
Weekends are for memory making, 
relaxing and enjoying quiet moments of our days.  
If you would like, please share your weekend moments 
  in the comment section with a link to your blog. 

Another weekend where my days were slow and my were they ever cold.  Poor, poor Frodo, I've never seen him be lightening quick outside like he has been today.  It is frigid out there!  As you know I love winter, but I'm missing my daily walks!  Today, I felt antsy and edgy and wishing for a walk.  Hopefully tomorrow?  We will see the windchill.

My weekend:

-six (six!!) deer laying in the sunshine all Saturday morning outside my window
-photoing the brave deer who stays and stares at me
-dinner out, talking and people watching while eating-all favorite past times
-knitting that never ending scrap blanket and slowly making progress
-lentil soup and crusty toasty bread
-Valentine mini cupcakes, eating two feels like lots
-finishing a book, reading another book, enjoying those endless minutes of sitting
-wearing my newly knitted sweater and doing a photo shoot

How was your weekend?  Do tell :)


  1. It's cold here too, but sadly no snow. I've been sick and have spent a lot of time in bed sleeping. I should have known it was coming by the low energy I had all last week. Great shot of the deer. We have deer all over the place, but I never have a camera when I see one.
    PS- pretty cupcake and I hope it was delicious.

  2. Beautiful photo of the deer and sounds like a wonderful weekend except for the weather.

  3. What a brave deer! Nice shot. Besides the brilliant sunshine, my weekend was made perfect by a lovely nap this afternoon :)

  4. only two???? that looks good enough to have a dozen.....and a big belly ache. worth it, right?

  5. It is bitterly cold here too and the wind is really blowing. I don't want to go out at all. Frodo knows how to keep warm. Great photos. I love the deer and now I really want a cupcake. You are brave to out to dinner in this weather. I am happy crafting. You can see what I am doing here: http://cathiescraftworks.blogspot.com/2015/02/slow-saturday-stitching-progress.html#comment-form

  6. It's been really cold here and more of the same in the forecast. The girls and I volunteered at an elementary school 5 k this Saturday and it was only in the low 20's. Brrr - I felt bad for all the runners that showed up. Greg tested our new electric smoker this weekend, so we were able to enjoy some delicious food. I bet it's really nice to be knitting on the blanket right now, the extra warmth must be nice. :-)

  7. Well it's been in the 50 s and super warm....whaaaah, I need snow. Hopefully it will warm up a little in your neck of the woods- cabin fever is tough, poor Frodo.
    Your blanket looks lovely and so does that cupcake :)

  8. I love the photo of the deer. Poor pup - it's amazing that the deer fare so well. The blanket is looking great. Have a good week and stay warm!

  9. Stay warm, Karen! You blanket is growing and very pretty. Would love to see you modeling your new sweater! Our weekend was good. It's nice to be back home, and we even had some sunshine!

  10. We see deer a lot too. But what I would like to see when I have my camera in my hand is a moose. I've seen them, but never had my camera handy. Your sock blanket looks awesome though even if it is never ending!

  11. i hope it gets a bit warmer for you and Frodo... we had a lovely,balmy,valentine weekend here in the west coast. I also finished my training sessions and am ready to volunteer. Can;t wait so see your finished sweater!!

  12. Can't wait to see your sweater!! =) Poor Frodo; I hope it warms enough for a good outing! Your scrap blanket is looking so good, Karen. I love it! Have a wonderful Monday. blessings ~ tanna

  13. Boy, Karen, I hear 'ya when it comes to those frigid temps. It is still only -3 here this morning (Monday) and it is almost 8:00! Staying inside and making granola sounds like a good agenda for today. :) Looking forward to seeing that beautiful orange sweater! http://jesusweadorethee.blogspot.com/2015/02/weekends_16.html

  14. Love your scrap blanket, I've been working on mine this weekend too. Perfect snowy weather knitting for you.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me! If I never had to go anywhere I wouldn't be upset at all! I love being home. Winter isn't so bad if the deep freeze would stay around 32! :) Those below zero and horrible wind chills make dislike the winter anymore. Right now we are getting our second snow fall of the year. It's right about 5 inches at the moment and still coming down. I'm glad it is not feet like out east!

  16. Better late than never! http://adeolainwonderland.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/the-love-weekend.html

  17. So lovely! Your blanket progress is wonderful.
    I saw a few snippets of your beautiful sweater on Flickr. Gorgeous!!

  18. Seems like a wonderful week-end. Those cupcakes look divine! I would have had 3. :-)
    Have a lovely week. xo

  19. Oh, Karen! Your sweater turned out so well, the fit seems just perfect! I love cardigans and will have to add this one to my queue. :) We've had a small herd of deer hanging around our place; a mama with twins born last year, I think, as well as others that like to sleep in our lower field. Yummy looking cupcakes! :) My weekend was filled with sunshine, cleaning up the garden, and dinner & a movie with Dan!

  20. The cake looks scrummy!!! Glad that you had a good weekend! xx

  21. What a stunning shot of the deer. Those cupcakes look delicious!


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