Wide Open Spaces

a jade plant that I'm trying to nurture back from over/under watering

Happy New Year!  One day late but still my wish for all of you is the same, may your 2015 be a happy and healthy one.

Yesterday, I spent the day packing away the decorations, moving furniture back to their designated corners, welcomed wide open spaces and said goodbye to our daughter.  Today, my son left early this morning to catch his train back to his home.  The family visit was fun, full and busy.  Oh the cooking that I did and the baking.  I am eager to return to preparing meals for two!

Do you do resolutions?  I guess I do in a way, but I'm not hard core.  I like to think of what I'd like to change or accomplish and if I do, great!  If not, I tack those missed neglected goals onto the following year.  I write them down and refer to them often, sometimes a goal takes many tries to become a habit.  I like that resolutions require effort, thought and change.

So I welcome the new year, I want to continue my healthy habits in exercising and eating.  Be present and mindful.  Cast away the worries!  (always a challenge for me).  And especially I would like to: knit more, read more, and write more.

How about you?  What are aiming for?


  1. Happy New Year my friend! I've missed you. Wishing all the best for a healthy, happy and worry free (right) new year!!!

  2. your jade plant looks like it's doing well! a nice image for this time of year…the tending and loving into life.
    happy new year to you, karen!

  3. Knitting and reading are on my list of goals this year, too. Happy New Year!

  4. Less spending and more time listening to British Literature. Happy 2015!

  5. Sounds like it will be a great year then! :) I need to get my house pulled together (after tax time) and then I hope to get to these great things you mentioned.! Hope you have a wonderful year and I am looking forward to spending it with you! :) Blessings!

  6. knit more, read more, write more.....it's going to be a great 2015 for you!!!!!! (with a wedding squeezed in there, too!!!1 squeeeeeee!)

  7. Happy New Year to you and yours!! I love getting our Christmas decorations out, but just like you I LOVE having the "wide open spaces" back after they are put back up. I always feel the need to start the new year with a "clean slate/house". I am not big on making resolutions either, instead I try to refocus on some things that are important to us/me. I'd rather do things steady than start out with a bang and then fizzle out...
    Here's to a great and wonderful new year!!

  8. Happy new year Karen. I was thrilled to read we are knitting twins and are both knitting Stonecrop. I have cast on, but then put it aside to finish a baby hat that needs to be mailed, but am excited to create this knit.
    Enjoy your open spaces, I'm enjoying mine.

  9. Happy New Year Karen! I am keeping my goals simple because history showed that wanting to achieve too much never works for me. ;-) So this year I plan to finish at least one UFO per month, knit one pair of socks every month and try a new recipe once or twice a month. I also need to get moving a bit more and I want to improve my garden this year. Knit more, read more and write more sound good to me too.
    Have a great weekend!

  10. How wonderful! I was just thinking about you and up pops your post in my newsfeed! Happy New Year to you, dear Karen. Isn't it funny how many of us welcome the open spaces of our homes without the Christmas decorations? Ours are coming down tomorrow. I am looking forward to this new year; 2015 has a good ring to it, I think.

    Stephanie x

  11. Oh how I love the openness of our home once the decorations are put away. Enjoy!

    Happy New Year to you and yours. Love your list of goals :)

  12. hello karen,
    knitting and reading on my goal list for this year. your goals sounds good to me.
    i wish you and your family a happy new year!!!!
    love regina

  13. I've slacked on the "resolutions" for the past few years... but, I'm back on them... or rather "goals" as I am going to refer to them this year. Still in the prioritizing phase... but, knitting and reading and writing along with painting WILL be on the list. Getting healthy!! Oh, how far I have fallen. {sigh} But, let the missions begin.
    Glad you have gotten your house back in order. That's on my list for today. There is a certain peace in returning to a routine for 2. ;) I look forward to sharing our 2015 journey. blessings ~ tanna

  14. I need a plant. I have a gift card from a local nursery so maybe I will head there this afternoon. It looks calming.
    As for resolutions - I am going to work very hard and not accumulating this year. I want to release more of the stuff.

  15. I love your resolutions -- mine are very similar- especially the exercise and eating better. Glad you had a good holiday with lots of family time. Rest and relax now and enjoy 2015!

  16. I much prefer the idea or goals or plans than resolutions, they seem so much more positive don't they. I hope that you achieve all of yours and more in this year and that you have a great year too! xx

  17. Happy New Year Karen...I am looking forward to following your blog in 2015. I have no luck with jade plants but i have heard that they do not like any moisture over the winter months. Hope this helps

  18. aww saying goodbye is never fun . Resolutions: NO beef or pork. Wear more earrings! Look at my knitting!

  19. Happy New Year to you as well! I can never keep jades happy....

  20. Your jade plant looks ever so much better than mine. It's been in a funk for years, ever since being uprooted (not literally) from San Diego. It kept getting smaller and smaller, but has been repotted and moved to a sunnier (ha!) spot. It's still way smaller than yours though! LOL

  21. Our resolutions are very similar. :) And, I too, am looking at them as goals. Yay for us! ;)

    1. Happy New Year to you Karen! I'm a bit late as well. Catching up on MANY posts! :-)
      May this year bring you all you wish for and more.

  22. Happy New Year!

    And yes, my resolutions are similar too :)

  23. I have one of those plants, we call it a money plant and it's supposed to be lucky. Currently ours is much to big for its pot, poor thing. One of my resolutions sould be to care for my plants better.


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