Little Moments to Share

Just a few happenings this week that I noticed while bracing the frigid temperatures a second time around.  On Tuesday Frodo and I did our walk in 24 degrees and I considered that "warm".  My how perception changes when you are facing zero degrees.  Early mornings and late evenings are staying lighter longer and with those hours stretching comes more activity.  Gone is my hibernation feeling, I am ready for more outdoor activities!

This week our sparrow who lives in the little tree beside our house has been sunning herself and leaving tiny foot prints in the snow.  She is ready for spring - I predict there will be little babies once again.  The deer continue to hang out at the wood's edge, we've seen up to eight and frequently they are sleeping under the trees, content and secure.

On our walk, Frodo and I discovered large animal prints in the snow, he went mad following the scent and I wondered, bear?  (nope, hibernating most likely) large cat?  (doubt it) and circled back to the prints most likely were made by another domestic dog who was out for a walk.  I did enjoy the free thinking and daydreaming that went with the wondering.

My husband surprised me with flowers on Tuesday and each morning I walk by the bouquet and smile.  We tend to be low key in the gift giving, so the surprise was a fun one.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I am finding myself outside more too and last night it was almost 6:00 before I even began dinner prep, I thought it was earlier!. I will admit though that I would love a more winter.
    Enjoy the weekend and your pretty flowers.

  2. I went out the other day without a jacket to fill the bird feeders; it felt (almost!) balmy at 22 degrees! It's -6 this morning, so bundling up is in order. I also enjoy looking at tracks in the snow - we've had deer, raccoons, rabbits, a skunk, and lots of birds.

  3. I have not been outside a lot lately and I miss it! It's been so cold and windy here that it really is not a lot of fun to be outside. :-( I am ready for warmer weather!!

  4. Watching the sun come early and stay a little later is the best thing about February. Of course, we've had above normal temperatures, but hopefully, our luck is about to change. Stay warm!

  5. it really is great to get out and walk isn't it! how nice about the flowers! :)))) stay warm!!!

  6. little surprises are always good.....not much sentimental gift giving happens here, unless you count digging my car out of the snow (which I do!!!). I have a bird feeder placed right outside the window by my computer....and the activity is non-stop since the snow came. I must admit, I'm loving spite of the sub zero temps and our frozen pipes!!!!!

  7. yes... I think spring is just around the corner...the natural world is slowly waking up!!! Your roses are beautiful - they made me smile too.

  8. Lovely roses that must feel like a touch of spring! Stay warm, Karen.

  9. Sounds like a lovely week filled with beautiful simple moments. My favorite!!! :-)
    We follow trails everywhere as well. The other day, my daughter was convinced the big paw prints in the snow were from a lion... I chose to let it be! :-)

  10. Awww I love a windless walk even if it is cold. I love your flowers and the gesture. I put the cowl down and started a felted thing...I am so restless with my knitting this time of year! I'll go back to the cowl I know I will

  11. Karen, your flowers are beautiful! What a sweetheart! How is Frodo managing the deep snow? I haven't attempted to take Popeye out in the woods for a hike because it comes up to his shoulders. Poor guy, he is going stir crazy! :)

  12. Surprise flowers are the best! What a lovely week you had Karen. The lengthening days are amazing, we have even enjoyed a few after dinner walks.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. I love the free thinking and daydreaming that goes with lovely walks... =) I shiver to think 24 is a "warm" day! We are due to be in the high 20s first of next week... but, it will be in the high 60s today... the roller coaster of East Texas weather! Ha! blessings ~ tanna
    ps the flowers are always especially sweet when they are unexpected.

  14. You never know about those prints! I found large ones in the woods once, and I concluded it was likely a lynx (as odd as it sounded to my friends) because the animal was walking in its own tracks, leaving a straight line of prints meandering across the frozen ice. It made my walk very exciting, and I tracked them until I got nervous that a lynx would attack me ;)

    1. these were walking in the same prints!!! Ah you give me hope that it was an exciting animal :)

  15. Lovely moments from your week, thank you for sharing. The gift of flowers from your husband is lovely! xx

  16. Happy to hear that you have been able to get out and explore. That proves to be the best medicine for cabin fever.
    Thoughtful flowers are the best-good job hubby!

  17. Hey, 24 degrees is practically summer! I usually love winter, but this winter's bitter cold is ruining the season for me.
    It's a good time for some flowers!

  18. Lovely flowers, what a sweet gift. Finding the bear prints must have been fun...could it be an Abominable Snowman! right type of weather for one....


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