Easing into January

I've been easing into a new schedule during these January days.  The sun shines brightly and I enjoy the extra daylight that occurs with each passing day.  January has never been a favorite month for me in the past but there is something magical about it.  The snow crunching and squeaking underfoot.  The sun angles and shimmering snow.  The walks are brisk, cold and invigorating.

As my husband and I walk, I ask "would you rather be freezing cold or super hot with bugs biting your arms and flying into your eyes?".  A tough choice, but I know without a doubt, that freezing cold wins.  Our walks are shortened, poor Frodo is cold as well.  However, we all love the fresh air and the reentering of a warm and toasty home.

Since the start of the New Year, I've focused on reading more.  I now read a mere half hour before cooking dinner.  That half hour sometimes turns into an hour and I love that I have carved a slice of my day dedicated to a resolution.  Pre-dinner reading is for the classics.  I'm currently reading The Scarlet Letter on my kindle (a Christmas gift!).  I favor the printed word in a physical book but only with a kindle or ereader can I knit and read.

Each morning, I sketch out a list.  I strive to make mini goals for each day-I want my days to be purposeful and peaceful.  January is the perfect month to ease into new habits.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Beautiful picture. I love the light streaming in the window. January in the PNW can be very gloomy - fog and clouds that keep the sun hidden away. And I started the year with a nasty cold so this week has been a wash. I have circled January 12 on my calendar as the day my new year begins with time for knitting and reading and savoring. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I love your idea of making a specific time for reading, and before dinner sounds wonderful. I try to read when I find a few free moments in the day, but that is not often enough. Thank you; I'm going to give this a try!

  3. I like your thinking here, Karen! Sketching out a list so that your days are purposeful and peaceful....love the end result! I love the picture...those pottery pieces ...their colors...the spacing between each one...the way the light hits them...just gorgeous.

  4. Hands down I would rather have cold weather than hot; it stays hot here for so long, sigh.
    I have been making more time for reading too and loving it. How are the wedding plans coming along?

  5. I am a great fan of a note book and list it gives me a purpose for each day and helps to organize what can be a sometimes a hectic life. I love that you plan your reading time, such a good idea. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Purposeful and peaceful, those sound like good days to me. Love the pottery. I have a piece here that would fit in perfectly with yours :)

    Have the most wonderful weekend Karen. xo

  7. Hi Karen, I got a Kindle for Christmas too and I am practicing reading and knitting at the same time, but it only works with non complicated patterns. If you asked me that question I had to say I prefer in between (especially a nice long Fall), I don't like extreme heat or cold, but I take cold and sunshine over cold and rain any day. My year was not off to a very good start either, but I see every day as a chance to start over. Have a lovely weekend.

  8. Mini goals will make a big difference. I like doing it that way too.

  9. I like the sound of your gentle start to the New Year. I also like your plan to carve out some reading time before cooking dinner. I am trying to find a time during my day to get in a bit more reading, and that might just work for me. As for the Kindle, I love it for the same reason you have said. I can read it and knit at the same time.

  10. how lovely!!! I hope to get into a new routine also... right now we are still in the middle of (Julian Calendar) 12 days of Christmas... :) I LOVE the cold too!! and hot tea at home!!

  11. Reading must be the favored winter activity, right along with knitting. We have very poor air quality in January, which is why it is a least favored month. Enjoy your peaceful and beautiful weekend.

  12. I love making lists . . . and checking things off. I haven't tried knitting and reading. That's on my weekend list now. :-) Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Sounds like a nice start to your year. The Scarlet Letter was a good book! I wish I could enjoy these cold months but I worry about our animals, water freezing, etc. Makes it hard to relax some times.
    I'm a fair weather farmer! :)

  14. aww you have a great attitude. The oppressive heat and air conditioning both bother me. The winter cold is do able for me. It also helps me with hot flashes. when a flash hits, i can run outside for immediate relief.
    My worst months are November and March. our temps are in the 40s and there is so much rain and clouds. At least January is bright with sun and snow! February too

  15. I also want to read more books too. Haven't read the Scarlet Letter yet, but it's on the list! :)

  16. I like that you are easing into change. And I would rather be cold than too hot as well....

  17. ooh your header looks cold. I love walking in all seasons (prefer no wind) and I am terribly boring I keep to the same route - I think it is because I like to see the changes that happen each season. Keep warm over there.

  18. cold cold cold.....you can have those mosquitoes!!! :) love the vases on your window sill....and the fact that you have such a nice sill that you can put things on. You would think in an old house, we'd have good window sills....and we don't. The only thing I miss in this house!!!

  19. a delightful post thank you for sharing.

  20. Beautifully written... January does have an air of new... it always seems to be my month of promise and expectation. I'm glad you were able to find more time to do what you love. It is so important.

    May I ask, did you make those clay pots? They are exquisite!

  21. I agree - I would rather have cold weather than hot. And I love that it is now light out when I leave work. There were many weeks when I came to work in the dark and left in the dark - which can be so depressing!

  22. your photo is so lovely....the pots are beautiful. Talk about reading more... i haven't been able to put 'Me before You" down...i was reading it while making dinner (and I don't have a kindle LOL). let me just say, it took me a long time to chop those vegetables.
    Have a great weekend Karen

  23. I love the thought of peaceful and purposeful. Your photo is so lovely... it looks peaceful... and purposeful in bringing beauty. I have to admit I love the LONG warm days. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  24. Those pottery pieces looks so pretty on your window sill! We've definitely had freezing cold here lately - woke up to 7 two nights ago and in the teens this morning. Brrrr.... At least it gives me a chance to bundle up in my hand knit socks and sweaters.
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  25. I love your reading goal! Hope you stay warm and have a great January!

  26. Freezing cold would win over the superhot bug biting and eye-flying thing too for me. Have a nice weekend, enjoy your reading and knitting!

  27. It is great that you are making some time for yourself and for your reading. I am never sure if I would prefer to be really cold or really hot as I don't like either! I guess for me it would be cold, as long as I could be indoors, as at least then you can add more layers and eat and drink warm things to keep you going, when it is hot there isn't much you can do, especially as we don't have AC over here! I hope that you keep warm and toasty and safe! xx

  28. This isn't my favorite time of year either. Sunrise isn't till 7:55 and it sets again at 4:48, short, very gray days, that's for sure. But it's not frigid and you don't have to shovel our rain. Read on!

  29. "Easing" is the perfect word for January! And yes...knitting and reading at the same time is a bonus :)

  30. I agree with you.. I would take the cold weather since we have such lovely warm homes.. The month of January passes so fast I find and the long cozy evenings will soon pass so I try to savour each one.. smile..
    Take care, dear. xo

  31. This is my second favorite time of the year but only because it allows me a month or two to be able to wear my hand knits, especially those made of wool. Such a lovely photo in your post, it's rather soothing.

  32. It is 1*F as I type! Welcome to the new and gentle new year, and I love those pots!

  33. Yes, January is the perfect month to ease into lovely new habits. I too would take freezing temps to sweltering heat. :)

  34. Your January days sound gentle and delightful. Mine have been slow, but in a can't-manage-to-get-everything-done kind of way. What sort of mini goals do put on your lists? I write a to-do list every morning too and often write 'knitting and film' on it, aiming to settle down with a project and DVD in the afternoon after the jobs are done. The trouble is the jobs are never 'done' and so I rarely get to the good part!

  35. What a great post Karen. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it - very peaceful and keeps me inspired to savour these January days.


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