Currently on the Needles

This week's knitting has been fast and furious.  I finished a pair of socks and posted yesterday all about them.  I also finished knitting my shawl which is drying in the guest room and I'll be doing a photo shoot some time in the next few days.  The orange sweater is making steady progress with no mistakes.  I love knitting the body of the sweater, I only have to remember the decreasing and increasing and a button hole.  Easy peasy.

I am nearly finished with The Book Thief  a couple of pages to go.  I loved the book a second time around.  I'm also glad I saw the movie before re reading the book.  There are changes that I wonder why they felt it was what should be done in the film.  Books are always better than the movies.  I love having my own visions of how the characters look and the settings.

Next up to read is a book I've seen here and there on the internet.  Fingers crossed it's a good one!!

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny and Frontier Dreams


  1. i love love love that book- I think you will too.

  2. I have that book on my reading list!

  3. I thought Mr. Penumbra was a good one. The author also wrote a short prequel (Ajax Penumbra 1969) that tells some of Mr. Penumbra's back story; it was also a good one!

    1. Had not known about the sequel - sounds interesting! Thanks for mentioning this!

  4. are the Knitting the colour of the sweater.
    I'm getting some great ideas for books to add to my reading list..I have never heard of Mr Penumbra..I will look into it. And I agree with you..books are better than imagination always runs wild while I'm reading
    Phoebe x

  5. I enjoyed that book. Taking a knitting break this week, my elbows are aching from too much time with sticks in my hands

  6. I can't wait to see your shawl Karen, I know it's just beautiful. I am now on the last repeat of the pattern, decided to just knit nine and then I can begin work on the border so it won't be long now.

  7. I am looking forward to you modeling your shawl Karen! Right now I'm knitting a pair of socks, but I'm almost done with them. Not sure what I"m going to cast on next, maybe a hat? Still reading Prince Lestat, but haven't been able to pick it up much these last few days. Been working longer hours and once I get home there's work for me waiting there. Happy Humpday! :-)

  8. I haven't read that book, but have heard so many good things! Maybe I need to pick it up!

  9. I really love that color! I have realized I am a color person, not really into all the neutrals that are so popular. This has held true for clothes, knitting, house that orange is really appealing to me!

  10. Pretty pattern and color choice :) Books are better than the movies! My sister usually gets very frustrated when she sees a movie after reading the book first.

  11. Sounds interesting! Your knitting is astounding!!!

  12. The shawl is lovely (I saw it on instagram) and I can't wait to see the finished sweater. My brother actually got that book for Christmas, he wasn't able to finish it since he had to back to college. But it's sitting in our bookshelf, so please let me know how you like it! :)

  13. I really do love the colour of the yarn, beautiful.

  14. Can't wait to see the shawl, I love the color. The Book Thief sounds good, I will have to look it up.

  15. I love a book that's so good you want to read it twice! Your sweater looks wonderful and makes me want to buy some yarn in that color...... I can't wait to see the shawl! You are like a knitting machine lately Karen!

  16. Ooh, I've been wanting to knit a pumpkin-colored cardi since the fall! I really enjoyed that book.

  17. I LOVE orange! I can't wait to see this sweater.

  18. I too have seen that book and am hoping to read it soon. I loved the Storied Life of A.J. Fikry..a bookstore owner book...

  19. that book title is intriguing! wow, way to go with knitting! impressive!!! I have started my new blanket!!! :))) you are a knitting inspiration to me dear friend! :) yay for books, knitting and beautiful colours!

  20. I've heard that Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore is terrific. I just finished reading "The Girl on the Train". It was a quick read, similar to "Gone Girl" in that the characters are not all that they appear to be. This week I'm starting "Everything I Never Told You". Have a wonderful week, we are heading to Dubai today to visit our daughter! :)

  21. Your knitting needles have been flying! Looking forward to seeing the shawl. And another book is added to my list.

  22. Karen, that sweater is gorgeous! Can hardly wait until it is finished. Looking forward to seeing the photos of your new shawl! And I agree...the book is ALWAYS better than the movie!

  23. You are a knitting queen. Can't wait to see your shawl :)

  24. Looks great! Finishing a bunch of projects around the same time is very satisfying, isn't it? Happy knitting to you!

  25. Reading blogs and magazines this week. Knitting sunny sunflower socks
    Love your cardigan progress!

  26. I'm crazy for the orange sweater. And I've been wondering about this book

  27. I am eager to see that sweater Karen, beautiful color !

  28. Ditto about preferring books to movies for all the same reasons...
    xo Lisa :)

  29. Your socks looked fab and I am SO looking forward to seeing your finished shawl :) I'm still reading The Signature of All things (or rather listening to it) and am quite enjoying it. In hard copy, I'm re-reading Mary Renault's Alexander trilogy, which I always enjoy. I've also just downloaded Wild Swans on Audible, which I haven't got around to reading before now and The Miniaturist, which looks intriguing...

  30. That sweater is going to be beautiful - I love the pumpkin color. I'm with you in that the book is always better than the movie.

  31. I love that sweater and can't wait to see it on!

  32. you are a wonder with those needles!

  33. I have to agree the body of a sweater is where my sweater knitting love remains. Your needles are on fire I love watching all the different things you knit. You're not a one garment or accessory knitter, that's for sure! Not that there is anything wrong with that either. You have a well rounded knitting practice, just like your reading lists! I am knitting in purple and I'm true to word for my son and on the second book of his favorite dystopian The Scorch Trials, ha! My husband is asking me when I'm going to read some grown up fiction. shrug!

  34. You are so fast! That sweater is going to be very pretty. I am working on a mystery sock and still reading The Count of Monte Cristo, getting closer to the end though. Have you seen or read Wild? A guy in our choir is in the movie!

  35. Your sweater is growing so quickly, especially with the other knitting you've done. I can't wait to see what you think of the book.

  36. I'm dying to start some big projects too. I'm waiting for yarn to arrive so that I can do so. I'm still loving your pumpkin coloured cardigan. I've got a bit of a think about that lovely warm colour at the moment and have just painted a door that colour. Love the title of the book it sounds fascinating. Happy reading.

  37. You have been a busy knitter this week!
    I love when I read a book first and then my idea of how it looked in my head is how it looks in the movie.

  38. I can't wait to see the shawl's photo shoot!! I know it is going to be so gorgeous! I'm starting to wish I had something like a wedding to inspire me to so a beautiful shawl. My wardrobe is FULL of shawls and I'm trying to get myself motivated with the sweater idea. LOL! Unlike you, I have not developed a good appreciation of the sweater. ;) This one is looking great. You will be finished in no time. Have a great weekend, Karen. blessings ~ tanna

  39. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the book. I've heard of it. Your sweater is coming along quite nicely!


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