Life is Good

Ever do slowly does this blanket grow.  One day I shall be finished with it.  When I started this blanket, first my son claimed ownership, then my daughter and my husband.  I declared "it's mine!" but really let's be honest, the blanket belongs to Frodo.  He sees me working on it and jumps up and sits beside me on the sofa.

He gives me upside down spiderman glares (reference to the first spiderman movie where there is an upside down kiss) until I place the blanket on him.  If Frodo could speak he woulds say "ahh, finally she understood me".  He sleeps in his woolen cocoon until I leave the sofa.

The vet called and Frodo does not have Lyme disease, phew.  He is just taking his time getting over his teeth cleaning.  Maybe he was a little disgruntled about the whole process.  I also think he is  tired of winter.  Whatever his reason, he has perked up and it will be quite a while before he needs to have his teeth cleaned again.

We celebrated my husband's birthday this week.  There was cake and there was german chocolate brownies.  Sugar in massive amounts just doesn't agree with me any more.  Gone are the days of eating a piece of cake and not feeling the effects.  Sometimes getting older isn't much fun.  However, I celebrate that I can walk just about anywhere (weather permitting) and can do my yoga and have good health overall.  I intend to be fit and healthy to the best of my abilities.

Truly life is good.

Have a good restful weekend!


  1. Yes life is good!!!
    Frodo's blanket is coming along so nicely, I do love all the happy colors. I'm glad he doesn't have any bug bites and hopeful soon he can be running around outside protecting the yard from bunnies.
    Happy birthday to your husband. I hear you about sugar and just 'junk' in general, it makes me feel lousy. Hooray for yoga, I've practiced two weeks straight!
    Enjoy a great weekend.

    1. Each week I've made progress with my yoga, I feel so good after wards that it makes me want to do more.

  2. Love your new blog look- very nice header Karen!
    That blanket is the best, so organic in color way- love that there wasn't a specific pattern- it just cam from your heart.
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Thanks! I love dogwoods and they grow in my yard.

  3. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Frodo has excellent taste in knitwear/comfort. Happy Birthday to your husband! And, kudos for your choosing a healthy lifestyle. This aging... it's not for sissies. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  4. Your blanket is beautiful. I am right there with you on the sugar thing.

  5. It's a beautiful blanket :) Hope you have a lovely weekend

  6. Oh how lucky Frodo is to have you making him such a beautiful blanket :) Love your new header...spring is coming!!! Have the most wonderful weekend Karen.

  7. The blanket is a beautiful journey! Have a wonderful celebratory weekend!

  8. I am so impressed by your blanket progress and am so glad your Frodo was not diagnosed with Lymes. Is that a dogwood blossoming? It's supposed to be almost 70 here this weekend! :)

    1. yes, from my front yard last year. Love photoing them!

  9. The blanket is looking lovely & I love all the fun yarns :) So glad to hear Frodo is doing better. Here's to good health!

    1. thank you so much, here's to health is right!

  10. Love this knitted blanket, but I love scrappy blankets, [quilts] etc. Did you follow a pattern? Would love to know how this is done. Have great day, enjoy your blog.

    1. thanks, the pattern is the ten stitch blanket on ravelry.

  11. Yes, life is very good!! Frodo is a lucky pup, the blanket is just gorgeous!! Happy Birthday to your hubby.

  12. The blanket is looking fabulous!!! Way to go Frodo....i'd say you have impeccable taste in knitwear!!!

  13. I love Frodo's blanket ... and I'm glad he is in recovery !!! Sugar overload doesn't do me any good either... i find i always have to eat some almonds with my sweets. Happy birthday to your hubbie !!

    1. never thought to try almonds, thanks for the tip.

  14. we are blessed, no question; I am reducing sugar this Lent and well, it's not always easy but I know it's important! :) Have a good weekend!

  15. Frodo is getting an amazing blanket! I'm so glad he is feeling better. I used to get Magnificat monthly back when I was able to go to daily Mass. I miss it! And it is true Karen - as long as we have our health we are truly blessed.

  16. IF we can get past this day when we say goodbye to our oldest dearest cat, then I can rest. She deserves to be in peace. how is the rosary book going?

  17. I love this blanket and am not surprised that Frodo covets it, he has excellent taste! Popeye has been acting oddly as well and like you I can't help but wonder if it is cabin fever. He is so used to nice long walks and this winter they have been far and few between! Have a lovely weekend, Karen!

  18. I think it's great the blanket has taken on it's own story and Frodo has taken it on for himself! The last picture full of happy things makes me, well ... happy!

  19. It's fascinating watching this grow ... maybe Frodo feels the same way.

  20. The blanket is amazing! I so impressed with those of you who can stick with that project.

    You have to have cake now and then. It's required!

  21. Your blanket is so pretty. I love the story that comes with the knitting. Sugar is a culprit. I am with you. A little is a treat but too much and I don't feel good. Yoga and walking make me feel better though. Have a good weekend.

  22. Love the reference to spiderman! Please post a picture! The sock blanket is looking great the colors are beautiful. :)

  23. It is a true delight, l love the blanket. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  24. Happy Birthday to your husband!! I am glad that Frodo is alright and not sick, I hope that he and you can enjoy some more snuggle time under the blanket together this weekend - it looks really great!! xx

  25. That blanket is so beautiful! I can see why everyone in the family wants it! Hope Frodo is feeling better soon! Enjoy your weekend.

  26. Your blanket is looking beautiful! I'm sure Frodo is pleased with your progress. :)
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

  27. Glad to hear Frodo is ok, and I would also try and claim that blanket, it's stunning!

  28. The blanket is looking amazing! As you look closer and closer at it, it just gets more and more intriguing! Have a restful weekend as well :)

  29. The blanket is amazing! No wonder everyone has their eye on it ;)

  30. First I love the new frsh springy header of your blog! The blanket looks great! I'd claim it too for myself if. I spend many houts days years knitting on such a precious blanket! Good that Frodo doesn't have Lyme!

  31. Your blanket is so lovely. At first glance, I thought it was quilted, the colors are so beautiful, and the knitting so perfect.

  32. Your blanket is looking AWESOME!

  33. Life is wonderful from where I'm sitting... With you on the sugar thing : We are even in a process of reducing dairy, gluten... Every time we take something out of our diet, we think ourselves ridiculous because we don't feel THAT bad, but then we feel better... How much "better" can one person feel? It's got us curious! :-) So happy Frodo is happy and healthy and I cannot WAIT to see your blanket finished.


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