Currently on the Needles

This week I've been working on my husband's second pair of socks.  Slow and easy knitting, and nice to pick up and put down since the pattern is memorized. I have other projects on the needles that I posted about yesterday. My house will be empty by the second of January and that is when I can resume some projects that are challenging.

I started a new book this week, Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. So far it is captivating and I'm knee deep in the plot. I looked over all the books I read in 2014 and was surprised at how many I thought were just "okay".  I'm hoping 2015 brings me better book choices and riveting story lines.

I wish I could show you all the gifts I knit for Christmas this year, but all of my recipients are out of town and I didn't get a photo of them.  I made many cowls and a few shawls that were given to knit worthy people.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. The socks look lovely! I wish I got around to making gifts for the family, but time got away from me. :)

  2. Hasn't it been fun to have children home? Ours all left Sunday but I enjoyed it so much!

  3. Just waking up here but looking forward to some yarn and reading today too. I have heard good things about that book. happy New Year!

  4. I read that earlier in the year and loved it.......i JUST picked up One by One by the same author. (I haven't started it knee deep in a Swedish murder mystery!!!!)

  5. I've got that book on my reading list too, so great to hear it is worth reading! Love the socks - what is that gorgeous yarn?

  6. I love knitting sock, they are so great. I'm reading some of the Miss Julia books by Ann Ross right now and they are funny and light.

  7. socks, socks, I dream of socks! :) Hope you have a very happy New Year Karen!

  8. That was a great book! Happy New Year!

  9. I hope that your New Year will be wonderful! Best wishes for all good things in 2015 to you and yours! xx

  10. The socks look lovely! I might knit another pair sometimes in the future but right now I am on row 19 of my Adelia mitts. They were on my waiting list for a long time and today felt like just the right moment to start. So far, it's been a pleasure. I also started a new book - "Lost Lake" by Sarah Addison Allen - I only read a couple of chapters but so far I really enjoyed it.

    1. oh and I almost forgot... I wish you all the best for 2015!!!

  11. That book is on my to-read list, and has been for awhile. Unfortunately, it's a very long list ;)

  12. I love everything the colors of those stripes. I'm dreaming for new books and projects coming soon too. Happy New Year!

  13. Love the sock yarn! self-striping/patterning is the best.

  14. Im currently working on a stitch along for one of my cross stitch sals I belong to. Happy new Years. I love the color of the socks by the way.

  15. Nice manly socks! I just finished Hall of Secrets and am about to start the Count of Monte Cristo for book club. Wish me luck; it's LONG. Am working on a GK sweater and some mitts for his dad. Two January b'days coming up real soon!

    1. Good luck- David copperfield was long but worth it.

  16. I am just finally catching up on some of my favorite blogs after the chaos of Christmas and decided to just leave my comments all here- oh your Noble cowl is LOVELY and I can't believe how big your scrap blanket has gotten. I love it and can see why you would just enjoy knitting it larger and larger. It would make such a lovely bed cover if you let it get so big. And of course I love your socks in this post, the self-striping is really pretty - in a masculine way, of course. I am pinning that yarn to my new "yarn-to-get" board over on Pinterest!

  17. And once again, your yarn selection...perfect! :)

  18. Pretty yarn! What color way is it? I clicked on your ravelry link for the other pair and had a fun surprise! You bought the yarn in the same town my husband was born in. Small world! ;)

    1. It is a small world!! Lang jawoll color. Color#902.0002 (a super exciting color name!)

  19. Reading BLOGS and Alex & Me about the African Gray Parrot who learned language and taught us about language. Knitting a new cowl patter

  20. Lots of lovelies I have missed!! I LOVE the scraps blanket... I think Frodo has it staked out for himself. LOL! So good to see all your beautiful work. I understand about all the knits getting away with no photos! Too much going on to remember the photos... but, I think that is probably a good thing. Wishing you all the best in 2015, Karen!! blessings ~ tanna

  21. I am knitting "A Nice Ribbed Sock" by Glenna C, a pattern I have memorized and a "Thao" Shawlette from some deep stash Misti Alpaca. I love alpaca yarn. I am rereading "One of Ours" by Willa Cather. Like you, I read a number of average-type books this past year. I decided to begin the New Year by rereading a few books by my favorite authors - Willa Cather, Terry Tempest Williams (non-fiction - nature writing) and then add some new books to the pile - "Lila" by Marilynn Robinson, "All the Light We Cannot See" and "Some Luck" by Jane Smilely. Happy New Year!

  22. I'm still knitting on my dress (finished the back and now started the front) and am currently reading "The plum tree". Very interesting story (fictional) about a girl growing up in Germany during WW2. Lots of information about what went on during those years that I didn't have a clue about. I would definitely recommend it!
    Have a great start into the year 2015!!

  23. You are a great sock knitter, colors and you finish all your socks in a timely fashion! Consider doing a knit along for socks?

  24. The yarn for your socks is great. Happy New Year!

  25. The colourway for the socks is awesome, love it! All the best to you Karen, and your family, for a year ahead filled with many blessings, health and happiness. Happy New Year. xo

  26. Lucky husband. Those are going to be some nice socks... Happy New a Year. Wishing you many bright pages in 2015.

  27. Happy New Year! I really like those socks you are knitting for your husband. Great colours! Today I'm casting on Bluebells, a sweater out of Kate Davies' new book Yokes.

  28. Lovely socks. I'm knitting a handful of projects, which is why I almost never finish anything! As for books, I'm trying to find a novel that really pulls me in.

  29. Happy New Year Friend!
    I passed on that book the other day in the bookstore though I know so many have loved it. Will like to hear your final report.

  30. Adore the colours of your husband's socks - so lovely and soft. I have been down a knitting rabbit hole over Christmas and am only just popping my head up! Happy new year to you and yours xxx

  31. those socks are lovely!!! the colours, etc!

  32. Happy New year! I love that sock yarn


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