be around here :)

  4. pretty darn perfect!!!
    i didn't put my cactus outside this year, and so far---only itty teeny buds (that may have been left over from it's last bloom)----certainly not as good as yours!!!!!

  5. Your cactus is beautiful and homemade pumpkin pie sounds divine :) Your weekend sounds just lovely. I was able to spend some time this weekend knitting and spending time with my husband. Finally made some potato soup today just in time for this cold weather!

  6. We weekend, as usual, flew by in a flurry of friends, good food and fun!

  7. What a great weekend, Karen! Our weather has been cold and the time change means early dark here too. I don't like it at all. It's going to be a long winter, so I'm working hard to align my thoughts and heart to grace and thanks. I wish the same for you!

  8. I kind of envy your slushy walk, I'm a lover of cold weather (probably because we get so little). The darkness is a bit sleep inducing (except to kids!). Glad you had a good weekend. We celebrated birthdays all weekend, so I may go sleep for 2 days now. :)

  9. On Saturday I had a cultural day, I went to the theater with my kids in the afternoon to see "The Brother Lionhearts" and in the evening I went to a Serbian concert and even danced for a while. Yesterday it was very foggy, so a perfect day to spend knitting on the sofa. I continued my Foliage hat and actually finished it by 10pm.

  10. It must be an age thing Karen.. i too suffer the early rises and like you when I can stand it no longer, grab a project at hand and crochet (not really a knitter). I dont know whether you feel fatigued for the rest of the day, but I definitely find it catches up with me by the end of the day. Always grateful for a good sleep. Hope your week is full of wonderful restful sleeps

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, there is nothing like a visit to a book shop and crafting to make it special.

  12. What a great weekend. Glad to hear your sleep schedule is slowly returning to normal. Have a great week!

  13. Sounds as though your Sunday was busy! I hope that you are all dried out again now after the walk. xx

    1. I am completely dried out and now the sun is shining!!

  14. Sounds like you had a really nice weekend - not counting the walking in the sleet I guess. ;-) I have a Christmas cactus, but so far no buds, let alone blooms.

  15. Ohh it sounds like the perfect weekend. I have been wanting to get to a bookstore to browse. Poor Frodo with the wet walk! I too have been thinking each night "time for bed!" and it barely being 7! I joined in this week! http://ihappyree.blogspot.com/2014/11/weekendinggratitudes.html

  16. Your cactus plant is looking wonderful. I have a black thumb so I am rather jealous. I laughed when you mentioned thinking you are ready for bed so early due to it getting darker earlier, I have been doing the same thing.
    Lovely weekend happenings!

  17. beautiful cactus! mine are nowhere near blooming again yet, as far as I can tell. our weekend was a swap, some sunshine, and some rest:

  18. i like the sounds of all of this.
    glad your weekend was a good one…now enjoy your week!

  19. Sounds like a lovely weekend! We also had pizza over the weekend! :)

  20. Oh mine is blooming too- it goes so fast- we have to hurry up and enjoy it. Sounds like you had a great weekend. We are in full winter here in Montucky- snowstorm from Alaska just hit last night!

  21. Your weekend sounds lovely.... and yes, with the look of your cactus, I think you have a green thumb.

  22. Your weekend sounds lovely. :-) My DH came home late Friday night after being gone all week. It was too late to enjoy a birthday celebration out then but we spent Saturday together. We took my mom out to lunch for my birthday (to thank her for giving birth to me ~smile~) and had a nice visit with her and my oldest brother and sister. I also stopped in to JoAnn's and bought the rest of the yarn I needed for the 3 grandson's sweaters for Christmas. And then had a late cake ad ice cream celebration with the kids and grandkids. yesterday was another son's birthday so we had a small celebration lunch for him after church. Finally got to sit last night and knit a bit. Hubby went back out of town last night...bleck...but I am so thankful for cell phones and texting :-)
    I love your Christmas cactus! The only thing I have managed to keep alive is my African violets. Every other plant I try to raise dies on me. Especially the "easy to care for" plants.

    1. and I have killed every african violet....I wish I could keep them going!! I don't think I have enough sun in my house.

  23. Such a nice weekend! Pizza and pumpkin pie is a great dinner combo. Poor Frodo - it must be tough when it snows too!

  24. That really does sound like the perfect weekend, well apart from the bit where you got wet.

    I was told once that some Christmas cactuses are much more prolific flowerers than others, sounds like your pretty specimen is among them.

  25. I just said the same about the time change, although ours is even a week older! We will get into our winter mojo soon :)


  26. What a wonderful weekend! Yummy pumpkin pie! This is such a great time of you. Our weekend was filled with lots of things and a bit of sickness. Boo:(

  27. Love your cactus. So pretty.
    I had a wild weekend. Breakfast in Chicagos Lincoln Square with dear blog pals daughter Friday .out with nurses for dinner Friday night; cat show in wisconsin Saturday and out to dinner in Cary Saturday night. Took in two foster kittens on Sunday....then needed a big old nap!

  28. My Christmas cactuses (cacti?) can't read the calendar either! I don't know what triggers them to bloom, maybe a difference in the watering cycle? We had a good weekend, too, with even a bit of sunshine on Friday for the quilt show and Saturday also.

  29. Sounds like a good weekend. You make me want pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I must have it with whipped cream.

    It was a good weekend, except the dryer in my building has been out and so we have a small mountain of laundry growing in our apartment, le sigh.

  30. Homemade pumpkin pie! Yum!! Sounds like a wonderful weekend! We had a nice one too. Lots of sewing!

  31. Aw too bad about that wet ending of your dogwalk! Mm pizza!!
    My weekend was great too, we went to a party, cleanend the house (still in construction), so I ate concrete dust :-) I haven't been knitting a lot actually, should catch up on my november socks!


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