Fresh Abundant Air

I find myself walking through these days looking for signs of spring.  Finally after a deep freeze, Frodo and I were able to get out and walk, oh my, it was refreshing to be outside, breathing fresh abundant air.  Can you believe March is upon us?  March is a birthday month for many of my family.  I see more cakes in my future.

I furiously reviewed our cell phone plan, making a detailed analysis and comparing notes.  I rarely change plans and so when it's been six + years, I have six years worth of catching up understanding their new catch phrases.

I've been savoring the light that I see every day in my home.  Late winter light might just be my favorite light of all.  Have you noticed that after dinner there is daylight?  I see in my future the after dinner walks resuming.  Frodo will be thrilled.

So I sit here at my computer dreaming of walks where I am wearing a thin fleece jacket and mitten free hands.  I predict my dream will come true sometime in March.  While winter blasts its last few breaths of chilly weather, I'll be finishing winter knits and starting some lightweight knitting projects.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. We were just talking about the days getting longer last night. A while back it was dark at 5:00 and now it stays light out until 6:00, so nice! After getting lots of snow, we might reach 70 next week! Crazy weather, but I'll take those warmer days. Have a great weekend!

  2. Lovely post! Thank you, Karen, you have taught me a lot about blogging, you are a wonderful example of how to do it right!

  3. You are just going to town on your sweater! Can't wait to see it. I know what you mean about the cell phone plans...{{sigh}} I really dislike dealing with that stuff.
    Ahhh, yes, the daylight after dinner is upon us. This morning when I walked Jada at 6 am it was light enough for us to go down the road. I could actually see the road. I'll be getting more AM exercise! :) Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  4. More light is always a plus, even here in the south!

  5. I am having a hard time realizing that March is about to begin. How fun that will be filled with birthday cakes for you. We only have one birthday in March, but April is our month with four!
    Yes, the light is returning, but truth be told, I'm not ready to let go of winter just yet, but then I don't think I ever am.
    Enjoy a great weekend my dear friend.

  6. The extra light will be so welcome after the gray and dark of winter. Although, winter is finally coming to Utah and we expect a cold week. I hope to get out and walk during the extra hours of light at the end of the day.

  7. I am finished with birthdays for my clan... my household has been blowing candles all winter long. However, I too see many more cakes in my near future (my teens devour them...) Have a great weekend Karen

  8. Love that yarn colour - gorgeous. We are heading into shorter days, so looking forward to some knitting in front of the fire soon. Is it only me or do other people try and read the titles when photos of bookshelves are posted?! Seems I can't get enough ideas for books! There are some good looking cookbooks there.

  9. I love the color of your knitting! So pretty! :) March is my sister's birthday also, it's a great month. Have a happy weekend!

  10. i love winter light too.
    happy weekend xxx

  11. It's so nice having the light a little longer-I don't have to go home from work in the dark anymore! I'll need to change my cell phone plan sometime-I'm putting it off as long as I can. Love the cheerful red knitting-looks like just the right thing to be working on right now :)

  12. The first signs of spring are out here as well. Even though we had a bit of a snowstorm today it's obvious that this won't last much longer. There is light when I go to work and in the evenings it stays light so much longer already. I am also looking forward to some lighter knitting!

  13. Gorgeous pink color you are knitting on!!
    Im afraid we are not in for any warmth this weekend in Chicago. I usually despise March, but THIS year I too will look for spring on all days in March!!!!

  14. And DST starts soon so it will be even lighter in the evenings! Looks like you're working on a very nice project!

  15. Today, I'm dreaming with you, Karen. The wind is like a knife it is so cold. You know my Texas self is NOT a fan. ;) I love it when the days start getting longer... I'll be excited just like Frodo. hee hee. Have a wonderful weekend! blessings ~ tanna
    ps I'm loving that color.

  16. Your knitting is beautiful, Karen! I love that color!

  17. A happy weekend to you, Karen. I was thinking this morning how my gloves have been parked on the stand by my coat closet for weeks -- not even being needed. Such a mild winter here in the west. Signs of spring are everywhere here. Hope they show up in your neighborhood soon. :)

  18. I have noticed the light too, and we have resumed our after dinner walks already, at least while we are down south :)

    I love the colour you are knitting with, so bright and cheery. Enjoy your weekend Karen.

  19. Those extra minutes of light, morning or evening, are speical aren't they?

    Have fun with the cakes, I've promised to make Hannah a chocolate marble cake for her MA graduation in London next week. It will be the first cake that I bake since we had the new cooker installed...I hope I don't burn it! I feel as though I've almost forgotten how to bake apart from plum crumble, but that doesn't really count. It must be seven months now since I last baked one!

    I love the quilt on the wall...I wonder if you made it...
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

  20. To me, March always means spring.....which is hard to imagine when I look out and still see the ground snow covered!! (I think we have set a record this year for continuous days of snow on the ground)....and it looks as if it'll be with us another week. Streets are FINALLY cleared, so Fred and I were able to get out for our walk yesterday.....such a sport. Even with his 'haircut'....he can't wait to drag me around the block; makes me feel pretty woosie all bundles up with woolies from head to toe (but then, that's why I knit, right????!)
    Love looks a-l-m-o-s-t done!!! What a great color to wear on chilly spring days!!!

  21. Whenever I see images of your cozy home, it makes me want to come over and knit with you. Then you can make me a cake! ;)
    I hope your March is filled with many days of beautiful Spring temps.

  22. Beautiful bright knits- so pretty. We are eagerly awaiting spring here too...but I don't think we'll have that until end of March.
    Have a great weekend and enjoy the light.

  23. It is 5 degrees F here right now, so spring seems very far away. I am, though, enjoying the longer daylight.

  24. I hope that March brings wonderful things for you! xx

  25. I can't believe it's already March ... where is time going?? Lovely knitting and I too have been enjoying longer times of light, it's nice.

  26. Oh how I hope March is glorious for everyone. We all need a little spring. I'm glad you got out and have been enjoying some better temperatures. Hope your week-end was a lovely one. xo


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