
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog. 

My weekend was a do nothing weekend mixed with a shopping outing.  I find the month of January to be one of the worst shopping months.  I'm overtaxed from the holiday shopping so I tend to window shop.

I did find a dress for the wedding, unless I find something even more thrilling...but let's say I've matched the dress to a shawl I'm knitting.  Hard core knitter here :)  If my shawl is too matchy matchy with the dress, I'm going to knit another shawl in another color. I have until July to decide. I chose a knee length, navy blue dress with lots of sequins on the bodice and lots of swishy swirl in the skirt.

I must say there are MANY dresses that look good on a hanger, but jeez,  once I put them on reality sets in... I felt frumpy and out of sorts.  The lighting in the dressing room doesn't help, neither does the static electricity of trying on the clothes in the dead of winter.  If I had my way, I'd be wearing a pair of jeans, cotton shirt and a cardigan to the reception! (and a knitted item, of course)

Today was the do nothing day:  laundry, Mass, left over pizza for dinner, reading, knitting, drinking tea.

How was your weekend?  I'd love to hear all about it!


  1. I'm glad you found a dress for the wedding! Can't wait to see it with the shawl you are knitting! We had a good weekend. Walking with friends one morning, getting the garage and patio cleaned up and then had some great friends over. Today was a very lazy day. Knitting and reading for me and football for the hubby while the girls are off with their friends. Our weekends look like that more and more often...

  2. Your weekend sounds wonderful, Karen. I understand completely how you feel about shopping in January...or any other month of the year when it comes to clothes. ;) I finally gave in and just ordered a skirt and a top last fall and to my surprise, they both fit really well!

    I love both of your pictures in today's post. :)

    Have a wonderful week, my friend.

  3. Do nothing weekends are some of my favorites. I look forward to seeing your dress and the shawl you choose.

  4. Glad you found a dress! I love that you have to have a knitted shawl to go with it! Weekend here, walking and going out for Sunday lunch and then a yarn shop visit - no purchases! - pretty good I think! xx

  5. oh my goodness!!!!! sequins AND swishy!!! Can't beat that!!! You'll sparkle at the reception.....and twirl to the DJ (or band).....perfect!

  6. yay for the dress! I seriously think a lot of dresses are not made for normal human beings!!! I remember looking for a Christmas dress a few years ago and man, it was hard! glad you found something beautiful! and a shawl with it, perfect!

  7. I dislike shopping and it's made so much worse when it is something that I have to shop for. Our "weekend" was Thursday and Friday celebrating the girlie birthdays.

  8. Exciting times finding your dress for the wedding. A relaxing weekend was had here too.

  9. How exciting to have found your dress, although I hear you on the shopping, not only in January, but any month :)

    Enjoy your week.

  10. I know what you mean when it comes to dressing up. I too, get an idea of what to wear in my head and then I put it on and it's all wrong! I have a favourite pair of jeans that are starting to be held together by patches - so comfy! I do wish I had that one dress that I felt good in and could wear for any fancy occasion. Looking forward to seeing the knitted shawl!

    This weekend I went on a long trek with friends in the cold cold outdoors - it was wonderful!!


  11. your dress sounds wonderful with all its sequins and swirls...just what a daughter's wedding calls for !!!
    our quiet, slow weekends are long gone... soccer has started once again, But we did enjoy a family get-together on saturday.

  12. I am so thrilled that you found your dress; that is such a big thing for the mother of the bride [or groom] and I know you are going to look even more amazing than you already do. I am so happy for your family Karen, truly! Enjoy a wonderful Monday.

  13. The dress sounds elegant especially with a matching shawl of your making. My weekend is on-going as my husband has two days off and we're enjoying rare time together.

  14. I love the geometric shapes in the bowl in your first picture, how did you make them? Ours was a crafty weekend as Tom was away, I'm looking forward to the time when I can disappear for a weekend even if it is for work ;0) http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/weekending_19.html

  15. Your dress sounds beautiful Karen! I can't wait to see it with your shawl. I hate trying on clothes. Especially for formal occasions. I had a very nice relaxing weekend and am ready to face the week ahead

  16. Clean dishes drying...what an ordinary delight. Great image!
    I sat under a nice blanket with a cat on my lap for much of Sunday, knitting away.
    VERY lazy day. We ordered a pizza and it was WONDERFUL.
    Saturday night we had guests over for dinner so it was a clean and spruce up day with almost no knitting.
    both days fun

  17. My Saturday was sort of "do nothing" but then at the same time was filled with doing... candle making, recipe notebook purging, and a little knitting tossed in while watching the old Disney movie "Miracle" with the family (it's about when the US hockey team defeated the USSR) -- fun! And those 80s hair styles -- funny! Have a great week, Karen,
    Lisa :)

  18. The dress sounds good, I would love to see a picture of it!! Shopping can be fun at times, but sometimes it can get overwhelming. I know how you feel! :)

  19. Yep, shopping is one of my least favorite sports. It's good to have those nothing days- it recharges you for the "do it ALL days". We went skiing- every weekend- sat + sun...while the season lasts.

  20. Karen, I just love knowing another person who totally gets matching clothes to your shawls... or other knitted items. ;) Love it. blessings ~ tanna
    ps I'm sure you were NOT frumpy. But, that said... I'm with you... jeans, t-shirt, and knitted item.

  21. oh I can't stand the lighting in dressing rooms! ack! that kind of shopping, the kind when I'm looking for something specific, makes me feel twitchy every time.

    our weekend was sunshine and friends: http://sweetpotatoclaire.blogspot.com/2015/01/weekending.html

  22. I love do-nothing weekends, but this wasn't one. I traveled out of town to attend a wedding and then had a sketching outing planned with a friend. Lots of fun, but not terribly restful!

  23. Dress shopping....ick! I love dresses but hate shopping for them! It took me 2 dresses until I found the right one for my sister's wedding last summer. As for my weekend, it sounds almost exactly like yours, laundry ritual included :)

  24. You are a hardcore knitter! ;)
    I never understand why dressing room lighting continues to be so horrible. Doesn't seem to make much sense if they are trying to get us to buy something.
    Relaxing weekend on my end. Much knitting and football watching. A bit of baking happened.

  25. Please post photos of the "wedding knitting"! Have a great week.

    1. I will try some time in the next week or so!

  26. It sounds like a good weekend Karen. I love when there's left-over pizza too and can empathise with shopping for special occasions. It's so good that you've found something this early, it takes the panic out of the situation. We've been invited to a wedding in July too and I haven't even started looking. Mind you, mother-of-the-bride is much more important. Ours is in Edinburg. I've never been there before and I'm so excited. Lots of people will be wearing tartan and I'm very tempted to do so too. Especially as my maiden name is Taylor, and there it a Taylor tartan!

    My weekend was very fruitful, lots of painting and sorting out.

  27. A good friend is also looking for a dress to wear to a wedding in late spring and having a heck of a time. Everything she likes is at least $300. Ouch. At the rate you knit, you could knit a dress... just saying. Is that a Fiestaware plate I see in your sink? :-)

    1. yes indeed! I love fiestaware, so very cheerful!

  28. My sister issued a dress code for her wedding that said come in what you're comfortable in, be that PJ's, jeans or a posh frock. Everyone wore a posh frock. I guess no one dared risk being the only one in jeans, but I so nearly went in mine!


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