
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog. 

This weekend I:

-went for walks with Frodo and my husband, bundled up with scarves, mitts and extra socks-all hand knit-instant happiness!
-shivered during the walks, I was still cold
-pleasantly skirted the cooking detail.  Dinner out Friday night, left overs Saturday and my husband cooked curry today (yay)
-lots of knitting on my orange sweater, feeling giddy as I approached the sleeve separation
-lots of UNKNITTING, 20 rows!,  on the same sweater because I forgot to do much needed increases--sigh.
-giggling as my husband commented with a straight face "I thought you were an expert knitter, what happened?"
-I had no response, just glanced over my glasses and r-i-p-p-e-d
-chatted with my daughter, the wedding plans are coming together!
-chatted with my son, he is ready for the new semester to start (He's bored)

The weekend was good, just the way I like them.  How was your weekend?


  1. I had a knitting "mishap" this weekend myself. Kept knitting on the dress thinking I'll have to start decreasing soon, when I realized I should have done it over 3 inches ago. :-( I had marked the decrease rows on the finished back part of the dress, but somehow completely missed the first marker. Out came the needles....
    Still cold here, but not as bad as it had been. Got a nice long walk in with friends this morning.
    Have a good week!

  2. Oh 20 rows...I know how that feels all to well- good thing you are such a speedy knitter Karen, your blanket looks so pretty with all the colors. Feeling cold ...hope the curry helped, sounds so good.
    Have a lovely week ahead.

  3. Yay for wedding plans coming together! Sorry about the knitting mishap, I can't believe your hubby said that with a straight face :) The blanket looks amazing!

  4. I hate it when you have to rip back, but it must look good! I had a lovely weekend, got to see an Uncle I haven't seen in almost 16 years.

  5. This weekend I spent time with my husband and daughter. My daughter has been sick and we've been fighting that while she's in bed I've gotten in some much needed time with my husband. Glad to see you had such a wonderful weekend!


  6. My cold weather went away, but I have hopes that it will return. I'm so sorry you had to rip back Karen, I winced for you and feel you pain ;). At least the wedding plans are going well and that's super good news. Curry sounds really good and I think that will go on my menu for the week, thanks for the inspiration.

  7. i love your blanket omg
    this weekend i fell i love with my new floor cleaner
    its winter

  8. Sounds lovely. I was feeling better after a week of sick and had time to knit and stitch and read and run and yoga. http://liningupmystitches.blogspot.com/2015/01/slow-stitching.html

  9. look at your blanket grow!!!! it's looking GREAT!!!! (and i bet it's big enough now to cozy up under as you work on it....perfect!)

  10. First off, Karen, thank you for posting the picture of that beautiful quilt on your wall! Oh it is beautiful! I loved reading about your weekend...especially your husband's comment about you being an expert knitter and you looking over your glasses and ripping out all of that beautiful orange! We've had a few of those sorts of conversations at our house also! :) Your weekend sounds lovely!

  11. Yes, I agree with Dianna! That quilt is something special! Your husband's comment made me smile. Whilst I do not consider myself to be an expert knitter I have learned that learning to unknit is as important a lesson as learning to knit. I frequently find myself frogging a few rows.

    Enjoy wearing your handknits during this cold season!


  12. A quiet weekend for me. Your husbands comment made me smile, wonderful. Such a shame you had to undo so much. The blanket is a real delight, stunning. So glad to hear the wedding plans are coming together, exciting times.

  13. Your blanket is looking gorgeous. How annoying to have to rip your knitting back, glad you managed it with good humour!

  14. Sounds like a good weekend Karen. Love your wall quilt. Mine similarly contained as much unraveling as knitting...but I loved it all the same. It's so good to have your daughters wedding to look forward to. We've just been invited to Hannah's friends' wedding. We were thrilled to be invited along with all their own friends. It's going to be held in Edinburgh...we've never been before so very excited.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  15. Karen, I am chuckling over your husband's comment... He and Evan share some less than desirable commenting traits. LOL! Sounds like you had a perfect weekend. Ours was very quiet... just taking care of some chores that needed to be done, staying warm and a bit of crochet. blessings ~ tanna

  16. I've had so many similar knitting adventures :)

  17. My weekend would have been so much better if I'd followed your lead and not tried to cook every meal. Plus, only a couple of rows of knitting were accomplished. You know how to make weekends more fun!

  18. i love the colours of your blanket... my weekend was full of knitting and reading too (but no wedding plans from my daughter as of yet...LOL)

  19. The blanket is looking great! I can just imagine the look on your face when your husband made that comment. I can't wait to hear all about the wedding over the next months. Such an exciting time!

  20. So irksome for you about your knitting! I am sure that you have it all sorted out now though! xx

  21. Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. I had a relaxing weekend with a concert, some knitting and some reading.

  22. I love that blanket!! Our weekend was nice, still dealing with sickness - no fun. Glad you had a great weekend.

  23. Your shawl is fabulous! Looks very difficult though. The blanket is growing! So sorry about the frog visit; pesky critters, they are.

  24. Oooh... sorry about you having to unknit so much. Had to do the same on a lace pattern that I somehow lost count of. I'm glad you had a lovely week-end. :-)


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