
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog.  

This weekend there was abundant sunshine, so much so that I wore sunglasses on our walk.  Since we've had quite the streak of cloudy days, I had to document the weather.  Are your days blurring and swirling together?  Yesterday I thought it was Friday but it was Saturday.  Part of the problem I think is that we went to church on Tuesday night for Mass and that felt like a Sunday.  Anyways, onto the weekend:

-Friday our daughter found a wedding dress!  Cross that off the list of things to do :) The whole process was less that two hours and I for one loved each moment.  And we were home in time for lunch!

-lots of walking with Frodo and enjoying the mild weather, wishing for a bit of snow of course
-eating left overs (which translates to no cooking)
-dinner with friends and all of our the kids reminding me of years past when they were in school
-knitting knitting knitting knitting
-I received a kindle and I find it funny that I spend lots of time looking and thinking about books but not READING them....I'm sure it's just a phase, but I chuckle at myself
-watching more Dr. Who when I am not watching Gilmore Girls
-watching X-men: Days of Future Past as a family, not sure I'd like to be an x-man
-thinking about the New Year and possible personal goals.  Not sure about that, what about you?

How was your weekend?  Care to join us?  Leave a comment with your link and we will all visit each other.


  1. lovely time and yay about the wedding dress and finding it quickly!!

  2. Brilliant news about the wedding gown shopping!
    I am thinking that you and I are on the same page in regards to our book reading. I hope to rectify that in the new year.

  3. Shopping for the dress is so fun! You must sendme a pic:)))

  4. I think the infinite possibilities of the Kindle make it really easy to get caught up in thinking about books... It's so tempting to want to fill it up right away. (It's terrible for impulse buys, too, especially with the daily deals!)

    Here's a link to my weekend: http://wp.me/p3Wht-39p.

  5. Enjoy being the mother of the bride. It was just 6 years ago that we were entering that season. I got some writing time in this lovely weekend http://juliannsblog.blogspot.com. Looking forward to one more week off work.

  6. How wonderful that you found a dress, and so quickly. We are wishing for snow too.

  7. In Zürich, winter finally arrived with the first snow of the year. At first it was an ugly mix of snow and rain but since yesterday it has been real wintery and it started snowing again about two hours ago.
    I also wrote a few end of the year entries for my blog, the days between christmas and New Year's Eve are prefect to look back.

  8. Wow record timing for the wedding dress selection! Your daughter must have had a very clear picture of what she wanted in her mind.
    Im looking back at your previous post - what a perfectly shaped tree. I would love to have a real tree but generally the weather here does not permit it and they die too quickly...but yours looks spectacular with all the lovely trimmings.

  9. ah yes, it was a lovely weekend here! I did a few chores, knitted, some more chores, knitted...relaxed. It was so nice! Now I am about to get ready for work... I really don't want to go back! But it is only for 3 days this week. Surely I can handle that. Yes, the browsing the books is just part of getting a new Kindle. I have many on mine just waiting but I find myself still looking for the next great book...Mostly free! :)
    How awesome that the wedding dress has been selected! That is very exciting! :) I hope you both have a great time planning this wonderful event!

  10. Your weekend sounds relaxing and all the more wonderful for accomplishing the goal of finding a dress! My weekend has been one of slow crafting and contemplation. I've not found a way to put it into words for the blog.

  11. With all of us at home right now, I couldn't tell you what day of the week it is... We spent lots of time at home, just doing whatever we're enjoying right now. Knitting, reading, watching movies, crafts... Both girls went shopping with friends and I went shopping with Hannah one day. It's been fun and relaxing and we're enjoying our down time. I'm glad your daughter found the dress of her dreams and it a was a fun time for the both of you.

  12. glad the dress was found!!!! (any looking for mother-of-the-bride dresses yet??!?) That looks like an awfully clean coffee table! (I did a little tidying up around the house, too.....decorations are DOWN! Things looks so clean again.....don't look under the furniture. Dust bunnies still abound!)

  13. Oh she found the dress! That's one thing less to stress about ;) my weekend wasn't so nice actually, a lot of stress and busy shifts at the hospital where I work. But trying to look on the bright side: I'm still grateful that I'm at the better side of the bed.

  14. I love this idea and sounds like a wonderful weekend indeed.

  15. Sunny, relaxing weekends are the best. A little bit of visiting family also included, and mine was lovely :)

  16. I hope you had a Merry Christmas with your family. Congrats on picking the dress! I can't wait to see it. :) I saw X-Men before and I have to agree I wouldn't like to be an X-Men but maybe date one.. just kidding!!
    Happy Monday!

  17. Im all goofed up with the days of the week. Today, monday is more normal so I think Im back on track.
    Im reading! So is Fireman!
    Knitting a new pair of fingerless..making it up. Pretty straightforward.
    May get my hair cut tomorrow. I hate how its growing out

  18. We've had an unusual sunny spell on Sunday as well, I took full advantage of it by taking out the dog for a nice long walk. At first I was a bit cranky, because it seemed like the entire country got snow, except for the part where I live. But the sunshine more than made up for it :)

  19. How exciting that your daughter found a dress!! Definitely a good weekend at your house! xx

  20. So excited for your daughter! What a special time! And Gilmore Girls is going on over here, too. :)


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